One in three Republican voters would have preferred a different candidate to Donald Trump for the upcoming presidential election.

In March, the former president won enough primary races to secure the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election.

However, according to a survey of 1,003 Americans by Canadian polling firm Leger, Trump does not command the full support of his base and 33 percent of this demographic would have preferred another politician. Meanwhile, this proportion is higher (47 percent) among Republican voters aged 18 to 34 years old.

      8926 days ago

      Yup, exactly. That’s the question that actually matters. Tons of Republicans were very vocally against Trump in 2016 too, but fell in line as soon as he was named their official candidate. The Republican Party is great at unifying around candidates and messaging when it counts (probably one of their only legitimate strengths.)

        4826 days ago

        Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line.

        The problem with Democrats is that because it’s a big tent, it’s harder to coalesce around one or two issues. Some Democrats really care about the environment and won’t come out to vote unless the candidate says they’ll do right by it. Other Democrats care about prison reform and won’t vote for a candidate that has a history of supporting laws that put more people into prison.

        When the Republican platform is “At least we’re not liberals”, it’s much easier to get your people out to vote.

          1726 days ago

          The whole Democrat approach has been “we aren’t donald trump” for the last 8 years. The GOP base stopped caring about “electability” after 2012 and just started replacing their lukewarm candidates with rabid evengalists who say and push for what the hardliners want. No one at the RNC pre-Trump takeover of it actually liked people like MTG, Bobert, Matt Gaetz, or even Trump. But those people are massively popular with their voters, so leadership has to accept them.

          Meanwhile the Democratic party is so opposed to listening to what their base actually wants and are constantly trying to chase conservative voters like Charlie Brown trying to kick a football. Progressives face opposition at every step from the party structure, while people who support those progressives get belittled, ridiculed, and told not to participate. And when by some chance a progressive candidate actually gets elected and starts to get media attention, the Democrats cave to the conservatives criticizing those progressives rather than protecting their own. The only ones who cared about MTG going on about Jewish space lasers were Democrats. Meanwhile when Ihlan Omar made comments about Israeli crimes against Palestinians and Israeli attempts to whitewash those crimes, the Democrats were the ones drafting legislation to censure her in all but name.

          What the GOP cares about is power and doing whatever it takes to hold that power. But the Democrats only care about maintaining the status quo at all costs. One has am actual vision, while the other is treading water and wondering why they are going nowhere.

          • BarqsHasBite
            26 days ago

            Green energy, student debt relief, likely marijuana reform after rescheduling, infrastructure building, drug price controls, Union empowerment, etc etc but you say they’re not listening opposed to listening to their base. It’s unreal.

            Democrats only care about maintaining the status quo at all costs

            See above. That’s BS.

              926 days ago

              Funny, because i live in a state that decriminalized marijuana and i just lost my job for testing positive for marijuana on a drug test. Meanwhile the Democratic senator is running ads about his bills that Trump signed. Nothing about any of those things you just listed off. He mad appearances at the UAW strikes last year, but there hasn’t been any actual legislation or policy change to support unions, just photo ops and tweets.

              • BarqsHasBite
                2826 days ago

                Decriminalization is not legalization. That you don’t even know this…

                Then you have to limit actions to a specific dem senator, about not running ads about the things I listed. Holy mental gymnastics.

                And then the final: But but but it’s not being done fast enough!1!

                It’s unreal.

                  26 days ago

                  Not only is decriminalization not legalization, even if something is legal your employer can prohibit it as a condition of employment.

                  I can guarantee you, even if marijuana is completely legal tomorrow and available in every 7-11 I’ll be fired for testing positive, and for good reason. At least the reasons are good for me, for a lot of other jobs drug testing is bullshit.

              • TheRealKuni
                1026 days ago

                Funny, because i live in a state that decriminalized marijuana and i just lost my job for testing positive for marijuana on a drug test.

                That sounds to me like you violated the terms of your employment agreed upon by you and your employer when you entered into an employment contract with them. The federal government has little-to-no control over stuff like drug testing at non-governmental jobs.

                Alcohol is legal, but if you test positive for alcohol in a piss test or breathalyzer there’s a good chance, depending on your employer, that you won’t be working for them.

                You ought to be cognizant of your own habits with regard to your employer’s drug testing policy. Marijuana can show up in a piss test for weeks if you’re a heavy or frequent user. If you know you regularly or randomly get tested, don’t partake or find a different job.

                That’s not the Democratic party’s fault, that’s between you and your employer. Stupid? Sure. Unfair? Absolutely. A useless policy that pushes people out of jobs for no good reason? You betcha. Doesn’t change the contract you entered into when you took the job.

          • Optional
            2826 days ago

            The whole Democrat approach has been “we aren’t donald trump” for the last 8 years.

            Oh yeah here we go - Tankie Trolls Assemble!

