Re-creating this thread a different server.

edit: “not work” as in “food, housing, and healthcare needs are met,” not as in “billionaire super-villain money”

I would sail sail the great lakes for weeks at a time.

I would write more music, and hire musicians to play it with me.

I would spend half the summer growing food (which I already do!)

I would continue to invest in my own mental health, but spend more time meditating.

I have chronic fatigue (to simplify a longer story), and spending that precious energy solving logic puzzles for a paycheck is sometimes pretty demoralizing.

    26 days ago

    I’d travel way more. I’d visit friends and family and hang out with them, which is almost impossible right now because everyone’s trying to work and and survive. I would probably consider having kids. I can’t justify a child in my current financial situation.

    Id still do the same work I’m doing now most likely, but I would cut back workdays to maybe 3 days a week at most. I’d cook more.

    I’d definitely be less stressed. I wouldn’t have to worry about rent or my electric getting shut off.

    Idk, I would do everything I think this life was meant for compared to the hellhole we are in currently.

    2212 days ago

    Begin to develop and publish cost efficient free open source designs for scientific laboratory equipment that can be made by anybody, so that scientific laboratories are able to do science without spending hundreds to thousands of dollars on a machine that rocks left and right or shakes in a circle.

  • SavvyWolf
    1412 days ago

    Probably focus “full time” on indie gamedev.

      411 days ago

      This is my answer as well. It sucks that I can only work on my game on weekends and holidays while the rest of my life is wasted on boring business bullshit that nobody cares about.

    1012 days ago

    Not have to work for money as in infinite money?

    Probably accidentally kill myself within a year from stupidity by having access to effectively anything I want

    • @jvwOP
      1012 days ago

      sorry, I mean, if you didn’t have to worry about food, housing, healthcare. I just edited the title to reflect that.

    911 days ago

    My summers are free and i always make big plans to learn new things but i mostly just fuck off and fret that i only have x more days. During covid i volunteered at the local food bank in the summer. I should do more of that. Also, there are kids who don’t get regular meals when school is out. I would like to work with the organization that addresses that.

  • Fire Witch
    911 days ago

    I would spend the entirety of my time being creative and working on art

  • edric
    812 days ago

    Make music. Travel, if money isn’t an issue.

    812 days ago

    When I retire I want to hike and camp, cook really nice meals, grow a garden, and make hot rods.

    712 days ago

    Tabletop gaming and things adjacent. I primarily love three RPGs, but I also like board games. Also enjoy doing campaign prep, writing software utilities, 3d printing, and other arts and crafts type things related to tabletop gaming.

    I like PC games, too, but seldom play them anymore. My reflexes are slower now, and I miss hanging with friends IRL. If I didn’t have to work, I’d probably catch up on some of the backlog of older games.

    I also feel like most new big publisher PC games kind of suck and are formulaic money grabs. But every now and then a real indy gem comes out, and I get hooked for a little while.

    • Rhynoplaz
      712 days ago

      We should hang out once we don’t have to work anymore.

        • Rhynoplaz
          411 days ago

          Shit. That date sounds a little optimistic. I’ll only be 72 by then, that’s just barely over halfway to Millennial retirement age!

  • TheLastOfHisName
    712 days ago

    I’d want to learn a language or two. Specifically Irish/Gaeilge (my heritage) and French.
    I’d also work on getting healthier and being a better friend and neighbor.