Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church has said that there is no need to stir up fear around nuclear weapons, as Christians are not afraid of the end of the world.

Kirill added that this “does not mean that we should sit by idly”.

“On the contrary, our earthly mission is to be the Lord’s soldiers … to resist evil and defend high moral ideals. This is the goal setting in Russia,” he said.

          3 months ago

          Totally original idea man, imagine if Netflix made a show showing the parallels of vampires and Catholics.

          3 months ago

          Perhaps normal “interpretation”, but a spectacular misinterpretation of what he meant…

          What you eat is the body/living-substance of LivingSpirit

          What you drink is the “blood”/essence of LivingSpirit

          ALL living-food is sacred.

          He was telling people to focus on the prana they were eating/drinking, but in an Abrahamic-religion translation of it, & we’ve only got a distorted rendition of it to go from, too.

          Try comparing it with what the Hopi say, & see how it’s the same thing, just in differen lingo…

          ( & yes, the way the Christian bible distorts things sometimes makes it nearly-impossible to see-through-the-cultural-gunk,

          but once cracked-open, truth can be remarkably resilient )

          ( a completely-unrelated brilliant-insight in their bible is in Rev:

          the John who wrote Rev was given the Book of Truth to eat…

          in his mouth, syrupy-sweet…

          in his belly, bitter…

          Superficial-symbolic-truth is syrupy-sweet.

          Digested-truth, experience-induced-understanding-that-goes-right-through, is bitter.

          Perfectly nailed the diff between superficial-symbolic-“truth” and bitter-all-context-considered-all-confounding-factors-too-Truth.

          I’ve never seen any Christian identifying that profound psychological-truth, as what it is: they just memorize stuff by rote, not really-understand it?

          shruggeth )

          _ /\ _

            3 months ago

            Uhm. This is why historical context is incredibly important when talking about these things.

            Jesus was the son of a carpenter. he wasn’t exactly wealthy, by any means. He certainly didn’t have the resources to take a trip to India to study anything- such a trip would have taken at least a year just to travel.

            He was raised in the Jewish tradition and taught their religious teachings, which, most certainly did not include the philosophies of other religions. Suffice it to say, that Jesus was thoroughly Jewish his both his understanding of the world about him, and how he expressed that understanding.

            Further to the point, when jesus was at what we now call “the last supper”… he was not speaking to a bunch of Hindus. he was speaking to a bunch of Jewish men. Even if he had been aware that Hindus exist at all- never mind having studied their teachings and philosophies- he wouldn’t be relating such in that place at that time.

            When he says “this is my body” or however you want to translate that, he meant it to be a more literal symbolism than you ascribe. in jewish tradition, when an animal was brought to the temple for sacrifice, it was common for only a small part of that animal to be burned at the altar. the rest of that animal was then divided between the priests and the petitioner (or it went entirely to the priests, or it was the less-common sort that was entirely burned. it depends on the reason for the sacrifice).

            he was speaking to jewish men. He was establishing a new sort of sacrificial offering (the right of communion.) and while the disciples didn’t fully understand what he meant, they figured it out pretty damn quickly. he was saying he’s the ‘final’ sacrifice, and therefore- as part of the ritual offering- his followers were to symbolically consume his flesh and blood.

            now Catholics take that a step further and follow a doctrine that says the communion bread and wine literally become such during the right (it’s called ‘transubstantiation’). But he was ultimately talking about how he was a sacrifice and he was establishing a new sort of ritual for his followers.

            This was an echo of already-established jewish tradition. he wasn’t drawing on hindu or hopi or any one else’s teachings. he was drawing on jewish tradition surrounding sacrificial offerings and echoing that. because he and his followers were jewish.

              3 months ago

              1stly, feel free to completely-disregard everything I say,

              not-only here, but everywhere.

              Feel free to report my comments for removal, because I’m not saying what establishment is saying.

              Feel free to downvote everything I’ve ever said, because it’s said by somebody who doesn’t obey establishment’s “view”.

              I’m Empiricist: that’s my religion.

