• Zier
    1666 days ago

    Biden looked terrible, and he sounded terrible. Trump lied about 99% of the time. Biden told us what he did for ALL Americans and there is more to come. Trump admitted he cut taxes for the wealthy and destroyed environmental regulations. As a voter, you are voting for the candidate and their administration. The choice in 2024 is, A. Things get better for our Democracy, or B. We install a dictator and voting ends forever. They are not both the same, and NOT voting, or 3rd party voting, helps the weaker candidate win.

    I’m voting for the candidate that has been making life for ALL citizens better, that’s the job of the President.

    • HubertManne
      195 days ago

      This run down fits with what I saw but biden was better by the end if not great. Trump did a good job though of looking better in a beauty pageant aint nobody want to be a contestant in.

    • @retrospectology@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      Things won’t get better under Biden though. Strongest argument neoliberals might be able to make is that fascism will arrive slightly slower under their guy.

      But seeing how Biden is fumbling it’s very likely he’s going to lose this. He needs to step down. If it’s about the party or the administration then he needs to realize that. If he stays in he is responsible for a Trump win.

        • And look at what? The genocide he’s funding? The illegal border policy he tried to pass that was identical to the one Trump tried to pass under his term? Or am I suppose to be looking at the past 40 years where neoliberals like Biden have failed to to confront the slow encroachment of fascism and instead chose to spend all their energy and resources undermining progressives in their own party? Or how voting the “lesser of two evils” for all that time has produced zero results?

          You’re acting exasperated as if neoliberal democrats aren’t complicit in where we are right now. I think it’s you who needs to open your eyes and understand that neolibs aren’t helping or even buying us more time. The loss of our rights has continued full speed under the Biden admin, and he’s risking it all to satisfy his own ego and fanatical zionism.

          No. Biden is responsible for his unelectability and when he refuses to step aside he will be responsible for his loss.

      • HubertManne
        95 days ago

        Things have gotten better under his first term so I don’t see why it would not. At least for things the president could effect. As far as facism it has not improved in terms of rectifying citizens united but not getting better is a whole lot better than getting way worse.

      • @crusa187@lemmy.ml
        24 days ago

        Biden (and his ego) is responsible for the inevitable loss in November, but they will surely blame leftists for not voting hard enough. It’s utterly deranged they expect a candidate such as this to pass muster, but here we are. Biden admin couldn’t even pass voting rights act, after Jan 6 and attempted coups with fake electors plot happened. The incompetency at governing is truly astounding, and this is why I’ll also blame Biden for the slide into fascism.

      • @jumjummy@lemmy.world
        35 days ago

        Oh look, the same clown in the same circus. Just come out and say you want Trump to win. All this blabbing you do on every single Biden thread trying to come across as “for the good of the party”. Totally disingenuous.

        People like you will be responsible for Trump.

      • @Hadriscus@lemm.ee
        375 days ago

        Exactly. They won’t get better either way. But at least they won’t get even worse. Wouldn’t you want that ?

          • @crusa187@lemmy.ml
            14 days ago

            Biden’s throat was sore on debate night from gobbling Bibi’s knob, he’s easily one of the most Zionist presidents in American history. Biden wouldn’t even address Trump’s derogatory comments towards Palestinians during the debate. And most importantly - Biden is presently enabling the genocide. “Trump would be worse” is such a weak argument, even if true - where’s the accountability for the current administration?

          • @GoodEye8@lemm.ee
            255 days ago

            Biden at least tries to save some face, as evident from the recent cease fire push. Trump doesn’t give two shits about optics and would instantly give Israel whatever they want and publicly back then up. It won’t get much worse, because it’s already so bad it’s hard to get much worse, but it will get worse under Trump.

          • Zier
            175 days ago

            Electing trump will surely show us just how awful life here can be. Watch documentaries about the DPRK and you will see what dear leader wants to become. Freedom will be a memory.

          • @Spacehooks@reddthat.com
            5 days ago

            Never ask that question. It’s a flag.

            Israel could always round up Palestinians into camps for thier safety preventing them from Leaving. Then provide them jobs… and then kill whomever in gas chambers.

          • HubertManne
            85 days ago

            we could stop trying to aid palestinians. we could give israel more than a token amount of military aid. If you don’t think what we do is token compare ukraine to israel. its about 10x (when ukraine stuff is not blocked by a certain party). direct us troops could be involved even if its just killing iranian generals with missiles.

          • @dogslayeggs@lemmy.world
            55 days ago

            Are you seriously so stupid you can’t imagine ways it gets worse? A) The humanitarian aid we give Palestinians would stop. That is worse. B) The military aid we give Israel could get much higher. C) The tacit approval we give to Netanyahu to commit war crimes could become overt approval, giving him freedom to commit worse atrocities. D) The US could put troops on the ground, which might almost be better since our troops are both better trained AND not so intent on committing genocide compared to the IDF, but in the end is probably worse since Trump would just order eradication of everything.

      • @Soulg@sh.itjust.works
        235 days ago

        You’d think, based on your username, you would be against what Trump stands for, seeing as he’s clearly worse for Gaza too.

        I can no longer tell if you’re a provocateur or an idiot, frankly.

        • queermunist she/her
          25 days ago

          For them if doesn’t matter who wins, because if Israel is not stopped there won’t be anyone left in Gaza by 2025.

