I’ve always thought that mold is the fungus, and to mould is to shape. When talking about it with my colleagues yesterday, I was surprised that this isn’t common. Most people use one of the two spellings to refer to both.

Doing a quick search on duckduckgo also confirms that:

In my quest to prove them wrong, I was surprised at how wrong I was… until I discovered a few people on the internet who said the same thing:

I’m not looking for what’s correct or incorrect anymore, I just find it very fascinating that there are some people who use the words similarly to me, but the vast majority of others who use it in a different way.

So: what’s the difference between mould and mold according to you?

  • sylver_dragon@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Like many of the differences, I suspect that one came out of the attempts as English Spelling Reform, which took greater hold in the US. Ultimately, the process hasn’t succeeded, but it has excised some of inconsistencies from the English. Though, it has also led to some confusion, as in the tire/tyre case.