Jellyfish are cnidarians, a phylum which also includes corals and sea anemones. Jellyfish are a specific lifecycle stage of medusozoans (their own subphylum), while corals and sea anemones are anthozoans (another subphylum of Cnidaria).
So yup, they are polyps before sexual maturity. And you’ll find they’re more closely related to corals than they are to members of any other phylum.
Edit: I highly recommend that anyone who wants to get lost in the world of marine invertebrates check out WoRMS and then follow along in parallel on Wikipedia as you navigate the tree.
There is a species of jellyfish which is functionally immortal. When they get too old they simply turn into children again and re-age.
Edit: I’m not saying it’s not biologically immortal, I’m saying functionally immortal because I’m indicating that it can still be killed.
Saying something doesn’t experience aging is not the same as insisting it cannot die.
2+2=4 is not less correct because 2x2 also equals 4.
What if they get eated
Then they’ll be unfunctionally immortal.
What if they get yeeted?
They will be aerodynamically immortal.
What if they get seated?
Then they will be comfortably immortal.
What if they are fans of Evanescence?
This is what I mean by functionally.
I came here to say this… that shit is insane.
Sort of like humans, but we turn into children again and die. Can’t say we don’t try tho.
This graphic is going counterclockwise and I didn’t enjoy that. On the other hand, neat.
I disagree, time should flow left to right and by the nature of the egg it starts with top-to-bottom. so you have to start on the left, go to the bottom, keep going right, then the jellyfish rises so go back to top and then complete the circle
But what came first? The jellyfish or the egg??!!
Always the egg.
don’t listen to the other comments they obviously don’t know about the primordial jellyfish
If you change your orientation, this could still be clockwise
Yep if I look at the back of my phone, instead of this, it is indeed!
Jellyfish are creepy and gross, they’re like living sea mushrooms.
Mushrooms are creepy and gross too, when you get to know them.
fungi are conceptually lovecraftian horrors but in practice they’re basically just strange plants, and i find that neat.
they’re basically just strange plants
Actually they’re closer to strange animals, which just reinforces just how neat they are!
i know.
The dichotomy is between the knowledge that they’re closer to animals than anything else, yet they don’t behave anything like animals and they permeate basically every part of the earth.Permeate basically every part of the earth.
I hate mushrooms with a passion tbh, not just the way they taste, but even seeing them growing in the wild grosses me out. Disgusting things, I’d eat bugs before resorting to eating mushrooms.
Hard disagree on all points.
They are creepy and I don’t like the taste too, but just know that they are an important part of nature for reasons someone else can explain better
Nooo they’re so cool. I could watch them all day.
Fair enough, they just creep me out for some reason lol.
Well, it’s wild, but there’s not a lot of fuck in it.
Kinda fit, they have no fuck to give too.
The proud moment in every jellyfish’s life when the buds come in.
In stasis, it bends but won’t break us
Aurelia, majestic as a lion’s roar embodies her
Terranean, threaten and shield us
Endanger, recoil and rewind the tapes
She’s born again
Medusa, a haunting allure
Elusive ectoplasmic residue
She’ll dance for you
Inducing hydro-cosmic dreams in you
Of eternal blueI’ve never read this, and I don’t know if it’s even a song or a poem or what… and yet somehow, I get the feeling that they’re lyrics to a TOOL song.
Haken - sempiternal beings I had to look it up cause I was 100% with you on thinking TOOL.
It’s very Maynard-coded
They also track sunlight so you can predict where they will be at certain times in areas with shade. Example: more likely to be closer to eastern shores in the mornings, further out at night.
I don’t believe any single part of this, it just can’t be true
the more you learn about how different species work the more your current worldview absolutely crumbles into dust and you see reality for the lawless mess that it is.
Barnacles are crustaceans, if you slice one in half you see that it’s a fucked up deformed crayfish sitting inside the shell.
One species is immortal, and just does this cycle again when it gets old.
And you can’t eat them :(
Why do you think that?