autistic and sometimes very literal,and bad at bits (but I try). Nonbinary. let’s keep the good times going! have a great day comrade! you have to embrace the typos. i am an old user from the old sub who took a break for a bit.
you forgot a slur
my little brother has been calling me bro instead of sis. i freaking love it. i am a bro! (still calls me his sister to his friends). he and his friends almost jumped a kid for being transphobic but he cant remember anyone’s pronouns for his life if that gives you a picture of where hes at.
final update my dad is giving my my money back. he was “trying to set up a savings account for me” i am an adult!
typical you expect us to fry it for you.
i did it. it was awful. i hate my father. I did a great job, very confident, now i have to collapse.
they closed my account because there was a seperate instance of fraud and told my dad is taking my money. my dad says he doesnt know what thats about.
I cant find my deodorant and im already sweating
yeah I think its all of the usual slur suspects. we should compare the backlash gets for useing the n word vs the r word.most Black internet users even on twitch are not gonna stand for that, and they dragged him hard for his “tactile” n word shit, and summoned the eternal eye of black twitter. but not a peep from the online autistic twitch community. I think autistic people put up with so much abuse, compared to other communities. compared to physical disability activist too they will fuck you up (as they should) if you try that slur shit. Obviously I know why, i personally stuggle with letting “friends” walk all over me, not gonna let people say slurs, but I only started setting hard boundaries like a year ago. a lot of us are just desperate for community. i have stopped using twitch that much anymore though maybe there was push back i didnt see from my casual browseing.
you’re named after the play starring the parrot from Aladdin
LMAO. “Yours by this hand: and to see how he prizes the foolish woman your wife! she gave it him, and he hath given it his whore”- in the parrots voice. and your right they did wanna keep talking and talking to me. they liked my black panther facts. and we talked about mushrooms a lot.
dude its getting so much worse in the last year. literally everywhere i see autistic people “giving people the r word pass” or their new one "
" but yeah i think the streamer community is where a lot of this is coming from. remember keffels pretending to have autism just so she can say slurs?
I gotta go to my local psl because I just moved, but what if im awkward and dumb. I met them once already and they are really cool and do cool stuff unlike me who is LAME.
i need mine to sleep
glad to have you here!!! I also see this place as a refuge from the racist of lemmy.
fair enough. thats why I cant live somewhere rural I already have a hard enough time socializing.
why did you stop?
HEY sorry! strawberry and chocolate should have more content warnings including
attempted suicide (they are fine)