Trump can have one more felony, as a treat

    20 days ago

    “For a despicable individual to physically prevent President Trump’s team from accompanying him to this solemn event is a disgrace and does not deserve to represent the hollowed [sic] grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Whoever this individual is spreading these lies are dishonoring the men and women of our armed forces, and they are disrespecting everyone who paid the price for defending our country,” LaCivita continued.

    Wow. Just a fucking gross response. Every chance they get they try to insult the person who was doing their job.

    “We had given our approval for President Trump’s official videographer and photographer to attend the event, ensuring these sacred moments of remembrance were respectfully captured and so we can cherish these memories forever,” the families said.

    His idiot followers would think their invitation bests federal laws.

    A different article said that the reason the beleaguered employee wasn’t pressing charges was fear of harassment by his sycophants. His toadies make life hell for descent people, thus shielding him from repercussions. It’s time to put this man out of the spotlight so the wheels of justice can run him over.

    • prole
      20 days ago

      It’s sobering to think about how far US politics has fallen since I’ve had the power to vote. There was a time that I can still remember, where something like this would do more than kill a campaign. Republicans would be condemning their own candidate, and the candidate’s PR team would be working overtime putting out, “we apologize for the misunderstanding and meant no disrespect to the fallen soldiers” statements to try to quell the backlash.

      Nowadays? Nope. They double and triple down, and their base loves it. I hate this so much.

        20 days ago

        I cast my first vote in 1990. It was the first and last time I ever voted for a Republican. Please forgive me. I was eighteen and raised under Reagan. I didn’t yet know better.

        Anywho, I concur with your assessment. We’ve fallen so very far.