So I know everyone is going to answer “yes”, but I want actual real thoughts. I just want to know where I fit in.

I’m AMAB, and present as male, at least on the surface. I’ve always felt that was wrong though. But I don’t necessarily think I’m a woman. I wish I was more feminine. And recently I started full body laser hair removal, and I have pretty long hair, and currently have my toe nails painted. But I also have a beard, and otherwise present totally as cis.

Am I “trans”? I don’t feel “cis”, but I feel like calling myself trans just isn’t accurate and is inappropriate. Is there any other option?

And a complicating factor is that I’m basically only attracted to female presenting people. I see a lot of mtf trans people posting online “t4t”. Would other trans people consider me “trans”?

    7 months ago

    Do you feel comfortable with people thinking of you as a man? Does it feel nice when people don’t gender you?

    I feel like the only way you’re going to get some answers is through experimentation. Try out different pronouns, do they feel weird? If they do, why?

    I knew I was trans because of my body dysphoria and because I “wanted” to be a girl, but I’d never felt like I was a girl. But I feel like that stemmed of a deep self-hatred, some transphobia and thinking I’d never be “good enough” to be a woman. After many years repressing it, I wanted to try though. And turns out it was the correct choice for me! It took me years to feel comfortable presenting feminine, but for me the discomfort of experimentation was better than “being a man”.

    So yeah, some people figure it out immediately, for others like me it takes years, but the only way to know for sure is being true to yourself and trying things out without caring what other people will say.

    Edit: oh, and yes, non-binary people fit within the trans label, although some of them prefer not to use it.