              It’s a religion hated by ALL ideologies/prejudices/“religions”/programmings which are adamant that their non-allowing-falsification is valid,

              & that contradictory-evidence is “violation” of their “authoritative” belief.

              So, I invite you to “join the majority” & contempt “me” & all meanings that appear to be of “me”.

              ( I’d rather be honestly-contempted than dishonestly “accepted”, by all : )

              Now for the presented-position… ( this may have to be chopped into multiple-pieces, simply because of the character-limit-per-comment: it’s rigorous )

              I’m not saying he was repeating/parroting other-traditions.

              I AM saying that he dug into all he could, of multiple traditions, and there is stark evidence IN the “New Testament”/New-Covenant itself that he was Buddhist, to any competent Buddhist,

              ( expect a competent botanist to see botanical-evidence that nobody-else sees, expect a competent geek to see logical-evidence that normal people don’t see, expect competent Buddhists to see evidence of it where people ignorant of it, don’t see it.

              That is natural. : )

              The ideology/“religion” that “all swans are white: if it isn’t white, it can’t be a valid swan”

              is falsifiable by the existence, anywhere, anywhen, of any non-white swan.

              Australian black swans falsify it, outright.

              WHEN someone who is devout-to-the-belief rejects falsification, they’re practicing dogma, not Science/Empiricism.

              That is the bedrock of all truth, in my worldview.

              Therefore, ANY true evidence which falsifies ANY believed-in-belief, can force, within Empiricism, worldview-change, right?

              Evidence showing benJoseph was Eastern-educated/learned is irrefutable.


              is ONLY working within the New Testament:

              Gospel of Mary is on top of that evidence.

              Notovich’s reporting of what Hemis Monastery had, re his “lost years” is corroborated/proven by what’s in Gospel of Mary, which has no justification to exist, otherwise…

              As “The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible” noted, the way benJoseph named the bible was Essene, and NOT any other faction’s way.

              It’s near the beginning of that book, where this is noted…


              'Qumran (4QMMT): “And we have also written to you so that you may have discernment in the book of Moses and in the books of the Prophets and in Dav[id].”

              (It is interesting to note that Jesus uses almost the same terminology in Luke 24:44:

              “. . . that everything written about me in the Law of Moses, in the Prophets, and in the Psalms must be fulfilled.”)’

              Habits, including naming-habits, are automatic.

              I don’t for an instant believe that was either faked, in the Christian bible, or magically insignficant/non-evidence different-from-normal-Jew’s-phrasing.

              Here’s proof that that book’s statement checks-out:


              My habit of using the term OceanOfAllAwakeSouls for G-D is likewise a naming-habit that gives-away the fundamental identity of my entire religion.

              Some “little” habits are BIG keys.

              ANY presumption that he grew-up in a Pharisee, or other major-faction, childhood/youthhood, would be standing on … rather tenuous ground, given that bit of evidence.

              Essenes were outcasts/aliens, from normal Judaism’s reality.

              ( I am using links specifically because of the reviews AND the readable-samples, for the ebooks. )

              Both of these are excellent:



              I’m *explicitly NOT recommending “The New New Testament”, which rendered a muddled blob of mess, which DISincludes the evidences that both King & Mattison gave cleanly.

              1. “Space Conqueror” simply has no business being in ANY Abrahamic-religion work, of ANY kind: it’s from an entirely-different system-of-knowing.

     for leverage in understanding why that term would be Buddhist-normal,

              In my eyes Jewish origin for it? … absurd/impossible.

              1. the odd use of the word “powers”. Read the screamingly-advanced ( compared with Western psychology ) book by Beth Jacobs “The Original Buddhist Psychology”,

              in which she realized that the diagram of the root elemental processes in a single-perception, were the same, as described by Buddha Gautama & as described by modern neurological-science machines. ( EEG, MEG, fMRI, individual-neuron-measuring, the connectome’s mapping, etc )

              Her entire book is just an intro to the original Buddhist psychology, btw.


