One in three Republican voters would have preferred a different candidate to Donald Trump for the upcoming presidential election.

In March, the former president won enough primary races to secure the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election.

However, according to a survey of 1,003 Americans by Canadian polling firm Leger, Trump does not command the full support of his base and 33 percent of this demographic would have preferred another politician. Meanwhile, this proportion is higher (47 percent) among Republican voters aged 18 to 34 years old.

    4 months ago

    Unless you want to pretend that Joe Biden is the whole of the Democrats, that hardly seems relevant.

    In a presidential election? Uh, yeah. It’s relevant. Ok? Ok.

        4 months ago

        The whole liberal media establishment is backing Joe Biden

        Yeah that danged liberal media establishment

            4 months ago

            “The liberal media establishment” is a right-wing meme pushed by fox news, talk radio, and, yes, Russia Today for almost thirty years now.

            The “media establishment” such as it can be recognized as singular, and with specific regard to political reporting, is conservative. Not liberal.

            Broadway, is liberal. Except for maybe Spider-man: Turn Off the Dark. Or Cats. But anyway.

            Sarcasm is the inevitable result of hearing right-wing talking points unendingly.

                4 months ago

                with CBS’ Evening News, The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.

                The WSJ is the most left of center of all of them? Really. You totally buy that don’t you. That’s - yeah. Wow.

                No, you’re sarcastic because you’re absolutely terrible at making arguments, you don’t actually understand your position, and you’re a self-righteous bigot who thinks you’re so intellectually superior to anyone with a different worldview that you don’t even have to bother to actually engage, you can just mock, deride and dismiss. You’re an NPC. That is exactly how NPCs act.

                I disagree. And your understanding of an NPC comes from tankie 4chan world which just cements the impression that you’re a kid who is in the stage of knowing everything and will get fooled again.

                Everybody goes through it; growing up is a difficult and thankless task that takes way too long. Hopefully you’ll get to do things you like doing with people you like soon. I’m guessing you wouldn’t appreciate some rando you think you’ve been arguing with saying good luck, so y’know. Uh. Live long and prosper? In a good way, that is.