If I could only learn one additional language, and I wanted to travel the world, what language would serve me best other than English or Spanish?

  • eldavi@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    i’m aware of this and i bring it up as an example of the concerns i’ve shared of trying of traveling outside of the imperial core for me.

    neuro-divergence awareness within the imperial core is weak at best like it is with my other niche lgbtq identities and it’s virtually non-existent in latin america. i’ve literally have bad experiences over the the decades caused by my neuro-divergence and had to rely on my ability to speak spanish to explain that i meant no offense. i’ve learned to leverage the entitled/clueless-american-tourist stereotype to “social butterfly” myself out of situations that my faux pas created and i can’t do the same thing in french, or vietnames, or thai, or russian, etc.