Dude fuckin charge him
It’s a violation of federal law? Go arrest him. Let people who served with the people buried nearby serve the warrant. Let him sit in custody until he explains to a judge why he should be free.
Fuck him. You don’t have to charge him with anything above and beyond what happened, but just stop treating him special. Oh, go after the campaign staff who laid hands on the official, too. Pretty sure that’s a felony in most jurisdictions.
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Clearly, as it was part of his campaigning, this was an official act designated by someone who was at one point, and hopes again to be this election season, the President of the United States, in direct relation to the Office of the Presidency, which therefore bars any form of prosecution taking place.
God I am fucking sick to my stomach that what I just wrote is a mostly valid statement these days.
Campaigning is legally not an official act. It’s why presidents usually don’t do it. from the white house. https://www.propublica.org/article/its-illegal-for-federal-officials-to-campaign-on-the-job-trump-staffers-keep-doing-it-anyways
Ahh shit, did we forget to tell Trump that to!?
“We are prepared to release footage if such defamatory claims are made.”
Well, fat fuck. We’re waiting.
“The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump’s team during a very solemn ceremony,” Cheung said in the statement.
Seems like the comment about a mental health episode is defamatory. So, once again, it’s projection.
He just had to throw in the “mental health episode” comment didn’t he? Lying motherfucker.
As if those chucklefucks know the first thing about solemnity
Yup. Also, “permitted onto the premises?” Arlington is open to the public.
That was a pretty solemn thumbs-up I saw there, let me tell you.
We are prepared to release footage
Thereby proving they broke the law:
Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign
Gotta edit it first.
This went viral an hour ago. It is reprehensible. They tried to stop them from taking photos and film. There’s even federal law which prohibits this. This would destroy a presidental candidate, but we’re talking Trump.
Yup, this is the rabble that voted for the man who said he could shoot someone in Times Square and get away with it.
It’s perhaps the only true thing he’s ever said.
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50 bucks says that the instant that Arlington staffer’s info gets made public, s/he’ll be inundated with death threats from Cult 45ers.
Tough to take that bet now that death threats seem to be part of the playbook
Cult 45 and Olde E(gotism)
When the cemetery official tried to prevent Trump campaign staff from entering Section 60, campaign staff verbally abused and pushed the official aside, according to the source.
Yet his idiot base cling to the idea that he loves this country.
He prefers people who didnt die for their country
Very true, so why was he there??!
Jokes aside, he was told to do it by his handlers in a lame attempt to keep the last of his stupid fucking military peeps voting for him.
The same peeps he is hoping will overthrow our democracy for him and destroy our country in the name of billionaires who don’t wanna pay taxes.
Trump did that stupid “thumbs up” thing again at Arlington while posing for pictures with the families. He always does that at the most inappropriate time and place.
Exactly where do you think you ARE, Donald? You’re not opening a mall. It’s like someone playing a kazoo at a funeral.
He always thinks he is the most important person in that place and time, like all narcissists do.
It’s just his default “people are taking pictures of me” move. I guess it was a habit developed at a time when he was just a celebrity. But, it’s telling that he either can’t learn to do something different now and doesn’t have staff who step in front of the cameras and say “dude, you can’t do that thumbs up move here”.
Like a fat, orange, clueless, uncool Fonzie
Exactly where do you think you ARE, Donald? You’re not opening a mall. It’s like someone playing a kazoo at a funeral.
Maybe old Donny does think he’s at the mall. Dementia can really confuse people.
He did the stupid thumbs up thing again WHILE STANDING ABOVE TOMBSTONES
The families of the men in the graves were also giving a thumbs up, which I think is much, much worse.
Maybe he’s just super happy to be visiting Robert E. Lee’s former historical home?
He doesn’t have the skills for a kazoo though.
Reading that article and the snarky comments from his campaign staff really pissed me off. They can all go fuck themselves for disrespecting Arlington like that.
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And claimed the person was “clearly suffering from a mental health issue”.
Fuck these people.
There sure are a lot of mental health issues leading to violence. Well, that’s a shame, nothing to do about that.
Well no sane, reasonable, good person would ever work for trump so of course he gets the assholes and bullies working for him since that is what trump is.
An 8 year old bully that slipped up enough times to realize that the rules are all talk and consequences don’t come to them so they start acting like they’re immune (because they have been), but since they’re still 8 year old bullies, even if daddy doesn’t spank them, they still get their fee-fees hurt when the social consequences of nobody wanting to play with you anymore come knocking.
… and because they’re still 8 year old bullies they think the correct way to resolve that is to be really mean and nasty to everyone who doesn’t like them in hopes that they’ll just roll over and keep doing what the bully wants them to.
Disrespecting Arlington Cemetery is what PATRIOTS do! After all only Losers and Suckers are Buried there!
Ahh, an attempt at, let’s call it, a “Paul Wellstone” press event. And like Wellstone’s attempt, I’m very glad it failed and I hope people face at least some fines and Trump faces public backlash for it.
***For those that are too young or have never heard of it. Paul Wellstone DFL senator from Minnesota tried to hold a political rally at The Wall, Vietnam war memorial. He was widely panned and condemned for his total tone deafness by not only the opposition, but his own party and constituents. It almost cost him his re-election. But political memories being what they are, was swept under the rug for his advantage.
I am trying to find this event. Its the first time chat gpt outright called me a liar. I see his memorial service which was for all those who died in a plane crash in 2002 was used by Walter Mondale to use Paul’s death as a spring board for his election bid… was there some other event you are referring to?
