I looked him up and he is English. Weren’t English sailors called Limeys because of the lime juice in their rations, specifically for scurvy prevention? He should have signed up with the Admiralty instead of the pirates.
Funny enough…
The lime juice was meant as a cheaper alternative to lemon juice. And it wasn’t very effective, lmao. National militaries and sabotaging the health of their troops to save a buck - name a more iconic duo.
It was cheaper in the sense of they imported from limes from the Carribean and lemons from India, which with no Suez canal is a pretty big difference. And at the same time they invented steam power, shortening voyages so the reduced effectiveness wasn’t noticed until longer voyages due to newer military doctrines occurred again
Well, the reduced effectiveness was noticed. It created significant uncertainty, funny enough, over the actual causes of scurvy, since apparently citrus fruit wasn’t enough, until more rigorous studies happened in the 20th century.
thats true, i took vitamin c like crazy when i was out of copper, it didnt do a thing. so i tried copper, was fine for a while, got worse again despite copper, then took vitamin c. went from looking like a corpse in looking merely a bit sick in 24 hours.
“National militaries and sabotaging the health of their troops to save a buck - name a more iconic duo.”
That literally sounds like america though
It’s, sadly, applicable to most militaries throughout history and the modern day.
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This is my favorite take. My wife’s a teacher so I hear (by proxy) all sorts of hot takes on masculinity. All sorts of Andrew Tate shit. Even some in relation to a Canadian pill addict psychologist.
I’ve always thought the most masculine thing was to not bother yourself with the opinions of lessers.
The masculine thing is to be assured in yourself and not seek validation through unscientific nonsense.
But… But… consider the lobster…
Not about lessers, just others.
You do you is a great mantra, as long as you doing you isn’t negatively affecting others.
Does this canadian pill addict psychologist sound like Kermit?
It seems like many in here dont realise that you can be gay and masculine at the same time.
In the same way that you can be straight and feminine at the same time.
then why are my masc 4 masc posts never answered
I would argue that people who feel the need to prove their masculinity tend to be the ones not realizing that, and people here are making fun of that.
Shhh don’t tell the men insecure in their masculinity about bears, gay jocks, and Tom of Finland
According to the internet, he did it at university, eating nothing but mince, chicken, and mayonnaise for about 2 months. He did so to annoy other students in his classes who were vegan or vegetarian.
I’ve actually heard a few stories of uni students getting scurvy, although they were because they either didn’t know how to cook or couldn’t afford food.
That makes more sense. Although I think the carnivore diet is stupid, most people that are doing it or similar diets eat organ meats, many of which contain sufficient vitamin C among many other important vitamins and minerals.
Eating chicken salad with a spoon every day seems like it would cause all kinds of dietary issues.
To be fair, he said he did this his first year in college- everyone did dumb shit in college.
So… is it ok to move your human to an all meat diet?
Quite apparently no. Give your omnivorous human the vitamins it needs!
You can get that good, scurvy-busting vitamin C from meat just fine, all you have to do is eat it raw
“You wouldn’t pirate an illness”
In medival times if you could afford to only eat meat it meant you were a rich soft fancy boy.
Pretty much the same as now then.
ACTUALLY rich people loved to eat white bread. white bread was expensive
And for the longest time, mac and cheese was a luxury dish, and lobster was considered prisoner food.
It’s kind of amusing to see the eating trends of the wealthy.
At one point peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were rich food too, because they were able to afford the berries to make jam, or had land to grow them.
Nowadays it is some of the cheapest lunch you can make.
I think meat is going that route now, and in 15-20 years the only people who will be able to afford real meat will be the wealthy.
here, sadly it is in german, but this guy is an absolute expert in medival history
he talks extensivly about food in medival times.
That’s not super accurate, there were still public lands for hunting and chickens and goats were eaten regularly by non-nobles.
That said, it wasn’t common to have meat at every meal.
Also: feast days, and there were a fucktonne of them (more than the pitiful handful we get nowadays) and were almost always catered lavishly by their local lord as a show of wealth.
I’m not saying life was ‘better’ then, just that we have a lot of misconceptions about historic periods, usually influenced by movies and other entertainment media.
haha, happened to me:
its copper deficency by zink overload.-
without copper, there is multiple things that go wrong. but it takes time to deplete copper stores. zink always wins against copper, and meat is full of zink.
vitamin c d, and iron wont work without copper.
I did that because I develeoped grain allergy, and was insuline resistant.
I eat grains again, but sparingly.
went down from 95 kilos to 65.
fun fact:
nobody talks about that. carnivore influencer dont, thats for sure.
https://www.jbc.org/article/S0021-9258(20)71083-5/fulltext https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/molecular-biosciences/articles/10.3389/fmolb.2021.711227/full
But grains are delicious and filling
I lOVE bread and noodles.
But I hate having stomach cramps, needing 20 tons of toilet paper for one poop, constant bloatet stomach, well, and hypertension, skin problems, inflammation and anxiety. psorias, heart arrytmia.
its all gone now.
Why is everything enjoyable a curse?!
Food wise? Oh that’s easy.
