Democrats have, again, learned nothing
Literally choosing a 74 y/o with cancer over a popular leftist candidate.
It’s truly a mystery how the USA ended up like this /s
Democrats have, again, learned nothing
They already know full well they need to make a populist shift to win. They’d rather lose than alienate big money.
They’re in too deep.
Defund the DNC. They’re fucking useless now anyways
Somebody figure out how to make “fuck off” stop the fundraising texts.
ive volunteered for texting campaigns. when you text STOP you believe it’s triggering some program and doing it automatically, but its not. the volunteer sees your response then clicks “mute” or “remove”, it depends on the campaign and the response.
if you type “fuck off”, they will mute the conversation and you won’t get any more messages (until next campaign)
Yeah but I want to tell the person three or four levels up to fuck off, not some idealistic person who thinks these sort of things aren’t just an annoyance.
idealistic smidealistic- I was just doing everything I could to try to keep trump from getting elected. I was suffering from no illusions.
There absolutely are bots that respond to key words.
But sometimes they just flag you as a live phone number.
and you have seen this or worked with them? I have, and on our system it was 100% manual, no bots.
Im not saying it doesnt exist, but have you seen this yourself or are you presuming it
Yes. I’ve evaluated some of the bots for work, we didn’t use them, but that was more because it wasn’t quite what we wanted. (validating employees are at assigned- but frequently distributed- locations and responding to calls/messages.)
you’re acting like this is shocking. It’s not. This is pretty oldschool, actually. Like the ability to bot out actions based on keywords in replies predates smartphones.
im not sure where you got that im acting like it’s shocking… I actually always presumed that the STOP messages would trigger a process that would remove your number from a list automatically like you said.
my post was how I was surprised that when I had volunteered in text banks for both the biden and harris campaigns, we’d receive STOP (quite often more colorful versions of that) and we’d manually remove them, or just hide the conversation without removing them depending on a few things.
we were there to respond to people who responded though. the initial message would say something about how we would like to know if we can count on your vote, and people would write back asking about polling places or getting a lift to the polls as a disabled person, or did we know that the candidate was involved in ritual infanticide, etc.
That really isn’t how that is supposed to work… I’m surprised and shocked it is this way for campaigns.
In all of my experience as an engineer, all SMS gateway apps will automatically remove the number when you text stop.
The reason is because it’s rife for abuse should you let the organization handling the messaging handle stop themselves.
IE, muting the conversation or making continuous messages to it will cause the sms gateway number’s reputation to fall which can affect their business
Report the number as Spam
You could always send dick pics. I’m sure if you don’t have one or don’t want to send your own, there’s plenty of people willing to send ‘em to you.
Ask pretty much any woman, they’ve probably had a few they don’t want.
We have tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas!
For all the neoliberal Dems crow about Republicans choosing party over country, this is what choosing party over country looks like. The corporate wing of the party would literally choose fascism over leftism.
The corporate wing of the party would literally choose fascism over leftism.
They have before and they will again.
Everyone please wait your turn, we still have half a century of backlog before progress can be considered.
Pelosi right now
Hopefully his cancer takes him soon. That would be a fitting divine punishment for his hubris and refusal to have a shred of dignity and retire at an appropriate time. People who demand power “because it’s my turn” are despicable sociopaths. Damning a nation for their own vanity. His soul is as diseased as his body.
Humans gonna human.
The reason Pelosi’s doing this is because she’s scared shitless of the future but can’t come to terms with her part in this mess. If you listen to her speak candidly about Trump (the NYT interview is a great example) you can tell she legitimately fears for her life after what happened to her husband. As a result, she actually believes that the only way to save the country is to move right. She’s wrong of course and the data bears that out but there’s a large contingent of the Democratic base that agrees and she doesn’t have to look far for a permission structure.
That’s because they’ve been manufacturing consent since Clinton. The incessant need to be bipartisan without it being returned means Democrats are justifying further right policies every cycle, just to say they worked across the aisle. The people that want the Dems to move further right are Republicans who left because of the Tea Party. And MSNBC/CNN are all over it too.
She should be scared
the conservative democrats strike again. worthless, all of them.
Ah, the familiar feeling of disappointment by the Democrats
He is 74 years old
So they consider him one of the young bucks?
And has cancer, and not one of the good ones. Esophageal cancer has a ~15% 1 year survival rate in the US. Obviously if caught early prognosis is much better but it is a rare one to catch early.
I’m not a medical professional, but I would assume this would also hinder your speaking abilities.
I know there are many ways he could communicate alternatively, but congress person seems like a job where talking is important.
Fuck this evil bitch, she is clearly determined to die in her fucking chair just like Feinstein and RBG. Fuck all three of those greedy fucking pieces of shit.
At least Nancy can continue to directly profit via the stock market while she continues to play the failed queen maker.
She holds plenty of the blame for our fallen democracy too.
Pelosi needs an Adjustor.
Weegee time
MAGA took over the GOP in 4 years.
Time for progressives and other leftists to do the same to the Democrats.
Democrats: Make sure progressives lose. Democrats lose peoples vote.
Democrats: We should pivot right to win. Democrats lose election.
Democrats: Progressive don’t vote, we should pivot even mmore to the right.
All the while raking in billions of dollars from the people of the country.
Kinda sorry to hear that, but won’t go batshit crazy about it. AOC will be just fine. She’s evolved into quite a Congress Critter, and is one of the top communicators in the House. Her time will surely come. She’ll be around for a long time if that’s what she wants to do. Dems have gone new blood on 5 committee chairs.
It’s AOC’s turn when she turns 75!
She could get the chair in 2 years, and then it might be the ranking chair
don’t worry Charlie we won’t pull the football away this time
Connelly is pretty well regarded in the caucus.
Raskin wanted Nadlers chair on Judiciary. Nadler ended up telling him he was going to retire anyway and go ahead.
Committee chairs aren’t the be all and end all. Looks like some people around here are probably more upset than AOC herself.
Her time will surely come. She’ll be around for a long time if that’s what she wants to do.
After the water wars and world war 3 surely.