• @tastysnacks@programming.dev
    1431 month ago

    I like Joe. He did infrastructure and the chips act. He’s a meat and potatoes guy. But his best attribute will always be not being Donald Trump.

      • Track_Shovel
        421 month ago

        Fun fact: 10% of Americans will vote for a guy that had his brain eaten by a worm. Just look at five thirty eight

        • Twinklebreeze
          231 month ago

          Everyone that made 538 worth reading was laid off. Even Nate Silver is gone, and he took his model with him. We’ll see how they do this election, but I’m not paying attention to them this election.

          • @Railing5132@lemmy.world
            430 days ago

            Votemaster and Zenger at electoralvote.com have a decent site. They take a ‘model of models’ approach and while their editorials are decidedly liberal, they put math and statistical analysis at the forefront and show their work.

            • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
              630 days ago

              They weren’t incorrect, they predicted Trump had a chance to win and he made that chance happen

              What they did that was stupid was oversell what an odds advantage meant for Clinton and when caught in their own mistelling of how their own reports work proceeded to make themselves look like that nerd who can’t admit that he fucked up and blames it all on other people not understanding what he was “akshualay” saying.

        • @maynarkh@feddit.nl
          1 month ago

          Well there is the convicted felon, rapist and wannabe dictatorial psychopath, there is the guy with the dead brainworms in his head, and there is the guy who you can vote for if you would like things to continue as they are.

          Oh, you can also choose between reluctant and enthusiastic support of genocide, and breaking up strikes versus shooting at protestors. Clearly the US is the citadel of democracy.

        • Lemminary
          31 month ago

          His brain wasn’t eaten by a tape worm because it was most likely cysticercosis caused by the young form of the parasite that usually calcifies. The adult worms grow in the intestine, don’t have teeth, and absorb nutrients passively.

      • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
        530 days ago

        Absolutely, but at a certain point people have got to accept that if the best strategic choice they have is still complicit with genocide, then they need to make that strategic choice (libs: I am saying vote for Biden, get the fuck off my back about it) and then work to build an alternative.

        If they aren’t working against the system, and they get pissy every time someone mentions the genocide because it might hurt their better strategic choice, then they are doing genocide denial. Maybe they’re not saying the genocide isn’t happening, they’re just saying people shouldn’t keep bringing it up when it’s inconvenient for them. Denying that people should talk about genocide is a kind of genocide denial. If the better option can’t survive without genocide denial then maybe the problem isn’t the people talking about genocide but the better strategic option being complicit in genocide.

        Maybe the problem is a political system that keeps putting genociders in power.

    • @danc4498@lemmy.world
      1930 days ago

      He also didn’t cause inflation or invade hamas or start a war in Afghanistan or any of the other things he was blamed for.

      • @explodicle@sh.itjust.works
        1630 days ago

        Now that you mention it, both of the last two Republican presidents signed off on huge bailouts and then blamed the inflation on their Democrat successor. Nixon would be proud!

        • @RagingRobot@lemmy.world
          1030 days ago

          Yeah that’s what gets me about the news always acting like the economy would be better under trump somehow. It’s his poor response to the pandemic that caused this whole situation we are in. It’s bullshit. The prices started going up during COVID. I remember. People were hoarding toilet paper and we couldn’t leave our homes without masks. Suddenly lumber prices skyrocketed from all the home projects people were doing while they were home. Then the price over other stuff started to go up randomly. I remember there were tariffs set on things from China too.

          Then Biden took over and things slowly got back to normal but the prices are still high. If we get trump again things will get much worse again.

  • @ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world
    811 month ago

    What’s funniest to me is seeing all these posts having downvotes.

    Conservatives mad and their tears are delicious.

    Schadenfreude has never felt so good.

