• @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    811 month ago
    • Leftists are abandoning Joe Biden and this will ensure Donald Trump’s victory

    • Actually, Joe Biden is very popular and he’s going to win in a landslide. Anyone who says otherwise is a Russian shill.

    Rolling these two ideas in my brain like a pair of baoding balls

    • @makyo@lemmy.world
      411 month ago

      Where have you heard the second one? I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say that.

      • @electric_nan@lemmy.ml
        161 month ago

        It’s kind of implied by memes like this one. If you suspect any criticism of Biden is coming from Russian disinfo mills, it follows that there is little/no organic/genuine criticism of Biden.

        • capital
          111 month ago

          I don’t get that at all.

          Those of us trying to get those saying the things in the meme know we need all the votes we can get.

          If we knew Biden would win in a landslide, why waste keystrokes?

        • @Zink@programming.dev
          51 month ago

          Is it really the criticism of Biden that gets the cries of disinformation, or is it the conclusion that you shouldn’t vote for him that does it?

          Those are very different things, and they keep getting mixed together.

          • @electric_nan@lemmy.ml
            41 month ago

            I mean, either way? How is it disinformation if I say I’m not going to vote for Biden? If you think everyone who says they aren’t voting for Biden is doing disinfo you are deluding yourself. You don’t have to like it and you are certainly free to argue with people, but don’t pretend that real people haven’t come to their own positions honestly.

            • @Zink@programming.dev
              31 month ago

              Seems like a bit of a straw man, because I wasn’t talking about you or others sharing who they plan to vote for.

              I’m talking about all the rhetoric about not voting for Biden because X, but which doesn’t mention that the alternative to Biden’s X is X^2 from the other side. There often isn’t any compare and contrast of the actual choices, just FUD about the one choice while leaving out how much worse the other choice is on the exact same issue.

              • @electric_nan@lemmy.ml
                330 days ago

                This whole discussion is about people criticizing Biden. It isn’t “rhetoric” to criticize a sitting president who is actively supporting a genocide. I understand your anxiety about Trump, but I think it is blinding you to the current reality. I know what a piece of shit Trump is, but he isn’t the guy that right now can do something to end this genocide. When I say “fuck Biden for this genocide” and you say “Trump would be worse!” I feel like you’re missing my point completely. I feel like you are just accepting an ongoing genocide because you don’t want to hurt Biden’s electoral chances. He’s the politician, let him figure out how to get elected. He’s got 5 months.

                • @Zink@programming.dev
                  430 days ago

                  Current politicians can and should be criticized, all of them. Biden most of all, being the President. When American weapons are used to kill innocents, even moreso.

                  My criticism is how on much of Lemmy this has been extended to “vote for Biden = personally and enthusiastically approve genocide.” You even managed to reach this conclusion in your reply. And that’s how it tends to come up in discussions. People reaching pragmatic conclusions about how best to direct this country with our little meager votes, including reducing genocide and other harm, get met with cries of genocide support. It’s not productive and it shuts down reasonable discussion. And it’s always cries of genocide, not genocide mixed in with another hundred issues. I hope you can see how that makes it seem like a disingenuous talking point. It reminds me of “think of the children” how it uses a very obvious moral stance (genocide bad, or children good) to steamroll any nuance or complexity in the situation.

                  I agree with the rest of your points though. Like I said, of course he should be criticized. He’s probably the most criticized person on earth, and that’s what he signed up for.

            • Platypus
              21 month ago

              Because the stakes of this election are so very, very high. Trump genuinely and explicitly wants to create a fascist state; it’s borderline incomprehensible that somebody would choose to sit out and let that happen just because they don’t like Biden.

                • Platypus
                  330 days ago

                  Just to be entirely clear–are you taking the position that given the choice between (a) the world where you don’t vote and Trump wins and (b) the world where you vote Biden and Trump loses, you would take (a)?

        • @DriftinGrifter
          21 month ago

          not really external propaganda and delusional nonvoters go hand in hand

      • @crusa187@lemmy.ml
        430 days ago

        This opinion is all over cable news in the US.

        Even the Biden campaign claims that “polling is wrong” and he will win comfortably. The hubris is astounding.

        However, to those who would post memes like this, pointing out these types of delusion is tantamount to supporting Trump. It’s an incredibly unhealthy alternative universe to exist in, and the only outcome of doing so will be a crushing Dem defeat come November. I’m not even talking about swing states here - even in New York Biden is only up by 9% now because of his unwavering support of genocide and refusal to improve the path for immigration, among many other shortcomings.

    • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
      201 month ago

      It’s legitimately possible the left abandons him and he picks up enough conservatives to win anyways.

        • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
          230 days ago

          Neither of them are popular candidates. But they are in a statistical tie in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Although it’s going to be really awkward when Arizona sends a democratic senator while voting for Trump. (And Gallego is not a conservative.)

          • Neither of them are popular candidates

            They’ve each got a hard base of unshakable supporters who are incredibly annoying and deliberately obtuse about the most obvious shit.

            Although it’s going to be really awkward when Arizona sends a democratic senator while voting for Trump.

            One thing Democrats have managed to do in hotly contested Senate races is to find people who aren’t hateful assholes.

            Shame they couldn’t have run Mark Kelly for president.

            • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
              230 days ago

              Yeah. That they do. I don’t think Mark Kelly is interested in the presidency though. And until Arizona Democrats get a replacement lined up we need him where he is.

  • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    701 month ago

    Having standards is a bad thing, just vote for your team even if you’d hate what they do.

    Republicans did that decades ago, and now have trump.

    The only thing stupider than them doing it, is all the “moderates” saying it’s easier to convince millions of people to follow them off the cliff than convince the DNC to start running candidates that Dem voters want to vote for…

    The fact that trump has won 50% of his elections and looks to be 2/3 in a few months should make everyone reconsider the quality of candidates we’re running against him.

    Not getting mad at the people honest about the situation while there’s still time to do literally anything to prevent trump.

    • Skua
      451 month ago

      The fact that trump has won 50% of his elections and looks to be 2/3 in a few months should make everyone reconsider the quality of candidates we’re running against him.

      After the Dems last lost an election, you got Biden as your next candidate. Why are you expecting this approach to suddenly produce a candidate you would like?

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        I don’t, that’s my point.

        “Blue no matter who” always ends up with candidates more conservative than we want.

        So even like in 2020 where we all and together and get a Dem president, House, and Senate, nothing gets done.

        Because too many Dem incumbents just don’t agree with the party platform.

        The only time the party pushes is when progressives try to have standards.

        The only result is the party keeps getting more and more conservative. It’s not a valid long term strategy

        • Skua
          421 month ago

          I think you’ve misunderstood me. Last time the Democrats lost an election, you got Joe Biden as the next candidate. Why would making the Dems lose this election produce a more progressive candidate?

          • @audiomodder
            121 month ago

            Because, they’re saying, WINNING sure didn’t do progressives any favors.

            FWIW, we ran Hillary Clinton as a moderate candidate and lost.

            • Skua
              311 month ago

              If neither winning nor losing does progressives any favours, then there’s no issue with trying to make the least bad realistic option win

              • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
                121 month ago

                Only if you never think more than an election ahead.

                If you don’t, and always blindly vote D just because it’s not R…

                How is that different than what lead the Republican party to trump?

                Why do you think it’ll be different this time?

                • Skua
                  221 month ago

                  Only if you never think more than an election ahead.

                  So how many elections are you expecting that the Dems must lose in order to start fielding candidates you like, or for another party that does so to take their place? It doesn’t matter how many they lose if it never moves the needle your way, so you’ll have to be quite persuasive that this will achieve something that’s worth capitulating to the American right for a decade or longer.

                  How is that different than what lead the Republican party to trump?

                  Because of the actual outcomes during the four years between each election and the fact that you can protest and write and whatever else you want for improvement during that time. Your vote does have to be your entire political engagement.

                  Does this suck? Yes. Does the Republicans winning do literally anything to fix any of it? No. For that you need the Overton window to shift so far that the Republican party dies and the new two-party system has the Dems on the right, or you need a new electoral system. Neither of these is accomplished by the Dems losing.

                  Why do you think it’ll be different this time?

                  I don’t think it’ll be different this time because the candidates have already been picked. We already both know what the options are. Unfortunately, “no different” is a lot better than the other option. That’s why I’m advocating voting for damage control on the day. Vote against the worst option, because that’s how FPTP works.

            • @TacticsConsort@yiffit.net
              111 month ago

              I’m gonna say (as someone that was sucked into the psychological torture machine that was the conservative media loop in 2016) that Hillary didn’t lose for being a moderate. Trump was by far at his strongest in 2016; his insanity was a basically unknown factor and he did a legitimately great job seeming to flip the bird at ‘the system’, and the conservative propaganda machine had a LOT of points to attack Hillary with that had nothing to do with her moderate politics. Trump promised the world and had all the charisma to sell the world too, and Hillary… I honestly can’t remember anything about her platform at all.

              In my personal opinion, Hillary could absolutely have won that election if the Democrats hadn’t been complacent about it. Maybe not a landslide victory, but I think it would have been a very solid win.

