• @Phegan@lemmy.world
      5327 days ago

      Look, I want to stop killing innocent civilians in Palestine too, but it doesn’t mean we need to forget everything else, especially marginalized people here in the US.

      Many of us can think about more than one thing at a time.

      • @RealFknNito@lemmy.world
        227 days ago

        Lol fuck yeah let’s give him another reason to ignore children being murdered indescriminately from the skies. They can wait a month while Biden hides behind our rainbow flag.

        I’m sick of the “we can do multiple things at once” rhetoric when so often we prove no, we fucking can’t. We forget the last TikTok we just watched but yeah, don’t worry Palestine we just need a month.

        Im not exactly excited to watch a man with no red line in sight hide behind the one on our flag.

        • @Sarmyth@lemmy.world
          2627 days ago

          Eh whatever then. You just gonna be mad then and there’s no point discussing it online for you anymore.

          • @RealFknNito@lemmy.world
            27 days ago

            Yeah I have hard time feigning indifference to genocide so we can shove rainbow themed capitalism down everyone’s throats, sorry man.

            • @Sarmyth@lemmy.world
              2827 days ago

              No apologies needed. You don’t mean it anyways. You’re just pretending anyone not actively engaged in your focus is against it. It’s a gaslighting tactic.

              • @RealFknNito@lemmy.world
                126 days ago

                Lol people still not knowing what the fuck gaslighting means. My original comment was that Biden would use this to distract from the shit everyone is mad at and you proved my point by letting him use the rainbow flag as a convenient distraction to hide from his fuck ups.

            • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
              2326 days ago

              I mean, you’ve only mentioned Palestine. You’re being indifferent to Russia’s attempted genocide of Ukraine, the genocide in Darfur, and the Uighur Genocide.

              Are you truly indifferent to them? Or are they just among the global issues you’re worried about?

              If you can only focus on one thing at once, how are you deciding on which genocide to focus on?

              • @RealFknNito@lemmy.world
                126 days ago

                Yeah it’s almost like my original comment was about how Biden was going to use pride month to hide from bad PR and he’s not getting bad PR from helping Ukraine is he? I know it’s hard to focus on the entire conversation, you keep getting distracted by the most recent post. Hence my point.

        • Gnome Kat
          1026 days ago

          Another person who is perfectly willing to throw LGBT people under the bus. We see you for what you are stop pretending moral superiority.

        • @whome@discuss.tchncs.de
          426 days ago

          The funny thing is this is not a new situation this has been happening continuously over all our lifespans not only in Palestine. And now it’s not even done directly by the US military which has been the case the last decades. Activism on all fronts always has to be the way to go.

      • @RealFknNito@lemmy.world
        427 days ago

        Crazy to watch people more desperate for an empty month of rainbow themed trinkets being sold to them over more important shit but hey, you’re definitely the sane one.

        • @darharrison@lemm.ee
          1126 days ago

          Yeah, let’s just do away with LGBT pride, we clearly lost the oppression games and therefore have nothing to be proud of!

          God, I wish I was so fucking ignorant.

          • Bibliotectress
            427 days ago

            That’s even more complicated than I thought it was. I’m not happy about it either, but I’m also not a protest voter, so I’d have voted for Biden either way.

          • Yet other American weapons continue to move through the approval process unabated. That includes a potential $1 billion tranche containing tank ammunition, tactical vehicles and mortar rounds that the administration reported to Congress on Tuesday. Biden also made clear the U.S. will continue to provide defensive weapons, including interceptors for its Iron Dome air defense system.



            Legally, the U.S. can’t cut Israel off completely. Since 2008, the U.S. has had to weigh all arms sales to Israel and other countries in the region against the requirement that Israel maintains a “qualitative military edge” against all enemies, both state and non-state actors.

