The attempt for more money has left me scarred and deformed…
Star Wars: The Search for More Money
Stargate the flamethrower!
Hey, he wasn’t even cut in half before he was tossed into a reactor.
But was he angry?
I mean; those robes were itchy enough to make any one irritable
Actually in the
firstsecond wave of comics, Luke joins the dark side to locate and raze Palpatine’s cloning factory. There’s a deeply meaningful scene where Han and Leia retrieve him and have to convince him that he’s redeemable after everything he did to fit in.That was the second wave of comics. The first ones were the ones Marvel put out while the OT was still being made and which continued for a few years after RotJ.
Ooh thank you, I’ll fix it
And we don’t . . . ever
Until the prequels
Checkmate Star Wars fans
Yep only the prequels, definitely no sequels in Ba Sing Se
This is why I’m confident that Han Solo is fine. Shaft’s ain’t shit.
He was also impaled by a lightsaber and his lifelong friend Chewy fought to the death immediately afterwards but its all a moot point since Ford hated playing him anyways.
Hey, he wasn’t even cut in half.
Yeah but being cut in half increases your survival rate, statistically.
Darth Maul: cut in half, thrown down shaft, lived
Qui Gon Jin: Impaled, laid on floor, died
Don’t forget:
Mace windu: tazed a bit and thrown out a window: dead
They really fucked up their villains. Snoke needed to be more then just some guy. Phasma could have been a great side villian and gave Finn something to do. Huxley was incredibly portrayed and really came off as a threat before they made him into a clown and killed him off just like they did Phasma. A b plot where the villains have a Game of Thrones style intrigue going on would have been rad.
But nope, going back to Palpatine.
I remember little about the prequels but for some reason I remember Darth Grevious dying by slipping on a banana peel. Consistant line of cool villains dying in stupid ways in star wars post 80s. Boba Fetts demise was silly I guess.