  • @niktemadur@lemmy.world
    7630 days ago

    One is a convicted felon, 34 times over, and there is more on the way. The other has never been suspected of any criminal act.

    tHeY’rE tHE sAmE! bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe! LoL aMiRiTe

    So many idiots can’t figure out who’s really rigging the game against them, even when it’s staring them in the face, blasting them with racist and fascist language and actions, with the breath of chronic bad health habits and the smell of soiled diaper.

    • @danc4498@lemmy.world
      3830 days ago

      Funny how the republicans did their best to start investigations and all they came up with is that his crack head son was bad, which everybody already knew. Good thing I’m not voting for hunter biden.

    • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
      28 days ago

      Idk, he’s sponsoring a genocide. I’m pretty sure that counts as war crimes. To be fair it’s not like any US president in the last half century hasn’t been some kind of war criminal.

      I mean now that the other guy is a literal criminal it makes it less likely that the genocide sponsor’s refusal to remove his material support for a historically unpopular genocide will make him lose election to the literal criminal, and that’s true. But like, I just want you to understand what it is that you’re celebrating.

      I don’t know a stronger way to say that the bar is in hell, but that phrase is so well worn that it’s lost any punch it ever had.

      Edit: typically, the only responses seem to think I’m saying this in support of Trump but like… I’m not. So if you remove that imagined motivation, where’s the lie? There isn’t one, right?

      • @TachyonTele@lemm.ee
        1329 days ago

        The other guy, the one with 34 felonies, has said he’d help expand the genocide.

        How do you miss these things?

        • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
          29 days ago

          How do you so constantly and completely deflect any and all criticism to the other guy?

          I have the answer: because that’s how the two party system works to push you towards defending the genocide guy.

          Like, you get that the genocide support has a good chance of making him lose to the somehow-worse-genocide-guy, right? Like why aren’t you mad about that? Why do you constantly have to tell everyone to stop talking about the genocide support? You realise that’s a kind of genocide denial, right?

          • @TachyonTele@lemm.ee
            28 days ago

            There are exactly two options here. It’s either the life long politician that’s actually been walking back support of the genocide, or the conman convict that has proudly stated he would be happy to make the shit even worse.

            Gee, I don’t know…

            I’m also not a one issue voter.

            • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
              28 days ago

              There are exactly two options with voting. I assume you don’t see any others because your entire political imagination has been contracted to voting. I believe I anticipated your answer when I said that the two-party system has done this to your brain.

              And “walking back” support of the genocide is one way to say that he hasn’t actually removed any of the material support, and also a way to obscure the fact that the “walking back” has mostly been lip service.

                • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
                  228 days ago


                  Two questions:

                  1. Do you think I am somehow saying people shouldn’t vote for Biden? If so, can you explain where I have said that?

                  2. Do you think the fact that Biden is the tactically superior choice means that we should not discuss that he is complicit in genocide?

      • @SalutaryFilth@r.nf
        629 days ago

        I don’t believe it’s as unpopular as you think. The one-state (final) solution has been the only acceptable answer for decades, and everyone turned a blind eye to turning Gaza into a prison while “settlers” terraform the West Bank.

        The other guy moved his embassy to disputed territory, firmly claiming the whole of Jerusalem for one side. “Their 911” plays a huge part in maufacturing consent in casual observers, and “never again” was always tongue-in-cheek.

        Honestly, does anyone still care about the enslavement and cultural destruction of Chinese Uyghurs? How about the Rohingya genocide?

        This election comes down to narcissistic boomers who believe the world should die with them. Their pop religion tells them armageddon will happen in their lifetime and the other guy is offering a way to make it happen.

        Life has been objectively getting worse for years. The end of the world (or at least the american experiment) is on the ballot - the question is whether enough voters want to burn it all down.

    • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
      29 days ago

      Guess I’m an idiot, because I know about the Leahy Law.

      Now retired, Mr Leahy has voiced concerns that US support for Israel’s war in Gaza has breached his namesake policy. source

      ”On this one, I think that there are violations of the Leahy Law,” he recently told Vermont local media.