              • @shikitohno@lemm.ee
                91 month ago

                Hillary had a weird double-whammy of underestimating the appeal of Trump for many that led to losing control of the monster she helped make, along with having a long list of insults ready for anyone who didn’t want her to be the Democratic candidate that didn’t endear her to the voters who could have made her presidency for her. Whether it was calling them deplorables, broadly dismissing any criticism of her within the party as rooted in misogyny, or accusing them of being unrealistic idealists with pie in the sky goals and unelectable candidates, she really had a knack for taking these people and firmly putting them in the camp of “Screw her, I’m not voting for someone who treats me like that.” rather than engaging in a serious attempt to understand these voters and address their concerns.

                Democrats today have certainly learned that Trump could be a serious threat, not to be dismissed out of hand. To his credit, Biden has notably not fallen into the sort of self-destructive antagonism of the electorate that is not already firmly committed. He might pay only lip service to their concerns, but I’m not aware of him blanket writing off, say, pro-Palestinian protestors en masse as antisemites that were never going to vote for him and are beyond redeem, even if he does frequently trot out manufactured claims of widespread antisemitism.

                People online trying to drum up support for him don’t seem to have gotten the message that this didn’t work out so well for Hillary, and are going at it, calling people who haven’t vocally committed to Biden anything from idiots to Russian shills to Republican trolls, and claiming they hate minorities and LGBTQ+ people or whatever else occurs to them to rile up people. I don’t see that working out to their advantage, and predict it will alienate people who might have potentially been won over.

            • Hillary was a moderate?

              In 2016 the pre election polls showed a rock paper scissors ordering.

              • Trump beats Hillary

              • Hillary beats Bernie

              • Bernie beats Trump

              The last occurred because Bernie was a different enough candidate to attract a certain subset of Republicans.

            • @masquenox@lemmy.world
              41 month ago

              FWIW, we ran Hillary Clinton as a moderate candidate and lost.

              You call that Kissinger/Thatcher mashup monstrosity “moderate?”

              • @audiomodder
                130 days ago

                She is a moderate in the Democratic Party at this point, unfortunately. Hell, I think Reagan would be a moderate in today’s Democratic Party. All the more reason we should be running more progressive candidates.

          • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            I just assumed you didn’t think a single voter could influence an election…

            For my vote to matter for president, we need a charismatic progressive, it’s the only thing that can flip my state from red.

            Even if Biden pull it out and wins, there is literally zero chance Biden wins my state.

            That’s just reality.

            You don’t flip red states by being diet republican. Everyone that wants that is already voting R, and they’ll never vote D.

            • @Mnemnosyne@sh.itjust.works
              1 month ago

              Sure there is, but too many progressive voters just seem to be unwilling to act to get them. It takes long term planning.

              Let’s look at Barack Obama, a man whose political career to President was considered to be extremely fast, and who was considered to be very inexperienced and a shockingly fast rise.

              He was elected President of the Harvard Law Review in 1990, 18 years before he would become President of the USA. In 1992 he directed a voter registration project/drive in Chicago that was successful enough to be big news. In 1996 he was elected to the Illinois State Senate, and in 2000 he lost the primary for a US Representative position.

              But here’s a very important part: in 2003 he became chairman of a state committee when Democrats regained a majority. This allowed him to have some legislative successes, specifically in the field of racial profiling. Hmm, that ain’t gonna be important in Illinois ever again, is it?

              With that legislative success, he was able to win the primary for Senate, but even then, this essentially required the incumbent in that slot to be gone. Then he was a Senator for merely four years before becoming President. And also notably for those who act like the DNC simply anoints candidates, he beat Hillary in the primary, despite her being favored by most of the entrenched elite of the party.

              And the important thing to remember is this was a startlingly fast political career, considered by everyone to be a meteoric rise, an outlier. He was in politics for only 12 years before becoming President, though he did politics adjacent things even earlier. A more expected career would probably go for 20 to 30 years before becoming President.

              So you want voter action for more progressive candidates? It starts a quarter century ago, in state-level offices like the Illinois Senate. It starts by getting those candidates elected over goddamn decades.

              Politics is like farming, you can’t show up in harvest season, look around, and go ‘where are all the crops?’ and then be pissy that there’s gonna be a famine this winter. You gotta show up in the planting season, plant those crops, take care of them, keep them healthy and watered and fertilized as they grow, so you can finally get your food when harvest time comes.

              So you want to complain about the lack of candidates, well here’s my question: where the fuck were you all in planting season a quarter of a century ago? Cause these crops take a goddamn while to grow.