            • queermunist she/her
              24 days ago

              It’s called agitation. I don’t really care who the president will be. What I care about is people realizing that our government is evil.

        • queermunist she/her
          25 days ago

          Biden is working hard to help genocide the Palestinians. He could end this whenever he wants by not giving them more weapons. He said there was a red line! All lies.

          • @jumjummy@lemmy.world
            55 days ago

            Now let me see your criticism of all the Republicans in Congress who fully support the situation in Gaza. Surprising all I hear are “GeNoCiDe JoE” comments from people like you.

            • queermunist she/her
              55 days ago

              I’m voting downticket for Democrats dawg. Republicans are enemies of humanity and should be rounded up into work camps.

  • circuitfarmer
    74 days ago

    Event happens.

    Internet floods with conspiracies about Event.

    News reports that there are conspiracies about Event.

    Rinse and repeat. “Event” can be virtually anything of public note.

  • Flying Squid
    546 days ago

    They set the expectations ridiculously low for Biden and are desperately trying to claw that back. When they say he can’t string two sentences together, all he has to do is string two sentences together and he’s shown that they’re wrong about him. Such morons.

    • nickwitha_k (he/him)
      316 days ago

      I dunno. IMO, he didn’t sound terrible. He sounded like an 81 year old who probably shouldn’t have been shoved into the nomination but the other frontrunner last time could have forced some representation of the left, so the DNC did it anyway. At least he made an effort to make sentences and call out lies, which the moderators should have.

      I hate that our choices are a guy who should be retired vs a nazi that should be retired.

      • Jojo, Lady of the West
        55 days ago

        I hate that our choices are a guy who should be retired vs a nazi that should be retired.

        Very well said

      • Flying Squid
        55 days ago

        I didn’t watch it, but from what I’m reading this morning, it probably won’t change anyone’s mind.

        • nickwitha_k (he/him)
          55 days ago

          I did watch it. It was not great but, I’m still left with the impression that people set really unrealistic expectations for an 81 year old with a history of speech impediment. Those things come back in novel ways as we get older. IMO, the whole thing borders on elder abuse but, that’s where we’re at. Just disappointing to see the “left-wing” (corpo) media immediately on the attack - they seem to be trying to carry more water due Trump.

          Also, I am not sure if the shell-shocked look of the talking head before she started speaking was from the debate or the words on the teleprompter.

          • @tamal3@lemmy.world
            24 days ago

            As far as I know, Biden chose to run for president again. If that was forced on him, then yes, what’s happening is terrible. But if he made that choice freely, then we’re only attempting to vet candidates for the job as we always do. If he can’t handle the vetting process (as flawed and televised as it is) then he shouldn’t be running…

            He should be at home chilling, not taking on one of the most demanding possible jobs for another 4 years. His decision making may or may not be fine, but the he obviously can’t consistently meet the communication demands of the role.

            The alternative is worse, but I’m not happy about voting for Biden. 3rd parties and RCV, please!

          • Flying Squid
            35 days ago

            What’s amazing to me is the Trump team set the bar so super low that Biden would have cleared it no matter what and it didn’t end up making a difference.

            • nickwitha_k (he/him)
              35 days ago

              Agreed. I didn’t think that it would have made much of a difference, however, even if Biden came across as a master orator. “Undecided” folks are probably just going to use whatever they take from it to justify whatever decision they were likely already going to make.

        • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
          5 days ago

          We need about a week to see what happens with polling. Anyone right now is just reading tea leaves. But uh … This is the worst debate performance I’ve seen since Palin. So I can see why party insiders are suddenly discussing things like an open convention in hushed voices.

          • Flying Squid
            85 days ago

            Okay, but what I’m reading is that Biden sounded like a lost old man and Trump sounded like a crazy old man, which is what everyone already knew about both of them, so I’m not sure why anyone would change their minds.

            • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
              65 days ago

              Because we know from 2016 and 2020 that Trump’s craziness isn’t an impediment to him getting votes. We’re also in a bubble here on Lemmy. The CNN flash poll they conduct before/after the debate had a 12 point swing towards Trump.

              • Flying Squid
                5 days ago

                Was that 12 points swinging towards Trump as the debate winner or was that people changing their vote? Because those are very different things. I would be surprised if it were the latter.

                • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
                  35 days ago

                  The debate winner. And yeah it’s different but also telling when Biden has won easily every other time.

      • HubertManne
        45 days ago

        I was really dissapointed that biden did not discuss trump lowering interest rates to zero before covid when obama had gotten us to a few percent. Zero interest rates is something that is only supposed to be done when there are problems and the economy is not running right and we need a general buff. three to six are normal levels. over six is high. You will always get inflation when interest rates are kept low in an economy that does not need it. This was one reason we could not drop them when covid hit and the reason they had to be raised at breakneck speed which is something you never want to do. They should be lowered and raised very slowly at very slow levels. Idealy quarter of a point or less each time and not ever quarter.

  • @dogslayeggs@lemmy.world
    125 days ago

    It was a legitimately bad performance from Biden. Every media outlet is reporting how bad it was.

    Even if the overall debate wasn’t that bad from him, his few moments of mumbling gibberish will overshadow everything else. Trump rightly pointed out at one point he couldn’t understand anything Biden was saying to try counterpointing it.

  • modifier
    96 days ago


  • FuglyDuck
    56 days ago

    So, outa curiosity…. How many cans of Mountain Dew did Biden slam back?