DOB septembruary 3nd
stupid septembruary weather
Sorry but I just… DOB Septembuary 3st. It goes 1st, 2st, 3st, 4st, 5st or first, secost, thist, fourst, fifst etc…
It’s spelled February
This is not AI, though. Just Excel’s pattern recognition doing its job.
It’d just be eleven eleven, we don’t say twenty two hundred twenty four.
I like how your example was the year 2224 which I have never heard anyone say and not like 1994
I prefer eleventyleven
deleted by creator
but it’s a thousand more than eleventy eleven?
Clearly you do not wear a monocle or a top hat but this is precisely how those of us that do do say it. Good evening madame.
One thousand one hundred eleven
Eleven eleven
1066 is a very commonly referenced date, and follows this pattern also
I asked ChatGPT and it also said eleven eleven.
I mean, Im not against AI on this one.
And fix twelve while we’re at it too!
Eleventy eleven.
Making 119 eleventy nine and 1110 eleventy ten, and therefore, this is eleventy eleven.
I did the math.
Y2K maths! (1998, 1999, 19100)
Nineteen tenty
What happened in Twoteen Twooty Two?
Now, my story begins in nineteen-dickety-two. We had to say “dickety” cause that Kaiser had stolen our word “twenty”…
1212 = Twoteen Onety Two
One thousand one hundred onety one
One thousand one hundred eleven
People give me a weird look when I spell out dates like this. It’s easier for me to say it that way and it’s correct. I don’t get why people are iffy about it
Eleven eleven.
Eleven eleven follows the pattern.
Exactly! Just like how we say twenty eleven for 2011.
Now the years 2001-2009 we just don’t talk about…
15 is the true answer for 1111.
Burn the hex.
You must understand!
Turn one into ten,
And let two go,
And make three the same,
So you’ll be rich.
Lose the four!
From five and six,
So says the witch,
Make seven and eight,
That’s how it’s done:
And nine is one,
And ten is none.
That’s the witch’s one-one-one!
It’s simple - either you like consistency (oneteen onety one), or you’re just a chaotic, inconsistent lunatic.
Meanwhile in France, chaos goblins run wild
Oh gawd… Flashbacks…
Eleventy Eleven.
The really weird case is “two thousand” to “two thousand nine”, then we revert back to “twenty ten” and onward.
I mean what are you gonna say, twenty nine? That just sounds like 29. Guess you could say Twenty Oh Nine but that feels awkward.
It was the year thousand hundred ten one…
Twas thy year thousandty hundredteen onety