            This is absolutely untrue. As Israel is in violation of international law, they are no longer eligible to receive foreign aid. The US response to the ICJ’s findings has been to condemn the court and threaten its members. That’s about as legal as Trump threatening the members of the SDNY over his hush money prosecution.

            • @tsonfeir@lemmy.world
              326 days ago

              Misinformation or uneducated. Which one is it? I love how you compare Trump, because it gave away that you’re either a boogaloo, a tankie, or just a dumb accelerationist.

              There are no universal rules or binding international laws that automatically make a country ineligible for foreign aid if it is found to be in violation of international laws.

              Biden tried to stop giving them weapons, but got shut down by congress.

              Republican lawmakers, along with some Democrats, have introduced legislation aimed at restricting Biden’s ability to withhold military aid. This legislation states that no federal funds may be used to halt or reverse the delivery of defense articles or services to Israel. The proposed legislation would also require certifications to Congress from the Secretaries of State and Defense to ensure that any withheld defense items are delivered to Israel. This measure reflects bipartisan support in Congress for maintaining robust military assistance to Israel despite the administration’s efforts to impose some restrictions

              What you’re doing is spreading misinformation in an attempt to prevent Biden from winning the election, allowing Trump to win the election, and sending the United States into the toilet. All because because you are either brainwashed or being paid. You tell me…

              • Biden tried to stop giving them weapons

                He threatened to, but he did not.

                What you’re doing is spreading misinformation

                Biden continuing to supply weapons to Israel in defiance of the ICJ ruling is indisputable.

                • @tsonfeir@lemmy.world
                  326 days ago

                  “Biden” doesn’t have a choice. If you knew US foreign policy, you’d know that.

                  He didn’t just threaten, it got shot down in congress.

                  You—like many Americans—seem to have this idea that the president is all-powerful. There are checks and balances for a reason. Unfortunately, good policies can also get shot down without enough support.

                  But by all means, continue to spread misinformation. 🤷‍♂️

    • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
      3526 days ago

      Removed, transphobia. The whole point isn’t making kids think they are non-binary, it’s to let kids who already know they are non-binary that they are normal and loved for who they are.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
        26 days ago

        It’s amusing to see cis-het extremists try to hold these two competing ideas in their heads:

        • Sexuality is entirely a choice and you can be tricked or peer pressured into having romantic feelings for another person

        • There is a CORRECT Sexuality and an INCORRECT Sexuality, written in the firmament of heaven. Any comment or situation that causes you to question your cisgendered or heterosexual nature is an attack on your person.

        Like, which is it? Are we all naturally gender-fluid and chasing the latest popular sexual trend? Or is there a rigid biological mandate that’s supposed to keep everyone straight?

        Also, why are you obsessed with making babies? Just endlessly fixated on having more and more and more kids, as quickly as possible? Everything about human sexuality seems to be rooted in the theory that dudes need to be fucking and ladies need to be getting pregnant constantly.

    • @bamboo
      3526 days ago

      OK im fine with heterosexual cis people I just don’t like the community around it and stop focusing kids to think there straight your cis when there not let them figure it out later in life not when there 8

    • @Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
      3226 days ago

      Would like to suggest that you are in fact not okay with LGBTQ+ people. You enjoy the inflated concept of your own tolerance of them - but only when they mince delicately around your sensibilities.

      Might as well say " I am tolerant of briefly being in the same space as with queer people but only when they are isolated and never in a situation where their culture, needs or comfort is centered." It’s a low bar dude. You don’t have to like it It’s not for you and nobody is waiting on your blessing.

    • @Knoxvomica@lemmy.ca
      1626 days ago

      Hypothetical question, are you okay with teaching children about straight relationships? Or is that something they should figure out later in life, not when they’re 8?

    • Match!!
      526 days ago

      unfortunately kids develop gender at like 3 old and sometimes they’re trans. that’s just biology

  • Considering t-rump’s support would be non-existent or borderline condemning the LGBTQ+ community, I’ll take anything Biden says in support as a win.