Asking as there has been a few comments mentioning this with the new ! taking over !

! for additional context on those recent events if you are interested

Also, an older post for more context on how is managed:

Curious to hear other thoughts about this, as I’m trying to keep ! active, but might suggest to move it elsewhere if a lot of people prefer not to interact with communities

    5 months ago

    I don’t have anything against .ml users as a whole. As you say, every instance has its bad apples.

    But .ml has the most hostile and heavy-handed admins of any instance I know of. It makes it impossible to have real conversations because talking about certain topics will get you instantly banned from the whole instance. It’s not about socialism either. In fact that’s part of the problem—I’m a leftist myself who would like to discuss leftism there and I used to enjoy doing so, but at this point that’s only possible if you follow the admin’s ideological beliefs on practically everything to a tee. It’s a toxic environment where real conversations can’t take place.