So a partner and us are thinking about getting married so we can emigrate somewhere (we do genuinely want to be together). However we’re both ace-spec and thus don’t have sex.

We’re also both not cis, nor monogamous.

They’re also aromantic and thus with all these things we don’t behave in a typical mono allocishet way.

So is there any hope for us or will marriage fraud investigators tell us no without us kissing, having sex and generally behaving as expected?

    4 months ago

    I can find no indication of “consummation” or other terms that’ that seems to necessarily imply sexual activity other than a reference to birth control.

    Anyway, immigration proceedings are stressful and heartless. I definitely recommend making sure you know your rights and the process. I know money is tight, but if you can find an immigration lawyer that has experience with the immigration process of LGBTQ+ and other “non-traditional” couples that would definitely be a very very big boost to your chances.

    I don’t know if “we don’t have sex” is going to count as a strike against you in a U.S. immigration hearing, but the lawyer definitely should.

    What definitely counts as a strike against you is lying, and they are really good at finding out, so I don’t recommend you pretend your physical relationship is different than it is.