              For the “main meal” of it, you’d need to read this monster, which without Beth Jacobs’ intro, isn’t going to work, for most humans

     Manual of Abhidhamma.pdf

              ( other books, there: )

              1. Stainless-Soul/Continuum doctrine, which exactly-contradicts Catholic “original sin” doctrine.

              Stainless-Continuum doctrine has no root in any Abrahamic-religion which accepts the intentionally-adulterated Genesis ( which I get-to later ) … this is essence-of-Buddhism itself.


              gives you the same concept, in that-concept’s modern-world home, Vajrayana.

              I’m NOT accepting any “disallowing” of surprising-to-establishment-evidence IN the New Testament, OR in Gospel of Mary.

              Evidence shows what benJoseph’s nature actually was.

              IF someone’s establishment/ideology/religion prohibits the evidence from the New Testament, as shown in Thomas Ragland’s book, from being valid,

              AND it prohibits the evidence in “Gospel of Mary” also from being valid,

              AND it prohibits the evidence in Notovich’s report of what Hemis Monastery had, which justifies “Gospel of Mary”, outright,

              then fine, that’s their unfalsifiable-belief, & therefore their constitutional religious-right.

              Empiricism’s my religion: WHEN evidence falsifes a worldview, that worldview is falsified. Period.

              Adapt, move-on, hold-to-what-is-true, & evolve, as G-D intended, right?

              ( copy-paste from my mindmap of the pieces of this broke, so … it’ll be continued in Part-2 : )

                3 months ago


                So, no, I simply don’t accept that all that evidence “isn’t valid”, “doesn’t count”, & “has no basis”, as many have insisted is “authoritatively established”.

                Gospel of Mary is evidence that had a cause, & that cause was esoteric-Buddhism, through benJoseph, to Mary.

                ( it is theoretically-possible that some powerful-conspiracy faked it, many centuries ago, … but … not bloody likely, is it? )

                Evidences I’ve pointed-out all are ignored/denied by establishment.

                There are other evidences, but ideology which rejects these, has no problem rejecting all the rest, too,

                so therefore I’m not going to bother identifying any more, beyond this stuff

                ( ANY reader’s ideology, not specifically the ideology/preset-belief of the one I’m replying to! Write for the reasoning to stand on its own! : )

                & my Empiricist ideology/“religion” is equally nonvalid in the eyes of all ideologies/“religions” which reject/contempt Empiricism, right?

                Ideologies/“religions” are “self-sufficient”, & reject falsification, automatically!

                All pack-animals, herd-beasts, & animals-with-social-identity have some kind of imprint->reaction mind.

                ( Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast and Slow” is the key to understanding this ideology/prejudice/“religion”/programming mind’s nature, & contrasting it against considered-reasoning, the other mind-system his work showed


                that is the single-most-important-book in all psychology, right now, for understanding why ideology’s rising, fighting-off considered-reasoning, throughout our entire planet,

                & will continue doing-so, as stress energizes the animal-pack-dominance circuitry throughout humankind’s limbic-brains & brainstems )

                Empiricism insists that WHEN evidence falsifies one’s worldview, THEN one HAS TO accept that, & adapt to new/more-open worldview.

                NEVER have I encountered any politically-motivated one, or any “religious” one, or any doctor, or for that matter any pusher-of-Scientism, including the fundamentalist neo-atheists, … who would accept evidence’s falsifying their fundamental-identity-tied-beliefs…

                Not even once.

                I’ve seen an article on how some guy noticed that in Science people are supposed to argue then change-their-mind if the evidence or reasoning justifies it, but … he was openly admitting he’d never seen that done!

                Not by him, not by ANYone!

                I’ve done it, but I’m autistic, so am defective, according to valid-people…

                My childhood was Catholic, but that got falsified by the evidence which meditations, themselves put in me.

                To presume that the meditations didn’t also put objective-truth in benJoseph, is to presume that meditations simply don’t produce that category of result, which many ideologies/religions do presume.

                The Essenes had “The Book of Meditation”, which was important to them.

                Where would someone brought-up with The Book of Meditation go, to dig into the root of meditation?


                Is there any evidence that meditation was central to benJoseph’s religion?

                Here’s an entire book on that:

                ( that book, like all Christian stuff, ignores the fact that John kept calling benJoseph “rabbi”, while railing against the false “Jews”.