            I don’t know if you’ve seen the news in the last few years but there’s been a fair bit of positive legislative and policy changes due to the Democrats having at least some power for now. I’m not going to list them here because I don’t think you care.

            Yeah they didn’t give us free energy and cops still shoot people without consequence so it must be the Democrats fault for sucking.

            Those of us who were old enough to read the news when Trump was first illegitimately put in power were also super pissed off at the weak response from the Democrats. Their whole “statement of very concerned” bullshit for four years was excruciating. There was room for improvement. Absolutely. And I think we’ve seen improvement.

            But shitting on them right now is not. helping. You wanna help sink the boat, GTFO. There you go - open water and batshit nazi sharks. Enjoy.

              1026 days ago

              I’m not trying to sink the boat. The boat is sinking and the Democrats are trying to remodel the dinning hall instead of patch the holes in the hull.

              Every thread about Biden’s support of Israel is bombarded by liberals saying “Trump will be worse!” and “we need Biden to stop Trump!” Which is not an actual policy.

              • Optional
                1626 days ago

                Yeahhh there we go. “BiDen GeNoSiDe”. Classic. That’s the stuff.

                Hey good luck throwing the world into chaos. We’re all counting on you.

            • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
              325 days ago

              Yeah they didn’t give us free energy and cops still shoot people without consequence so it must be the Democrats fault for sucking.

              I’ve stopped believing it’s the Democrat’s fault for sucking and started believing that it’s America’s fault for sucking.

            2326 days ago

            The whole Democrat approach has been “we aren’t donald trump” for the last 8 years.

            Stopped right there because it’s obvious that this whole post won’t be rooted in reality. Biden has almost gone out of his way to avoid mentioning trump. Not that he hasn’t at all, but he has focused primarily on his accomplishments.

            • Optional
              1226 days ago

              Absolutley correct. Let’s watch those downvotes pour in from the tankie brigade.

              Idiots to the left of me Fascists to the right Here I am stuck in the middle with you

            • @EldritchFeminity
              926 days ago

              Democrats have been funding the most extremist and crazy of their opponents in political races for years now because it’s a lot easier to run on the policy of “At least I’m not that guy” than it is to actually convince people to vote for you based on your policies and agenda. Hell, some lady wrote a book about how she did it to win a seat, only to lose to that same guy in the very next election.

              It’s one of the oldest and most effective campaign strategies there is, but it keeps biting Democrats in the ass and they keep trying it anyways. Democrats seem to think that moderate Republicans will vote for them over the extremist candidate, but Republicans don’t care about who the candidate is so long as they’re a Republican.

              • Optional
                1126 days ago

                Unless you want to pretend that Joe Biden is the whole of the Democrats, that hardly seems relevant.

                In a presidential election? Uh, yeah. It’s relevant. Ok? Ok.

                526 days ago

                Well, considering he is the de factor leader of the Democratic party right now, it’s enough to point out that it is not “the whole democratic approach.”

                Oh and look you found someone who shares your opinion. But not even really because they aren’t saying it’s their whole strategy, but a pitch that doesn’t work, nor certainly it’s not referring to the entire last 8 years.

            • OBJECTION!
              426 days ago

              Cool! I’m not voting Biden because of his support for the genocide of Palestinians.

              3… 2… 1…

                • OBJECTION!
                  526 days ago

                  Vanity has nothing to do with it. I’m not voting for him because I don’t like what he’s doing, simple as that.

            • Optional
              926 days ago

              The Democrats are representative of the liberal establishment, which controls the bureaucracy, the culture makers, social media, etc.

              HAHAHA - shit Dmitry, you need new material man. The culture makers? FFS.

              Here - in America, where we live - the “liberal establishment” makes approximately 10% of the “culture” in most of the southern and midwestern states. (A state is like a small country here.)

                • Optional
                  526 days ago

                  If you’re equating culture with movies and . . . Broadway? Then, uh, yeah I guess? To a large extent movies and Broadway and televised advertisement appeal to and thus reflect some liberal positions, sure. In a necessarily very non-threatening, centrist kind of way.

                  But that manufactured media of movies, tv, Broadway shows and the rest is an input to the actual culture in which humans usually live, and it ain’t liberal in a lot of the swing states. Turns out, there’s plenty not-liberal movies, tv, and . . . okay maybe not Broadway, ya got me there.

                  Liberal elite media establishment - thats some Russia Today language, man. Or Fox News. Same thing, I guess.

                  Also the south is where all the music came from, and the midwest made it possible. So, culture production ftw.

      1726 days ago

      There was just another poll that said only 10% of Republican voters WONT vote for trump.

      So that means 23% of Republican voters dont want trump but still will vote for him.

      That also means 2/3 want him flat out.

      • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
        526 days ago

        As someone who’s a registered Democrat who doesn’t want to vote for Biden but will still vote for him, I feel their pain.

