Photon looks a bit different - it’s still on the side, but there are collapsible elements.
Voyager looks very different - I don’t even see the sidebar at all, or how to get to it or anything. Oh wait no: if you can manage to get to the community page, then inside the hamburger menu a new option appears for “Sidebar” - like I can see that for this community (except that is not the community name that shows up everywhere else?! it looks like it’s showing purely the short-form version, not the nicknamed/long-form one i.e. “Lemmy.World Announcements” for !\
For those not initiated (or Arch users btw) it seems that it can be quite daunting!
Photon looks a bit different - it’s still on the side, but there are collapsible elements.
Voyager looks very different - I don’t even see the sidebar at all, or how to get to it or anything. Oh wait no: if you can manage to get to the community page, then inside the hamburger menu a new option appears for “Sidebar” - like I can see that for this community (except that is not the community name that shows up everywhere else?! it looks like it’s showing purely the short-form version, not the nicknamed/long-form one i.e. “Lemmy.World Announcements” for !\
For those not initiated (or Arch users btw) it seems that it can be quite daunting!