                Gospel of John didn’t have falsifying-quotes, as we modern-people have, for indicating bitter-sarcasm.

                Rev explicitly states “those who call themselves Jews, but are not”.

                However, by “conveniently” ignoring that John was attacking only the false “Jews”, “Christianity” “justified” holocausting Jews for centuries.


                take that same concept, false-Jews, & map it into John, & suddenly his repeating of “rabbi” for benJoseph, while railing against the “Jews”, … suddenly that identifies that John had no problem with real Jews, only gaslighters who falsely-claimed they were Jewish-religion living…

                How much mass torture-murder did Christianity enforce against Jews, for sake of that “convenient” misinterpretation??

                Spoto didn’t crack the disinformation, so therefore take his main-point, but he got this point wrong, & anguished over his misinterpretation-of-the-evidence. )

                Established-belief’s never accepting Universe’s falsification of it, is to be expected, of ideology/“religion”/programming, right?

                I can’t remember the book which identified it, but it’s obvious to those who’ve been-there,

                that he was sometimes speaking from human-perspective, & at other-times he was simply a kind of empty-vase, through-which greater-meaning was speaking,

                ( I’m later including an excerpt from Notovich’s book, which also makes this clear-as-day, btw, below )

                & as that book mentioned, that was automatically-understood at the time, because that was a mode people were aquainted-with,

                but nowadays it’s automatically disallowed as any kind of potential,

                so therefore people in the new-view simply aren’t seeing what was normal, in that context…

                Joseph of Aramathea was weathy, & gave him a grave, & I’ve read he traveled around, from England to Asia, for his tin-mine/tin-trade business, too,

                so maintaining that there was “no basis” as many say, for him to have done any such thing, when he could simply have participated in that trade-route, & got everywhere he needed-to,

                doesn’t wash as a “proof” that he never did any such thing.

                ( & pretending that “the lost years” & his NOT being married were … oddities which somehow “don’t count” … isn’t even worth respecting as intellectually-honest.

                He lived different his entire life, not just suddenly beginning at the age of 29-ish. )

                ( these are just off the top of my head, read Thomas Ragland’s book, if you care to see evidence with your own eyes… )

                New Testament:

                “what a Continuum/Soul sows, it cannot escape reaping” === karma.

                his absolutely-correct statement about all who are not “born in LivingSpirit” not being saved:

                he was talking of Bodhichitta, exactly as the ancient rishis of Hinduism were talking about:

                ( nobody who has experienced it CAN misunderstand what he was saying )

                G-D’s religion’s bedrock is bodhichitta.

                I experienced it once, & it is completely worldview-altering, even if one experiences it for only a single second.

                benJoseph was right: without the unlimited frame-of-reference of bodhichitta, aka Ahimsa-GNOSIS, then one doesn’t even know what LivingSpirit means, in its frame-of-reference.

                ( that got cut by the char-limit, to there’s a Part3 next, sorry for the rigorous-correctness, people, but breaking disinformation, when it’s really established, takes correctness… : )

                  3 months ago


                  then scroll down to section IV, & begin reading there…

                  You will notice the COHERENCY of this stuff, with the record of benJoseph in the New Testament…

                  Ignoring this as evidence, when Gospel of Mary corroborates it in a completely-surprising way, … that’s ideology, not Empiricism…

                  this excerpt is section V.

                  1. In his fourteenth year, young Issa, the Blessed One, came this side of the Sindh and settled among the Aryas, in the country beloved by God.

                  2. Fame spread the name of the marvellous youth along the northern Sindh, and when he came through the country of the five streams and Radjipoutan, the devotees of the god Djaïne asked him to stay among them.

                  3. But he left the deluded worshippers of Djaïne and went to Djagguernat, in the country of Orsis, where repose the mortal remains of Vyassa-Krishna, and where the white priests of Brahma welcomed him joyfully.

                  4. They taught him to read and to understand the Vedas, to cure physical ills by means of prayers, to teach and to expound the sacred Scriptures, to drive out evil desires from man and make him again in the likeness of God.

