I was in 5th grade when my dad told me about the Nuremberg trials and the subsequent Milgram experiments.
Edit Wtf you sick perverts, I was talking about when your parents talk to you about authority bias and how you need to be suspicious of power structures that tell you to do things that you would normally consider horrible acts.
Jesus you can’t talk about Nazis without someone dragging out Sex Ed these days smh
I had to learn that stuff on the street
by which I mean the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, 1994 edition.
For me it was the body book at the book fair. I learned what the outside and the inside of a boob looked like that day.
My dad taught me to be a freak in the sheets.
Excel sheets, to be precise.
so you’re a pivot table man, then?
He started at the visual basic level, but now he’s packing a full python experience.
You have no idea how actually true that is.
Look, there must be limits. The amount of sex-demand one would get from doing something like this is beyond what any person could survive
Doomed to it you could say
I was 18 or 19 when my dad scared me straight into learning to drive manual transmission.
My father taught me how to drive on a stick shift car. Several years later when I was able to afford it I bought a used Pontiac GTO stick shift. Best car I ever had. I haven’t driven a manual in decades, but I know if I had to today it would come right back to me
Don’t remember the specific age, but it was something in the vein:
“We gotta talk. You know about the sex stuff?”
“Yeah, no problem. Got the internet. Already a master or better.”
And that was it. But seriously, the internet taught me more than biology class, without all the hoops and whistles.
Pornhub bass riff
Are the Milgram experiments a category on porn hub? I mean if it gives you a little zap who am I to judge?
I was 9 or 10 when my dad taught me about the birds and the bees, I’d missed learning it in school.
i still dont know the birds and the bees metaphor.
Yeah…me neither. I just like the saying.
I was 12 when my dad gave me the talk (the talk about how police will kill you if you aren’t exceptionally polite to them). How having skin our color is very dangerous because police are afraid of us. So no quick movements.
First girlfriend. Was 16 or so. Was coming home from seeing her, walking through the garage with a big dumb smile on my face.
My dad, without even turning to look at me just says;
“Don’t be bringin’ no babies home.”
And that, as they say, was that.
Why is OP shaming sex education?
The lack of proper sex education and making kids feel embarrassed about themselves is one of the main reasons why we have so many issues about sexuality and awareness. Not to mention unwanted pregnancies and STI’s.
Next he’s going to say that Albert Speer deserved more leniency for testifying because his testimony made it easier to convict the others.
There is a 👏 time 👏 and 👏 place 👏
The current time is 1946 and the place is Nuremberg. I’m sorry that we didn’t show Goebbels where the clit was back then, WE HAD PRIORITIES.
“If Simon Wiesenthal can hunt for Nazis, I can hunt for clits!”
-Joseph Goebbels, probably
Figured it out on my own somehow pretty early… being a Jew in the 80s, people still remembered and it mattered. You knew people with numbers on their arms.
My son has understood since 1st grade. He watched X-Men 97 and jumped up saying the fascists attacking mutants were like Nazis and the Holocaust.
We talk about our family military history on both sides of the family, and their roles in WW2. I’m very proud to be an American taught to abhor injustice, and see it in my son’s nature.
I was 14 when my dad sat me down and told me how to behave around cops.
Dad? What’s a dad? Jokes aside, I was educated by the internet … I wouldn’t really trust my parents with any of that information.
Never did. I think we were still waiting for his dad to give him “the talk”.
They’ve both passed now. :(
Damn, he never learned how to have sex :(
Yeah, my parents never had any kind of talks with me.
I had an encyclopedia though.
Everything I needed to know I learnt from Microsoft Encarta.
When is the remaster coming out? This is the right era to re-release Mindmaze.
Either rewritten for modern perspectives, or with asterix footnotes. There’s bound to be something un-pc in there.
Still, that’s the reason I win at trivia. It would make for great short form content clips.
reincarnating encarta?.. reincarta?
We had schools, teaching both about nazis and sex ed, because it’s too important to leave up to whatever parent someone happened to get
What is “the talk”? Next time, write the question more clearly…
Obviously it was about the Milgram experiments and until you read past the title you should keep taking your Adderall 😤
Incomprehensible, may God have mercy on you soul