Honestly if I’m ever imprisoned for being homeless and it doesn’t look like there’s a way out, you can be damn sure I’m not going to willingly work. They must provide three meals and a place to sleep and that’s all I will do. At that point I have no home and the carrot of “getting out” isn’t there. You’re not getting my labor for free too.
And for those unaware, solitary confinement permanently fucks up your brain hard. We are social creatures and the lack of socialization will make you unable to reintegration into society, and make you more likely to lash out with violence.
It’s either forced labor (slavery) or brain damage. Nobody should have to choose between that.
Raise rent to unaffordable levels, criminalize being homeless, enslave the poverty stricken.
Honestly if I’m ever imprisoned for being homeless and it doesn’t look like there’s a way out, you can be damn sure I’m not going to willingly work. They must provide three meals and a place to sleep and that’s all I will do. At that point I have no home and the carrot of “getting out” isn’t there. You’re not getting my labor for free too.
Prisons will punish inmates who refuse to work. They use the constant threat of solitary confinement as a motivator.
And for those unaware, solitary confinement permanently fucks up your brain hard. We are social creatures and the lack of socialization will make you unable to reintegration into society, and make you more likely to lash out with violence.
It’s either forced labor (slavery) or brain damage. Nobody should have to choose between that.
That’s when they retaliate by e.g. putting you in solitary.
Cool cool, still not getting any work out of me. I’ll gladly make it a test of wills.
Is going slowly insane from being in solitary confinement really an improvement over forced labor? Guess it depends on the person.
And more power to you but your the exception and not the rule.
Ya, I’m sure the guards and warden will just accept that without much fuss.
And maybe in 2224, we will sing about you.
Not much has changed since the enclosure and vagabond acts, back in 1600s Britain. All we’ve done since is refine and moralise the process.
Fire is the answer.