                  5. He spent six years in Djagguernat, in Radjagriha, in Benares, and in other holy cities. The common people loved Issa, for he lived in peace with the Vaisyas and the Sudras, to whom he taught the Holy Scriptures.

                  6. But the Brahmins and the Kshatnyas told him that they were forbidden by the great Para-Brahma to come near to those who were created from his belly and his feet;1

                  7. That the Vaisyas might only hear the recital of the Vedas, and this only on the festal days, and

                  8. That the Sudras were not only forbidden to attend the reading of the Vedas, but even to look on them; for they were condemned to perpetual servitude, as slaves of the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas and even the Vaisyas.

                  9. “Death alone can enfranchise them from their servitude,” has said Para-Brahma. “Leave them, therefore, and come to adore with us the gods, whom you will make angry if you disobey them.”

                  10. But Issa, disregarding their words, remained with the Sudras, preaching against the Brahmins and the Kshatriyas.

                  11. He declaimed strongly against man’s arrogating to himself the authority to deprive his fellow-beings of their human and spiritual rights. “Verily,” he said, “God has made no difference between his children, who are all alike dear to Him.”

                  12. Issa denied the divine inspiration of the Vedas and the Puranas, for, as he taught his followers,—"One law has been given to man to guide him in his actions:

                  13. “Fear the Lord, thy God; bend thy knees only before Him and bring to Him only the offerings which come from thy earnings.”

                  14. Issa denied the Trimurti and the incarnation of Para-Brahma in Vishnu, Siva, and other gods; “for,” said he:

                  15. "The eternal Judge, the eternal Spirit, constitutes the only and indivisible soul of the universe, and it is this soul alone which creates, contains and vivifies all.

                  16. "He alone has willed and created. He alone has existed from eternity, and His existence will be without end; there is no one like unto Him either in the heavens or on the earth.

                  17. "The great Creator has divided His power with no other being; far less with inanimate objects, as you have been taught to believe, for He alone is omnipotent and all-sufficient.

                  18. "He willed, and the world was. By one divine thought, He reunited the waters and separated them from the dry land of the globe. He is the cause of the mysterious life of man, into whom He has breathed part of His divine Being.

                  19. "And He has put under subjection to man, the lands, the waters, the beasts and everything which He created, and which He himself preserves in immutable order, allotting to each its proper duration.

                  20. "The anger of God will soon break forth upon man; for he has forgotten his Creator; he has filled His temples with abominations; and he adores a multitude of creatures which God has subordinated to him;

                  21. "And to gain favor with images of stone and metal, he sacrifices human beings in whom dwells part of the Spirit of the Most High;

                  22. "And he humiliates those who work in the sweat of their brows, to gain favor in the eyes of the idler who sitteth at a sumptuous table.

                  23. "Those who deprive their brothers of divine happiness will themselves be deprived of it; and the Brahmins and the Kshatriyas shall become the Sudras of the Sudras, with whom the Eternal will stay forever.

                  24. “In the day of judgment the Sudras and the Vaisyas will be forgiven for that they knew not the light, while God will let loose his wrath upon those who arrogated his authority.”

                  25. The Vaisyas and the Sudras were filled with great admiration, and asked Issa how they should pray, in order not to lose their hold upon eternal life.

                  26. "Pray not to idols, for they cannot hear you; hearken not to the Vedas where the truth is altered; be humble and humiliate not your fellow man.

                  27. “Help the poor, support the weak, do evil to none; covet not that which ye have not and which belongs to others.”


                  The Catholicism I was brought-up in held that Pontius Pilate was basically evil, but the Christian bible which instructs this view is contradicting the evidence right in it, in its previous lines!