Maybe use a search engine instead of an LLM? It’s pretty easy to find. On a sidenote, ChatGPT and similar LLMs are known to be absolutely unreliable and error prone. Please do yourself a favor and don’t rely on anything an LLM tells you.
That’s what i did. I looked it up and did not find what i was looking for. Closest thing i found was the event in 2002 which was eerily close to the event you mentioned, but i could not find what you said. So i asked you for more information. Jees! You snapped back at me like a stack overflow user.
I’m not the original commenter. And I didn’t want to offend you, just wanted give some friendly advice, because it irks me how many people seem to use chatGPT for fact finding. Chill
Edit: If you look for “Paul Wellstone” and “Vietnam War Memorial” you’ll find what the OC was on about.
https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-oct-26-na-wellstone26-story.html “Wellstone also staged a news conference in front of the Vietnam War Memorial on the National Mall, drawing the ire of many veteran groups. Wellstone later said the event was a mistake.”
Just an example of many
I do not understand why people ask chatgpt for factual information
The same reason people use google to look something up instead of going to the library
Google returns sources that you can evaluate for accuracy.
Chatgpt just says things.
Every output of chatgpt should end with “source: just trust me bro”.
Chat GPT often makes mistakes. They call them “hallucinations”. And at one point it completely made up court cases that got two lawyers sanctioned for using.
Chat GPT is not a search engine no matter how much Bing tries to tell you it is.
“Wellstone also staged a news conference in front of the Vietnam War Memorial on the National Mall, drawing the ire of many veteran groups. Wellstone later said the event was a mistake.”
Fair enough, though editing the comment made it difficult to realize you did provide what i asked for. I never called any one a lier. Just that when i went to chat gpt for context to what the other said it flat out told me it didn’t happen, which is uncharacteristic of chat gpt sycophantic tendencies. Usually talking a passive voice, or assuming i am making up a scenario and rolling with it. So i did google it and found that he was not considered controversial, and if the wiki mentioned it, it was only as a foot note.
Everything i looked up pointed to the 2002 incident. Not sure why i am being dog piled here.
Either way it seems odd to reference this as a Paul Wellstone ‘event’
While I agree with what others are saying about not using LLMs for fact checking. It is a useful tool to gain context before gathering more research, so I think the downvotes are a bit harsh. I’d recommend using a different LLM - GPT4o had no issues providing me with some context.
I think that the issue was how i was asking for context on Paul Wellstone using the Vietnam memorial. Here was the response i initially received:
“Wellstone did not attempt to film or hold a political event at the Vietnam War Memorial. The controversy you’re thinking of might be related to the backlash following his 2002 memorial service, where the event was criticized by some for taking on a political tone.
Wellstone himself was known for his deep respect for veterans and did not engage in actions like filming political content at war memorials. The Vietnam War Memorial is a solemn site, and there hasn’t been any documented attempt by Wellstone to use it for political purposes.
If there’s something specific you’d like to discuss or clarify about this, please let me know!”
As you can see it shut down the thought in a manner gpt does not do lightly. So i googled, and found his wikipedia page, and a lite skim painted him as uncontroversial. And i got a lot of google hits on the 2002 plane crash memorial being co-opted for political gains. So i returned here for more context.
His funeral was a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Another poor look for the state of Minnesota DFL. There seems to be some washing of his memory apparently. It was a big deal and made national news at the time. Perhaps search for news articles from papers like the Washington Post or New York Times. Perhaps the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I remember it well because I’m old enough to have been there. It kind of made me question my voting for him. Still, I voted for him again and would have again when he was killed - despite his campaign promise of only being a one term senator. (He was pro term limits until it was HIS term also)
Ah thank you! It struck me that something abhorrent that trump has done could be referred to some other event with another politician, and yet not be widely known. I had to look it up. Though with trump being a sewage house spewing events like this out on the regular, no individual event will get the scorn it deserves. You may be on to something about the white washing thing though. Like i said, chat gpt isn’t even as forceful in denouncing flat earth. Not sure what’s up with that. His wiki also is missing any mention, and doesn’t even have a controversy section most politicians have.
To be fair to Wellstone, he did apologize and learned from his mistake and go on to becoming a fine senator for Minnesota and the rest of the nation.
I don’t get the LLM hate. Reminiscent of the Wikipedia and general Internet hate before it, I think. It has its uses, especially in terms of general knowledge and brainstorming, but as any regular Internet user knows, you don’t just believe the first thing you read.
Here’s a fun search challenge that stumped my normal methods:
Back in the 90s Star Trek actor Michael Dorn hosted a show where he was introducing… Something. I don’t know if it was a one-off or a weekly thing, but he introduced himself by saying, “Hi, I’m Michael Dorn,” in his deep-ass voice, then he went on to talk about whatever he was introducing. The rest is a mystery to me, I just don’t remember it well enough, but for whatever reason I remember that one line clear as day. But what the hell show was it and what was he introducing?
I am surprised trump did not try to take a leak on some graves.
He did, but it just went in the diaper.
How trashy.
If I were a reputable news outlet I would be reporting on this heavily
Trump and his people are so weird
Pretty sure Trump just rehired the rapey guy who likes to put his hands on people back to his campaign so this tracks.
Let Trump be Trump.
Trump rehired himself to his campaign?
Just another mini me. Cory Lewandowski I think.