  • @KillingAndKindess
    551 month ago

    I’d vote for a convicted felon. Fuck, I almost was one.

    Now, a pedophilic misogynistic cheeto? Nah, I’ll take the sleepy dude.

    • Asherah
      1 month ago

      This is why memes such as this are shitty. It throws convicted felons into the pile of just “bad people” and doesn’t think anything of it.

      • @KillingAndKindess
        141 month ago

        Agreed. Nuance and meme rarely play well together though, so my expectations don’t have me up in arms over it.

      • @Zink@programming.dev
        1130 days ago

        That kind of crap is how conservatives see people (in my experience), so it’s a little bit funny to see that reasoning turned against their ridiculous hero.

      • @Signtist@lemm.ee
        30 days ago

        Yeah. Obviously if a candidate is a criminal that should invalidate them in the eyes of any sane voter, but really the bar should be a lot higher for anyone to be happy with their choice. The real motivation shouldn’t be to vote for the lesser of 2 evils and call it good enough, it should be to literally fight back against corruption until we have options we actually like. Obviously it’s too late for that in this election, but we should already be getting started in the fights to get someone worthwhile in the 2028 elections.

  • IHeartBadCode
    441 month ago

    I think what’s wild is that particular group’s incredible thought process of “oh yeah, the current guy is just doing a hit job on this other guy because he’s running for President. He’s sending all these various agencies after him. blah blah blah…”

    And I’m just like. Or you know, simple answer is that guy is doing crime stuff and ought not to be doing crime stuff. To really over simplify the most recent crime stuff. The crime was he wrote the wrong thing on the sheet of paper. You look at the paper, it says it’s for lawyer stuff. You look at the receipts shows the money went to hide sex stuff. Lawyer stuff ≠ hide sex stuff. Ta-da!

    And a bit more detail. The whole argument that hiding sex stuff wasn’t political money. Literally a letter between crime guy and other person handling political stuff was, we need to hide this sex stuff otherwise that could hurt us in election stuff. Like I get it that there’s some folks wanting to believe that President guy is just mad at crime guy and wants to whatever him so that President guy can stay in office. But crime guy literally admitted crime stuff in letters he thought no one else would ever read. Crime guy is not a very smart crime guy.

    I don’t like current guy, don’t get me wrong. But crime guy is an idiot. I just don’t want an idiot back as President. There’s just way too many people hitched to an idiot here and willing to go down with the ship. Crime guy is an idiot and he’s getting smacked with a lot of the crime shit he’s done because he’s an idiot. There’s not any other way to slice this. Crime guy is just not good at anything and is coasting on mom and dad money still. If anything, that Crime guy is still floating on some money is a testament to Crime guy’s book keeper.

  • Chloë (she/her)
    1328 days ago

    On one side I have an old catholic bum who overall doesn’t do much on the other I have a convicted felon who wishes to remove my human rights and wants to turn the country into a dictatorship.

    As a centrist, I’m undecided…

    • @meep_launcher@lemm.ee
      28 days ago

      Also from my interactions on here:

      On one side I have an old catholic bum who is committing genocide (by allowing companies to sell to a man who is committing genocide), and in the other side I have a convicted felon who would absolutely continue the genocide while removing my human rights and wants to turn the country into a dictatorship.

      As a leftist, these two are exactly the same and I’m not voting.

  • Melkath
    121 month ago

    So the campaign hasn’t changed.

    “Don’t question my genocide or I’ll have cops beat you up and arrest you while demanding order. And I’m not Trump. Biden2024.”

    • Bipta
      351 month ago

      Are you too young or too stupid to remember how Trump employed law enforcement during the BLM protests?

      • Melkath
        81 month ago

        Are you to senile or stupid to know that Trump has nothing to do with Biden’s platform?

