I’m in my mid 30s and make 6 figures in IT. I’m considering joining the Air Force Reserves. Is this a stupid idea?

I always regretted not enlisting in my 20s as I feel a strong personal drive to serve my country. I feel that a part time enlistment would fill that void. Any thoughts or experiences are appreciated.

  • WoolyNelson@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    It’s, essentially, the PeaceCorps but for within the United States (my eldest just finished a stint with them). There are several groups under the umbrella, my kid worked with the NCCC (they worked roughly like an outreach program for FEMA).

    While I don’t think someone in their mid-30s would fit in most of the generic parts of AmeriCorps (it targets the 19-25 crowd), they do have administrative needs. This would be probably similar to what you would do as an Air Force Reservist of a similar age.