Gotta love Australian politicians. This is the same bloke who, a week earlier, was campaigning against gay marriage.
So 4 people a year? That’s not very many, especially since most animal attacks happen on humans who enter the animal’s natural habitat.
Whoops, just cleaning up some very old tabs and saw this.
So 4 people a year? That’s not very many
The thing is though, it isn’t even true. No idea where he got that stat from, because the real figures are much less than that. On average there is about 1 death per year in the entire country, let alone the state of Queensland.
Yeesh. That person should move.
It’s ok; they’re into it.
So if I’m reading this correctly, there are people who sexually fetishize being torn apart by crocodiles. They have their own subdivision of Rule 34 art featuring sex and gnashing crocodiles. They have social media chatboards where they share fantasies and exchange roleplay tips, and where to buy sweet stuffed animals and play props, and rate versions of Godzilla and Lake Placid. They go to social munches where they snack and talk about the delight of getting torn apart by crocodiles and size each other up for dating. They even get together in play trists where they role-play as crocodile and victim, often ending in impassioned rutting.
And when someone can afford it, they buy transit to Queensland (at a rate of one person every three months), go there, evade animal control and crocodile management and sacrifice themselves their desire, throwing themselves among the Queensland crocodiles to get torn to pieces.
Everyone talks about Rule 34, but nobody mentions the equally valid Rule 36.
Rule 36
I had to look it up. Some sites suggest Anonymous does not forgive. is Rule 36, but the one that makes more sense in this context is There will always be even more fucked up shit than what you just saw.
The one I was thinking of is, “It’s somebody’s fetish. No exceptions.”
Found a citation:
i’m a furry who’s into vore and this isn’t far off from the truth
apart from actually doing it ofc. we do not actually want to die irl. also usually ppl write/draw/roleplay being swallowed whole rather than getting torn apart (digestion optional – just sitting in someone’s stomach for a while and being let out can be pretty hot too), although being torn apart (known as hard vore) is definitely a thing
The absolute tonal whiplash from Katter when he says “But I ain’t…” is always a bit jarring
it scared me the first time
bob katter, australia’s great maoist-gayist anti-crocodile warrior