Fats and salts, before agriculture and animal domestication, were hard to get a significant amount of in our diets, and the plants we foraged were usually much lower in starch and higher in fiber. Our bodies are geared to focus on these nutrient sources, so starches fats and salts taste really, really good.
Agriculture short circuited that focus as we produced and cultivated plants that were starchier, sugarier, and animals in general tripped our ‘mmmm delicious’ buttons much better than their uncultivated ancestors.
So basically it’s REALLY easy in our modern diets to get WAY too much starch, salt, and fat because our appetites are geared by millions of years of evolution but we have only been agricultural for a hundred thousand years at the very most and our biology hasn’t caught up.
So we take in a LOT more of the ‘good stuff’ that our body wants, and too much of anything is not good.
Hence the modern obesity epidemic and the rise of type 2 diabetes.
People like to whine it is a personal willpower problem, but it really isn’t.
It’s a food supply problem. 60% of the space in our grocery stores is just made up of various nutritionally empty configurations of starch, fat, and salt.
It is pretty funny that eating meat is still seen as a masculine thing. Pff what? Tofu? No i buy my meat like a real man in this other isle, next to the tofu.
It’s funny because eating flesh and blood is a “woman” thing in most species. Ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies - all the ones biting you are female looking for a blood meal. Arguably, in ancient times men gathering meat was probably to provide for the women in their lives. Even roosters will do this for their hens - bring them bugs or peck at food on the ground to show the hen where it is without eating it.
That all being said, the gender dichotomy is stupid and we are a bit more sophisticated than all that.
The answer is simple: females in most species have a larger nutritional debt from reproduction. Making sure your partner eats is just good survival tactics.
that sounds made up
You really shouldn’t go by just gut instinct when it comes to scientific evidence, just saying…
It’s not. You should develop some science literacy if you think that sounds made up and don’t know how to verify it yourself. Ofc, I will say every species is a little different and not every single mosquito species even bites humans for example. But as a general rule, yeah, I’m right.
Only the female mosquito bites and feeds on the blood of humans or other animals. https://www.epa.gov/mosquitocontrol/mosquito-life-cycle#:~:text=Only the female mosquito bites,conditions for a few months.
an adult female flea lays eggs following a blood meal from the host https://www.petmd.com/dog/parasites/evr_multi_understanding_the_flea_life_cycle
After a female tick feeds and is engorged with blood, she releases pheromones to attract a mate. https://mosquitojoe.com/blog/understanding-the-tick-lifecycle/
The female then must locate a blood-meal to complete development of her eggs. https://mmcd.org/black-fly-life-cycle/
For the roosters - this is a well recorded and observed behavior you can watch on TT or wherever. Not all roos do it, but it’s pretty common nonetheless with thousands of videos observing this: https://youtu.be/ynhzfbZ0oGk?si=vhEtGxP5VI33sB-L
You forget the scientific study that came to the conclusion that blood sucking and meat eating is a female thing.
it is exclusivly YOU that made the connection. You said MOST species, you mentioned like a handfull. You had this gothic romantic idea, and you chose these papers to fit you idea.
you should develop some sience literacy.
you should not make up stuff, period.
Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution
By biomass, yes most animal species do have females who engage in blood meals https://www.visualcapitalist.com/all-the-biomass-of-earth-in-one-graphic/
thats easy because biomass alone of insects is like, really big.
you said most species, and talked like you were some bigshot scientist and give me this feminist lore, and now you backtrack to alter your initial statement.
Where am I backtracking?
Of course it is a fuckdamn lemm.ee user making this mess in the comments.
Defederate them now please. it is long been beyond time.
On one hand it’s stupid to sabotage your health to appear more masculine. On the other hand casually bringing up that you have contracted a pirate illness in conversation does sound pretty damn masculine.
Should’ve eaten some sauerkraut and fried onions! The manliest of all vegetables! Has the bonus effect of repelling ladies up to 5 feet away!
Keeping femalehood at bay, now THAT’s masculine af
I bet his life is brilliant.
But is his love pure?
I wonder if he saw an angel.
Of that I’m sure.
Are you speaking of today’s video’s sponsor: Brilliant™?
There are a lot of reasons to not like James Blunt, but there is one reason to like James Blunt, which is when he parodied his own hit song on Sesame Street. And that is the one reason I still like James Blunt. A little.
James Blunt is hilarious. Awful music but excellent at self-deprecating humour
He’s a riot.
He knows what his music is, makes fun of it.
Maybe I’m slow or something, but I don’t get how eating meat is masculine.
Not slow, just lucky to have not encountered such cretins. There is a very non-zero amount of men who believe that ‘traditional’ masculinity includes avoiding ‘feminine’ foods, including ‘rabbit food’ (ie anything green, leafy, or vaguely healthy). The meat-only diet is the natural extension of this line of thinking to the full caveman-stereotype conclusion.
Sounds like insecurity to me.
Very much so.
The stupidest thing is that actual cave people probably couldn’t catch meat daily and thus also ate a lot of gathered plants.
could also be the belief that red meat increases testosterone, so they become high t alpha males
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I’ll take all the testosterone pussy you pass up.
You see, like, wolves eat meat, and they are masc as fuck. You ever seen a gay wolf? Wait no don’t look tha- screaming in terror
(signed, a gay af wolf <3)