…they were chased by “Arab youths” who shouted “free Palestine” and ‘f—ing Jews” before threatening them with knives and sticks.

Earlier in November, a fan of Makkabi Berlin who was wearing the club’s scarf had to be taken to hospital after a man in a café asked him whether he was Jewish and then punched him in the face.

  • BougieBirdie
    4 months ago

    Reading articles like this you always want to be careful. People are often pretty quick to pick sides when it’s about whether or not a mob was justified.

    There’s a genocide being perpetrated by Israel, but not all jews are Israeli, and even if they were you can’t really hold individuals abroad culpable for the sins of their government.

    So this mob is racially motivated and engaged in terrorism - what else do you call turning an armed mob loose on a bunch of teenagers? This will surely come back to say that Palestine supporters are terrorists, and now you’re right back to lumping everyone into a group.

    There would be a certain amount of irony that goes with racially profiling a racist mob. Too bad that means lumping a whole people in with the shitheels who’d be prepared to threaten kids with knives

    • Saleh@feddit.org
      4 months ago

      The only source on the alleged mob is the father of one child. Police apparently wasn’t called the day of the incident, which seems quite fishy to me.


      Also Makkabi clubs in Germany are celebrating the IDFs onslaught in Gaza and giving out Trophies with an Israel “from the river to the sea” and also the annexed Golan heights included.


      Especially after the lies spread about Maccabi in Amsterdam i would not consider the claims of Makkabi members at face value, until verified by other sources. This does explicitly not mean that i believe what they said to have happened to be false. But they are not a trustworthy source at the moment. Especially as Iris Spranger is involved, who is not a city councillor but minister of the interior of the state of Berlin and political head of a police force internationally renown for brutalizing Palestinian protests, in particular women and children, but also antizionist Jews.

      Also note how the unknown assailants were immediately “identified” as an “arab mob”. Berlin is ramping up its racism against Arabs, for which the conflicts around Israels wars is the perfect pretense. Shortly before being elected as new Major, the racist Kai Wegner called for police to reveal the names of teenage suspects, so by the name it could be judged, if they were “real Germans” or merely “German citizens”.

    • technocrit@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      4 months ago

      There’s a genocide being perpetrated by Israel, but not all jews are Israeli, and even if they were you can’t really hold individuals abroad culpable for the sins of their government.

      And not all jews/israelis are zionist… But you should absolutely hold zionists responsible for their genocidal ideology and practice.

      Similarly during WW2 there were plenty of germans who resisted so it’s not quite right to blame all germans. But that doesn’t mean we should excuse the nazis.

      • BougieBirdie
        4 months ago

        Oh sure, I don’t disagree with that.

        But I also don’t think a group of teenage soccer players are the people who deserve to receive extrajudicial violence

    • Lhianna@feddit.org
      4 months ago

      This is not the stuff that happened in Amsterdam, this is an alleged incident that happened in Berlin and regards a youth football team.

      We simply don’t know yet what happened here, the only information seems to be hearsay and until there’s verifiable information there shouldn’t be any judgement at all.