The original scene goes as follows

Sam: It’s just… sometimes the world can be a scary place. It’s hard to know who’s dangerous or not.

Nightshade: Hmm, that’s true, though dissapointing.

Sam: Hey, it’s ok. I know I’m safe when I’m with my friends or other non-binary people.

Nightshade: Non-binary?

Sam: People who aren’t female or male. Oh I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed.

Nightshade: I always felt my pronouns felt right, but what a wonderful word for a wonderful experience.

the one on BBC iplayer goes like this:

Sam: It’s just… sometimes the world can be a scary place. It’s hard to know who’s dangerous or not.

Nightshade: Hmm, that’s true, though dissapointing.

Sam: Hey, it’s ok. I know I’m safe when I’m with my friends.

[second of awkward silence as the audio was removed but nothing was added back in and then it cuts to the next scene]

to fellow brits you can see the edited scene here, 10:15 seconds in:

  • GarfGirl [she/her]OPM
    754 days ago

    The BBC has rightfully criticised russian state owned media in the past for doing similar things but now its doing the same

    • dactylotheca
      384 days ago

      “No but but but when Russia oppresses LGBT+ folks they do it for the wrong reasons. We do it for the right reasons”

    • Queue
      184 days ago

      State-owned media censoring art is only bad when the other red white blue flag country does it.

      Terf island strikes again.

  • @rxin
    204 days ago

    wonder if they also censor Doctor Who wearing a skirt, and its enby and trans characters.

      • @wholookshere
        3 days ago

        Even if it was, why did they get the edited copy? What else was edited for that version?

        Would the studio edit something like that out and not tell the BBC?