It happens at last once basically everytime I glue a bunch of dudes together.
This time at least it was a fairly painless removal.
And I didn’t glue it to my desk so I’ll take the W wherever I can.
I always ended up wanting to use plastic minis to avoid situations like this.
I built pewter minis for years, then resin for a thankfully short time. Plastic minis are the way to go. Although if you make a mistake during building getting the pieces apart is much more difficult when you used plastic cement than CA glue.
I feel it’s worth it for it to happen for the level of customization that comes from the models that come in pieces
How else are you going to really put something of yourself into your art?
I’ve heard you can keep some glues from sticking to your fingers if you keep your hands moist. Is this true?
Not sure but I do know if I’ve recently lotioned my hands it seems to take longer to setup on my skin
But the glue I use is so far past it’s prime that the only way for it to cure is with some insta-set so I’m not sure the recently lotioned hands would help
I was gluing a teacup back together, and fully glued my finger to the handle. Like my entire fingertip was stuck on. After eventually getting unstuck, there’s a permanent fingerprint on there in CA glue.