People have more or less completely forgotten that vampires are meant to represent the monstrosity of an unchecked aristocracy/wealthy upper class. They sold their souls for power and now live exclusively by feeding off those beneath them. You don’t just ‘become’ a vampire like you don’t just ‘become’ rich. You can certainly become enthralled to a vampire though
I never actually realised this. Now I’m going to be thinking about every depiction of vampires I’ve been exposed to, for the rest of the day.
Minus: can’t eat garlic.
Well fuck
also: can’t spill rice.
You can, it’s just awful time consuming
Probably a pretty relaxing way to spend an afternoon if you do it on purpose 🤷
“What did you do over the weekend, Bob?”
“Oh, not much. Sired a few goths, threw some meditation rice. You know, the usual”
Man if I can’t have Caesar salad you might as well just drive a stake into my heart now.
Substitute with the much superior shalot. Reign supreme into eternity.
I mean, you probably can, once.
Jokes on you Anon! If everyone is a vampire then who’s blood do you suck?
You farm the remaining humans like livestock? We mastered factory farming 100 years ago, no reason things need to change just because the animals can talk back.
(banned from /c/veganism)
Okay but among those people who choose to remain human, how many of us would be okay with donating blood every two weeks in exchange for food and rent?
Think about it. If the vampires have all the power, why would they kill their food source when the longer they let their food source live the more food they get out of it?
Let us tra-la-la and have happy-go-lucky existences, which will probably make our blood taste better to them, and they can spend their eternities competing for resources or whatever makes a vampire happy after the first 500 years.
I see a novel forming.
I’m sure there are multiple already in existence
There’s even a movie
I’ve been saying this since I was a kid. Every time I see a blood donation place. That’s a vampire organization and you can’t convince me otherwise :D
i’m always tempted to sing:
in the gloom of mighty cities, 'mid the roar of whirling wheels, we are toiling on like chattle slaves of old and our masters hope to keep us ever, thus, beneath their heels and to coin our very lifeblood into gold.
There’s one already, where the vampire is a head of state and religius leader. (Luminous Valentine)
Fun fact, human blood can be vegan, as long as the human is consenting
the definition of veganism has nothing to do with consent, only exploitation.
And if I’m consenting, then it isn’t exploitation when a hot vampire gives me the biggest fucking hickey
consenting exploitation is still exploitation
Scroll down to verbs. When you’re talking about someone else, there’s an implication of unfairness. This is why vegans don’t eat animals or use animal products. If the animals could consent, there would be nothing wrong with it.
I reiterate: it would not be unfair for Astarion or Lenore to drain several pints of blood from my neck
The definition from the vegan society doesn’t mention unfairness at all. it prohibits exploitation carte blanche
Doesn’t consent imply the absence of exploitative forces?
exploitation and consent are unrelated. I exploit water resources every day, and consent is an absurd topic to raise in this context. the definition of veganism requires the abstention from exploitation of animals for food. there is no exemption made for consenting animals
Exploit does mean “use/utilize” but I assumed the common subtext of “use unfairly or in a manner not conducive to overall welfare”
the ambiguity does not seem to be helpful in defining veganism, and the definition should probably be updated
The way that people use the word “exploit” when talking about living things is different from the way we use it when talking about nonliving things. It implies a lack of consent from the one being exploited.
consenting exploitation is still exploitation.
We mastered factory farming 100 years ago
Speak for yourself! I haven’t even begun practicing yet!
He would quickly become pro-immigration
Or a bunch of redneck vampires invade Mexico
Haven’t you watched From Dusk 'til Dawn? Vampires come FROM Mexico
Quick! Book a pitch meeting with the heads of all the major studios!
I’m thinking Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter meets Here Comes Honey Boo Boo meets Duck Dynasty!
Anon has not considered the consequences of an entire nation of hungry vampires devoid of humans.
Well we have cows, might as well have human farms. Maybe genetically modified human with pockets of blood on their belly
Delicious, juicy blood pockets.
I read this in Jim Gaffigan’s voice the way he says hot pockets
what? so you have to bend over? naw. put that blood pocket on their neck like nature intended.
Wasnt there a movie about this where almost everyone was basically a vampire, and started running out of humans and human blood to eat?
I think it was Daybreakers
If I’m not mistaken, it’s also the source of that meme of William Dafoe looking up
You maybe right on that
the most excellent-premise-crappy-execution movie i’ve ever seen
Vampire here.
I don’t drink blood (because that’s disgusting, and also crual and unfair), I drink vaginal juices.
OP really thinks vampires aren’t gay?
OP really thinks The Gay isn’t transmissible.
I’ve been to a few blood chasing parties, and let me tell you, I’ve seen straight men dying to suck other straight men after being bitten.
Congratulations, you’re ageless, will never retire and you have to do a lot of manual labor, as it’s cheaper than a machine, if you convert a country. If only a few are converted, others will want to hunt you down and put you on a shelve as trophy.
If i live forever infinite work can be contrasted against infinite leisure. If I’m being hunted that would give me the immediate motivation to live life harder than any mortal.
OP: Killing people isn’t a con
Idk about this specific mask caused vampirism but depending on the type of vampirism you might not fully kill the person.
Just drain like a liter and move on. The person would feel no different than if they had blood drawn.
Another con is that vampires are even more immortal than they appear. Even if the vampire’s body is completely destroyed, their soul will wander through the universe, unable to affect anything, but still conscious. They can’t even communicate with other vampires in that state. They’ll get to see universe die starting 10 to the power of 16 years from now (end of star formation) until it’s finally dead at 10 to the power of 10 to the power of 120, when universe reaches its final energy state. But at least a new universe will start at 10 to the power of 10 to the power of 10 to the power of 56. (
Where does that lore come from? I thought they literally gave up their soul to the devil, or whatever evil thing rules hell, to have physical immortality?
they don’t have a soul. only living humans have a soul.
Expanding universe theory says it’s just guna expand infinitum and fade out to nothingness. forever
Not a scientist, but that kinda relies on the big bang having infinite energy, which is probably impossible. Eventually gravity will pull everything back together.
The distances between stellar objects are far too apart for gravity to be a remote factor at all. Let alone dark energy is theorised to be the force accelerating the speed at which matter is distancing itself.
The universe will fade out of existence as suns burn out and their heat is lost to space with even the blackholes burning out (hawking radiation) as they too disappear and space turns into the black nothingness. Objects become so far apart that not even if they emitted light you would not be able to see a thing.
Anon might be Dio
Can vampires sustain themselves on alien blood? Just imagining a brood of vampires conquering Earth and then setting their eyes to the galaxy. Like they have vampire scientists who find ways to let them enter sunlight and enjoy Italian food once more.
probably depends on their chirality. (specifically, IIRC, sugars. sugars that twist the wrong way are useless)
Then just twist them the right way… Duh
People suggesting you’d have to kill for blood haven’t seen true blood. IIRC the vampires in that book/show found a way to coexist with humans because human nations created artificial blood (that you could buy like soda at a convenience store etc)
Edit a whole bunch of other stuff happened, but that’s one aspect from that setting
Or bunnicula who drinks the juices of vegetables
Or Adventure Time where vampires can just eat red
In JoJo?
I don’t remember this happening
No, true blood, it was on HBO
For more about how an empire of vampires would turn out, read “Empire of the Vampire”
Devastating they didn’t go with “Vampire Empire”
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Before much longer, no one will be able to go out in daylight.