                  Pontius Pilate fought for rule-of-Just-law, against rule-of-legalism…


                  Here’s the portion of the NT where Pilate finds no guilt in benJoseph, but Herod does, & the Christian Bible falsely asserts that they were allied in Herod’s determination…


                  ( verse 12 is the explicit-disinformation in their bible, the 1st paragraph is 1 of the records in their bible of Pilate’s siding with benJoseph, & with rule-of-Just-law, but being powerless against legalism. Matthew’s record seems to be significantly better, in showing Pilate’s meaning… )

                  I find fighting-with the machiavellian contamination throughout the Abrahamic religions’ texts to be exhausting…

                  That Genesis was rewritten so that “the fruit of the knowledge-of-good-and-evil”,

                  which means MORALITY …

                  … which motherhood established in women, then women shared with men…

                  corroborating that, researchers from Exeter & Bristol universities, studying wasps in Panama, discovered that altruism among wasps is generalized-mothering…


                  exactly as AwakeSoulism/Buddhism had explained that altruism is generalized-mothering literally-millenia ago ( hence the term “all our kind mothers”, referring to the ocean-of-all-other-continuums. Not SurfaceMinds, but Souls/Continuums: the apparentl-level isn’t reality. )…

                  … men perverted their “scripture” from speaking profound-truth, that the-fruit-of-the-knowledge-of-good-and-evil, aka morality/moral-understanding, was eaten by women & shared with men,

                  to, instead, directly putting lies into scripture, to dishonestly accuse women, to justify male-bullying of women?

                  & Catholicism went & perverted that into “original sin”…

                  I happen to find the original truth still-visible in Genesis ( & that bit of G-D chattering insecurely … puh-leeze … how shallow does egotistical-projection have to be, before it gets called-out, by believers?? ).

                  As always, ideology rejects “having eyes to see”, & rejects all outside itself, right?

                  The treachery embodied in Abrahamic “scripture” is tiresome.

                  Gospel of Peter apparently is the root of some of the Matthew/Mark/Luke stuff, & Peter’s testimony that Roman crucifixion meant spikes-through-hands was utterly-baseless…

                  Roman crucifixion was spikes-through-wrists.

                  But, hey, it’s “scripture” so long as it’s pushing a belief, & truth isn’t a dependency, right??

                  like that idiocy in Matthew where it claims benJoseph’s lineage is 1 series, then contradicts itself, claiming it isn’t human-lineage at all…

                  Anything to overwhelm people into “believing”, right?


                  ( :

        3 months ago

        All of the abrahamic religions are. It could probably be argued that Hinduism is as well, at least historically, as far as the caste system basis and such. Not sure what modern Hindu beliefs are whatsoever tho.

    • prole
      3 months ago

      Oh ok, never mind guys, this one random Christian on the internet said it’s ok.

      3 months ago

      A random on the internet christian, or a patriarch. I’m gonna trust the patriarch

        3 months ago

        The neat thing about your statement is that it works both ways, canceling itself out with its own “logic”.

        One random Christian says yes.
        One random Christian says no.

        “Patriarch” is a social construct, everyone is “just a guy”. I do not revere a Christian more or less because they dress up like a wizard.

        3 months ago

        Unsure if sarcastic.

        What if two patriarchs differ? I mean, they already differ because otherwise there’d only be one denomination of Christianity, so which one is right?

        That was a trick question. You aren’t allowed to decide because you’re some random Christian. You can only allow your head to implode.

          3 months ago

          What if two patriarchs differ?

          Then they differ. The Orthodox Churches are autocepalous, that is, self-leading, there’s one per nation – and generally only one, if multiple are operating in the same then because they’re serving their diaspora and there’s no native orthodox church. The Patriarch of Constantinople has a special role among the patriarchs as first among equals but it’s about representation, calling synods, no actual power. Oh, one thing: To declare a Church autocephalous. The Russian Church maintains that it’s the prerogative of the individual Patriarchs to turn internal sub-divisions into new Churches and guess who declared the Ukrainian Orthodox Church autocephalous, and who didn’t, and who the other Patriarchs agree with.

          That was a trick question. You aren’t allowed to decide because you’re some random Christian.

          Christianity in fact has the doctrine of universal priesthood, though it tends to get forgotten: Believers need no mediator to be in contact with god, consequently, god can choose to act through anyone. Luther re-ignited that whole thing which is why Lutherans are saner and much more democratic than Catholics and then America happened making people retroactively think the reformation was a mistake. All you really need is a vision and a following and you’ve got yourself a denomination.