        • ALQ
          281 month ago

          I disagree. Unfortunately, “not Trump” is the best platform for him, especially right now. Recently, he and Harris did their “are you with us” fundraising and my thought was “no, but I’m against Trump.”

          I hate genocide and what Israel is doing to Palestine, but Biden is, unfortunately, the best option put on the table. Two shit options in terms of the Middle East, sure, but one is still shittier.

            • Zoot
              181 month ago

              Won’t trump also continue the genocide? So aren’t the options Genocide A, or Genocide B? But Genocide A is also a convicted felon… So. Yeah, easy choice.

              • Melkath
                21 month ago

                Good thing our country is a Democracy and there are a multitude of other options. Not just Fascist Dictator A or Fascist Dictator B.

                • Zoot
                  1130 days ago

                  Is it though? I’d love to know who the other options are in a First Past the Post democracy.

                • @Passerby6497@lemmy.world
                  930 days ago

                  Good thing our country is a Democracy and there are a multitude of other options.

                  Only technically. You absolutely have the option of wasting a vote on someone who has basically 0 chance of winning. But most people are going to vote for one of the two options that can win.

                  And given that it’s the left quibbling over who to vote for while the right lines up behind their Führer, you can see why people rag on 3rd party voters. It’s the same way we got trump the first time, because people (like me) wouldn’t hold their nose and vote against the orange turd.

                  I don’t like a lot of the shit Biden is doing, but I sure as fuck don’t want project 2025 or my LGBTQ+ family losing their basic rights.

            • ALQ
              131 month ago

              Cool, so you’re not interested in actual discourse. Have a nice day.

              • Melkath
                11 month ago

                No, I don’t need to run mental gymnastics with another fascist.

            • @grue@lemmy.world
              1230 days ago

              If you hate genocide so much, why are you Hell-bent on ensuring it by helping “finish the job” Trump get elected?

              • Melkath
                230 days ago

                I am not hell-bent on helping Trump get elected.

                I’m hell-bent on not helping a genocidal fascist dictator get elected.

                People like you are at fault for Biden being on the ticket and not someone who deserves a vote.

                Why are you hell-bent on maintaining the status quo and keeping this genocide and the gradual decline of America into abject fascism going?

                • @grue@lemmy.world
                  30 days ago

                  Bullshit. You’re a concern-trolling Trump supporter in effect, whether you realize it or not. That’s factual reality; you don’t get to dispute it.

            • @SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml
              30 days ago

              It’s certainly a disheartening state of affairs but the choice is between stopping one genocide now* and foregoing so much as the possibility of stopping any American-supported genocides in the future.

              *now, will the extra moral credit of not voting for Biden actually stop Netanyahu’s genocide?

              • Melkath
                230 days ago

                Cant reset the entire system right this very moment, so better just push it further down the path like a good little fascist instead of doing something that could start the change that is needed. /s

    • Decoy321M
      30 days ago

      Mod here. I currently couldn’t give less of a shit.

      …But I’m willing to change my mind.

      • @SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml
        329 days ago

        Idk I just find it tiring when I go to meme subs to have fun and relax and instead I get reminded of how downhill stuff is going. Plus sometimes people have arguments in the comments which isn’t a very lightheaded or shitposty thing

        • Pika
          29 days ago

          agreed tbh, I have certain buzzwords blocked by filter but, when the words aren’t in the title but in a photo they don’t get blocked. I think the issue for me is less political though and more beating a dead horse cause the topics grown stale.

        • Decoy321M
          28 days ago

          Eh, I feel you. But on the other hand, I know I’m not the only one in this community, so everything doesn’t have to be to my liking. Frankly, a lot of y’all post some really stupid shit here. But as long as people stay civil and follow the bare minimum rules we have, I’ll leave it alone. I’m not a Nazi Reddit mod. This is a shitpost community. Let’s post some shit.

          … But like I said. There’s a limit, and rules can always change if things get out of hand. If you see anything, feel free to report it. We check the feed pretty often.