    • Match!!
      1626 days ago

      Nobody changes how they vote, but turnout might be more depressed among Republicans, in which case maybe only 1 in 3 will for for trump

      • Optional
        526 days ago

        I wish. It’s a cult. They do cult-like things that don’t make sense unless you drink the kool-aid.

      • @EldritchFeminity
        326 days ago

        But would it even make a difference? The Republicans haven’t won the vote in about 2 decades, and in 2016, the Supreme Court said that the Electoral College doesn’t have to vote the way that the voters that they represent voted when multiple representatives said that they were going to cast their votes for Trump despite Hillary winning the state.

    7226 days ago

    It doesn’t matter what they think. They’re going to coalesce around this pus filled boil and form the usual carbuncle. Get out and vote because at the end of the day they’re going to vote for Trump anyways.

    • @OniiFam
      126 days ago

      That’s the biggest thing im jealous of republicans. They always fall in line, no matter how terrible the candidate is they always will fall in line when election day comes. We need that more on our side.

        425 days ago

        I’ve seen my parents abandon all the values they once claimed to have to follow that man. I don’t have much respect for his followers’ ability to snap out of it.

        Hope I’m wrong.

    4626 days ago

    Better headline: 2 out of 3 Republicans (the party of “Law and Order”) support a candidate convicted of 34 felonies. And 3 out of 3 will still vote for him in the general election.

    The original headline is just them saying I wish there was something better, but we got what we got. Which is the same thing I am saying on the left.

      1625 days ago

      Some will, but some will also just not feel as engaged and stay home.

      Real question is, how large a percentage of potential Trump voters will be demotivated enough to stay home, vs how many potential Biden voters are being turned off by his age and ball-less stance on the war crimes in Gaza.

        225 days ago

        You get a president that does nothing to stop Isreal or a president who signs the bombs with an erection. Those are the choices. As always.

      26 days ago

      I really think Biden is secretly more popular with Republicans than individual Republicans let on. He hasn’t spoken much on abortion and queer support (kind of like it belongs in the background unseen and then we will tolerate it mentality), he wants to lock down the US-Mexico border more, and is very Zionist. He’s honestly a good fit for the Republicans before Trump “consolidated” the Republicans under a[n even] crazier branch of conservatism.

        425 days ago

        I think that’s his “plan”, whether it works or not we’ll see.

        The reality is, most “progressives”, that are screaming about Gaza, etc. Are in deep blue states. Their votes don’t matter in the electoral view. It’s a total of like 3 states that are going to decide the presidency.

        Which is one of many reasons our system sucks so bad…

          225 days ago

          It’s definitely one of the more important reasons why our system is suffering. A minority of rural voters have way too much influence. How are we supposed to navigate the future with that kind of albatross around our necks?

    2726 days ago

    In March, the former president won enough primary races to secure the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election.

    However, according to a survey of 1,003 Americans by Canadian polling firm Leger, Trump does not command the full support of his base and 33 percent of this demographic would have preferred another politician.

    Another way of writing that 33 percent prefer another politician is that 67 percent prefer Trump. Last I checked, 67 percent support is enough to secure the Republican nomination.

    Meanwhile, this proportion is higher (47 percent) among Republican voters aged 18 to 34 years old.

    Again, another way of writing this is that 53 percent of Republican voters aged 18 to 34 years old support Trump. I’ll double check my arithmetic, but even this seems to be enough to win primaries.

    With a title like “One in three Republicans now think Donald Trump was wrong candidate choice,” I would expect to see a poll which showed that fewer than “One in three Republicans” used to “think Donald Trump was wrong candidate choice.” That seems like a straightforward way to make the point this article is trying to make. Yet none is provided. Instead we are treated to some general electorate polling showing some minor fluctuation and some republicans who were already critical of Trump continuing to be critical of Trump.

    The centrist will to make the Republicans look better than they are is so powerful.

    2425 days ago

    Those numbers are worringly low. I have been assuming that the vocal group, the ones taking to the streets with their little hats and grumpy faces, were a very verbal minority. I’d expect way more than 1/3 to prefer some other candidate. Not great.

      825 days ago

      I don’t know why. These numbers are better than I expected. The GOP has become a cult like organization. Those usually don’t tolerate non believers.

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    1326 days ago

    How many had their choice made for them before they even had a chance to vote in a primary?

    Nikki Haley was the last to drop out on March 6th, when there were still dozens of primaries to go.

    I’d love to see a national primary. But people complain… But… but… it’s not fair to small candidates who can’t run a national campaign…

    Yeah, if you can’t run a national campaign, you have no business being President either.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      225 days ago

      If we’re going to be proposing things that will never happen: Total public funding of elections, so everybody can run a national campaign if they get enough signatures.

      That or we get a watery tart to lob a scimitar at someone.

    • Optional
      226 days ago

      The first is married to one of the other two and will vote the way he does because Jesus.

      The third is their offspring who has been raised on a steady diet of talk radio and fox news and knows exactly what is true and right and will vote republiQan accordingly.