          The truth of it all is that it’s all held together by inertia, tradition, and hastily applied duct tape slowly turning into the former two. Just like anything else in human culture.

            3 months ago

            The unbroken chain of succession is why catholic leadership is typically more sane than Lutheran leadership, though the laity can go either way.

            American Catholics get a bad rap, but in my experience they have two groups that give it to them: the neofrancoists, and the vibes based converts. The average person who grew up a Catholic in America is socially a bit more conservative than the Democratic Party, but votes for them and is more opposed to state enforcement of religious rules than American Protestants. Think JFK and Biden.

            I’ll also say that the rejection of sola fide and the reasonable hope for salvation by works alone are probably the things that temper Catholics the most. But really you get everyone from Alito to Dorothy Day under the umbrella of American Catholics. if you’ve done a lot of left wing activism in America you’ve probably worked alongside people who felt called to do so by their Catholic faith

              3 months ago

              I’m sorry but it wasn’t Lutheran leadership which systematically and institutionally covered for, protected, and enabled, paedophiles, and you dare talk back to me about sanity. That “unbroken chain of succession” is a massive source of hubris and self-righteousness. It’s also a myth there’s been plenty of broken links in that chain.

              And why would sola fide need to be tampered: The difference here between Lutheran and Catholic positions, both accepting sola gratia, is that faith is the result of that grace, its acceptance, faith cannot be without grace. Your works aren’t god’s grace. Your prayer and your worship isn’t god’s grace, only god’s grace is god’s grace. You’ll see it at the heaven’s gates, you’ll see definite proof of it, all you need is to not reject it once you have that proof. You really think an omnibenevolent and omnipotent god would create a world with plenty reason for doubt but then “haha gotcha, stupid” people into hellfire.

      3 months ago

      I’m pretty sure y’all are in fact ordered to take care of it and serve as good stewards of it. Also I seem to recall a rule against killing, and a guy advocating peace among all people

  • Cyv_
    3 months ago

    You should have the right to believe and worship whatever you want, but this attitude of “oh if the world ends it’s God’s plan” is so fucking shitty. Maybe try to fix the world and work with what we have instead of putting all your eggs in the basket of “at least we have heaven after”. For those who don’t subscribe to your particular brand of comforting lies, we want to take care of the world we have, not piss it away thinking it’s the free trial edition of life.

      3 months ago

      They dont relate responsibility and dominion. They think having dominion of something means you dont have to take care of it.

      3 months ago

      Holy shit, it’s shareware from way back when. Free to try, but do a ritual and pay us a tithe when you’re ready to really commit and until then please still share us with all your friends. It’s free, after all!

      3 months ago

      Maybe try to fix the world and work with what we have instead of putting all your eggs in the basket of “at least we have heaven after”.

      I mean he says exactly that.

    3 months ago

    Empty words. Not only they don’t belive in their god, but also such a god, if existed, would hardly be happy of destruction of the world he created. So, if there are different sorts of hell, those who are responsible of world destruction would go to the worst sort of it.

    3 months ago

    Yeah, let’s all follow the guy that thinks he’ll be at the front of the line in the afterlife that doesn’t exist.

    3 months ago

    I mean are any of us at this point? Aren’t we all just kind of wishing for it? Let’s get this shit over with.

      3 months ago

      My favourite theory is we’re all dead and in purgatory, being teased with the end ofnthe world.

    3 months ago

    Ok, but they should logically be afraid of causing it. The only reason not to be afraid of the end of the world is if you’re going to the good afterlife.

    3 months ago

    Russia must be close to collapsing for them to be saying this sort of thing. Remember, nukes require all sorts of expensive things to work. Things that get stolen or scammed in a kleptocracy like Russia. Putin cannot depend on real knowledge of his arsenals readiness. Lots if not most all of his nukes won’t work. But almost all of the West’s will. Does even a crazy man risk it under this situation?

    • Flying
      3 months ago

      Nah, this has been the position of the Russian Orthodox Church for a very long time. They bless Russia’s nuclear weapons. This isn’t new.