im sad and have noone to talk to about it… except for wifey, and two friends… but this is about one of the two friends, and they are friends with each other too… and telling wifey about it always leads to me feeling worse because she’ll say clever things like “just talk to him about it” …

i dont want to talk to him about it, that would mean i would have to acknowledge the problem and address it directly.

what a silly way to deal with emotional turmoil, am i right?

no i know im not right… i wouldnt be posting this crap if i knew i was right. i know im wrong and i should talk to him about it but i just cant ;_;

yeah… i know you must be thinking i need therapy and you would be absolutely right, except i hate going to the doctor and them being a special type of doctor for the mind and such doesnt make my detestation for docs any better.

sorry this really isnt about me being transfem. i AM transfem, but that doesnt have anything to do with the rest of it… except i cut off most people i knew even before i transitioned… just because they would no longer be part of my daily life. which sucks but i guess i did this to myself so serves me right.

anyway, im sad, tired, nostalgic and have no point. thanks for reading ._.

  • 🏳️‍⚧️MiaCD🏳️‍⚧️
    3 days ago

    maybe u should tell ur wifey that, that u know u should talk with him but right now just want to vent, sometimes its good letting things out without finding solutions for da things at the moment and it can help to address da thing in the future specially if u need to talk with someone cuz now u know better what u need to say :3 and being able to vent comfortably with ur partners is neat :3