He got fired for refusing a 3billion€ Ukraine aid package and argued for sending Taurus instead, which also obviously would cost money. Taurus costs over a million per missile and it needs to be integrated into some aircraft Ukraine actually uses. So we are talking some serious money either way, which he refused to release. Also in the past he wanted to not send German money to Ukraine, but pay aid from the frozen Russian assets.
The main reason he got kicked out was refusing to take on debt and instead cut social spending, while the German economy has some serious problems and there is a massive war in Europe.
BSW ist fast so laut wie die AFD was Grünen hass angeht. Sprich es muss eigentlich Rot-Rot-Grün sein so Grüne 21%, SPD 16%, Linke 5% oder so, mit FDP und BSW auf 4%. Das wäre tatsächlich so ziemlich das Ergebnis der EU-Wahl 2019.