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Swedish authorities say they have detected a Chinese ship moving near two telecoms cables that failed within hours of each other on the Baltic Sea bed in recent days.

Prosecutors in Stockholm have launched a preliminary investigation into suspected sabotage, hours after Germany dubbed the cable failure part of a “hybrid operation”.

On Sunday morning at about 10am, Swedish authorities registered problems with a data cable under the Baltic Sea from the Öland island to Lithuania. At 4am on Monday, telecoms operators in Finland and Germany reported problems with another cable called C-Lion-1.

Both cables were damaged in the Swedish economic zone, prompting prosecutors in Stockholm to take the investigation lead.

          4 months ago

          Is the rest of my statement incorrect? It will take decades for Europe to ween itself off of China. Until then, China has a lot of power in Europe - and so does the USA.

          Europe is the smaller player caught between the US and China. It doesn’t want to develop its own industries for fear of being called “protectionist”, it relies on the US for military protection, it relies on China for a dizzying amount and range of products, materials, and resources, and lets its citizens be heavily influenced by US media.

          Until Europe grows a pair and becomes more self-sufficient in terms of energy, good, and services, it will stay acquiescent to the aforementioned powers.

              3 months ago

              Yes, of course. It’s why we have a relatively stable peace. But we can’t ignore that the EU is the weaker of the dependents, which is what I’m saying.

                3 months ago

                The EU has an economy the size of the US (if you include the UK), and bigger than China.

                How do you think when you say europe is weaker? Weaker in some specific thing?

            4 months ago

            Or, our elites profit greatly from the US induced, China manufactured, product consumerism for landfills. They also benefit greatly from the US borne “print money capitalism” which basically eschews competition in favour of just printing money and buying the competitor. Once our beloved ruling class stops huffing dollarium we’ll be fine.

              4 months ago

              Once our beloved ruling class stops huffing dollarium we’ll be fine.

              We can be passive observers and just “let it happen to us” or do something. Vote with our feet, wallets, and of course actually vote. They aren’t going to suddenly change “actually, you know what? I don’t like money anymore. maybe I’ll be a good human now”.

                4 months ago

                Democracy much like religion is a way of pacifying the masses while you let them choose between illusory candidates. Meanwhile the large interest groups engage in the “real democracy” enacted by their capital. (legal in the EU since 2007 btw, that was the beginning of the end) We the cattle are calm and everything resumes as usual till line doesn’t go up anymore. When that happens, you find a couple of scapegoats like Madoff or Muslims, redirect the cattle’s anger and things resume as usual a couple of years later. While the dollar remains the world reserve currency our civilisation will be stagnant because people are closer to cattle than actual rational agents. And the fences are getting better. People now happily opt in for 24/7 tracking. Our only hope is decoupling from the US, that’s it! Bretton Woods’ legacy needs to die for there to be real democracy. Just from the top of my head, MS “allegedly” bribed several government officials throughout Europe to guarantee the presence of Windows and office in schools at the detriment of open software. Thanks to that we bread an entire generation of people who can barely use a printer or zoom competently. Do you think these are the people that will vote for the wise egalitarian leadership that will bring balance to the force? The only option left is to just opt out of society, be kind to everyone and wait it out till we devolve in idiocracy (like the US) at which point we can start with a clean slate.