The mom says that Autumn has never dyed her hair; the color of her braids best matches her natural color.

Naturally lighter hair while black: a fireable offense

  • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
    1 year ago

    so nice that the girls changed things. sadly hair is extremely politicized everywhere. and just 15 year ago relaxed hair (chemically straighten) was the norm. but than the natural hair movement happened and now its a huge generational divide. I will always be against relaxers because they double your risk of certain types of cancer. My first major act of teen rebellion was cutting off my relaxed hair with kitchen scissors when i was 15. I used to have constant oozing sores on my head from the relaxer. my mother was so pissed she called every family member to tell them i looked homeless. I told her I “was no longer conforming to the eurocentric patriarchy beauty standards” and she said “I dont know what that means, you look ridiculous”. I have a 10000 hair stories, people coming up to me and petting me without saying a word, a BLACK boss making me cover my natural hair because i was trying to start locs, so much so that some of my Muslim customers assumed I was Muslim but I never denied it because that was too awkward, like 5 diffrent white toddlers have pointed to my hair and asked “whats that” back in my babysitting for rich people days.

      • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
        1 year ago

        i mean in in America so ya know… but yeah I love my natural hair, it took many years to learn how to take care of especially when I had no money and no coping mechanisms for burnout. but its now down to my collar bone! and best of all I have a partner how has learned to do my hair so im always looking cute! and i now wear lots of mens styles which are way cheaper to get done professionally. life is good. also natural hair is weirdly common with black professors ive had. so thats nice whenever go to grad school. Ive heard south africa is having its own natural hair movement. I wish I lived somewhere like cuba where the government was invested in promoting black natural hair.

            • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
              1 year ago

              I was even sad when my friend buzzed their’s off, but apparently they got tired of all the conditioning and how expensive a hair conditioner that worked for them was. Still supported their choice anyways

              • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
                1 year ago

                yeah ive been there, its so expensive to have natural hair. all products that actually work are expensive as hell. its a shame because if we in a less capitalist hellhole we would all do each others hair for free, i like looking at precolonial black hair styles so and unique and beautiful and varied. good on you for supporting your friend. you know youre my favorite white south african? (the bar is in hell, but youve cleared it lol)

                  • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
                    1 year ago

                    ive worked a a cafe in a tourist traps so ive met rich assholes from all over the world. scandanavians (i cant tell them apart) are the fucking worst, they keep saying im “too friendly” and trying to touch my hair and flirt with me. than australians than south africans. rich Chinese people dont make small talk with me almost at all but im gonna chalk that up to a cultural thing. australians suck so hard they always come in and say “i would order a flat white but you couldnt make it right” and im like yes i can ive practiced for you fuckers and they go “no you wouldnt make it right ill take a frap” and than i scream. honestly the south african adults are just awkward its the CHILDREN that are little racist freaks, i have never in my life have seen worse behaved more entitled children. Its the most humiliating thing to be berated by a CHILD and forced to make their drink 3 times while the mother encourages them to call me stupid.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          also natural hair is weirdly common with black professors ive had

          The three most legit genuine comrade professors I’ve ever known in college were all black and they all had natural hair (to be fair one had quite a receded hairline). One marched with MLK. One even rocked an Angela Davis style afro.

          I will never forget when I first learned about what the Protestant Work Ethic was and its ties to American Civic Religion and Calvinism for that matter. It took that long to teach me what I should had known in my teens.

          • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
            1 year ago

            yeah I think natural hair (whether people like it or not) says a lot about you. it usually says your cool! so cool to meet the one who marched with mlk!! angela davis was my nickname in college for a bit, due to my large afro and you know being a communist lol.