            • Skua
              121 month ago

              You are not limited to just your vote on the day of presidential elections in terms of your political engagement

            • @masquenox@lemmy.world
              41 month ago

              There seems to be no voter action that can produce a more progressive candidate.

              It’s almost like they don’t want you to have one.

        • @jumjummy@lemmy.world
          121 month ago

          So come this November what are you suggesting? I’m so sick of these naive pie-in-the-sky dreaming, or just complain without any solution posts. Come out and say it plainly. Are you saying not to vote for Biden come November?

          You’re literally one of the guys in the meme above.

          • @Jentu
            41 month ago

            Why are you so eager to get people to telegraph their vote when the act of threatening to withhold a vote (even if they plan on voting for biden in November) gives infinitely more leverage than pledging fealty months ahead of schedule so the campaign strategists solidify their stances on everything to keep voters around? Come on, if your goal is to vote strategically, telegraph strategically too so you are voting for a better biden than exists today.

            • @jumjummy@lemmy.world
              430 days ago

              I’m not saying to telegraph your vote, but I am tired of these not-so-subtle attempts at either “bOtH SiDeS” arguments or somehow pushing for people to not vote (or throw away their vote on a third party).

              This disinformation push has truly infested Lemmy across the board and I view it as extremely dangerous.

              Realistically it’s too late in the election cycle to impact change on either incumbent nominee. All k see is efforts to disenfranchise people into somehow not voting for Biden.

              • @HuntressHimbo@lemm.ee
                230 days ago

                There are five more months until the election. That is only not enough time if you are unwilling to even make an attempt to change your candidates position. Thats the crux of this. Moderates keep shouting like the election is happening tomorrow when its months away. You know whats happening tomorrow? More Palestinian deaths while you wring your hands about how its impossible to get Biden to do anything decent. I can’t imagine why leftists are so disappointed in moderates all the time.

              • @Jentu
                130 days ago

                It’s honestly a pretty safe bet to think that both liberals and leftist’s positions are being amplified and twisted by propagandists. I’m a queer leftist. I know how much damage another trump presidency would be for my community, but at the same time, I know how harmful a current Biden presidency is to Palestinians. My life isn’t more important than theirs, so I refuse to look at this like I’m some outsider looking in since I’m biased towards my own comfort. Since trump isn’t an option and since relying on 3rd parties to be our saviors is unrealistic, more strategic actions must be made (like lying about abstaining your vote for instance). Hell, a ton of leftists aren’t even in states where it would even matter who they vote for, so all they have is their voice to try to change current policy rather than change to a different president (3rd party) with different policy.

                Poisoning online discourse of Biden’s specific policies until his campaign team determines that he needs to change things to win the election is about the only thing likely to move the needle for leftists living in deep red or deep blue states. So far, Biden’s team has shifted to being vocally against Israel’s actions in public but still sending funds and weapons sales regardless of the harsh words. But harsh words aren’t making a difference since Netanyahu had no issues invading Rafah. So more pressure has to be placed on Biden (through electoral leverage) until he acts in such a way that it makes a real difference. There’s still time for Biden to reverse course, to stop threatening the ICC, to stop vetoing UN resolutions, to stop shipping weapons regardless of our trade deals with Israel. That’s the leverage he has and electoral strategy is our leverage. Assuming everyone is acting in bad faith denies discussion about what actually should be done in the meantime while we see what kind of Biden is on the ballot this November.

                And yes, some leftists are so livid over our role in horrors around the world and want to burn things to the ground since more people would be happier in the world without the US policing them, instigating coups, exploiting the global south and prisoners for slave labor in this country, as well as countless other reasons this “democracy” probably isn’t worth saving. And while I also think America (as well as pretty much every global superpower out there) are genuinely evil, tearing down this system right now probably wouldn’t really help out Palestinians in the short term (short term being important because there’s half a million people starving to death who could be helped).

                The real issue here is that AIPAC is known to heavily support candidates against anyone who isn’t staunchly pro-israel (they spent $4.5 Million on Katie Porter’s rival in California and helped get Maxine Dexter seated in Oregon with the help of republican donors). They would likely push anti-biden or pro-trump just to maintain their singular goal. AIPAC is also currently trying to unseat Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) from the House and replace him with someone who is pro-israel. If AIPAC has enough power to control the sway of elections, they definitely have more sway than leftists online ever will. Though, if Biden reverses course (initiating actions from AIPAC) then loses the election, leftists will be blamed while AIPAC will be largely ignored.

            • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
              30 days ago

              Why are you so eager to get people to telegraph their vote

              Because we want to determine if you are a Russian bot or just badly informed.

              • @Jentu
                130 days ago

                So, no response to the rest of my comment explaining why someone would claim they won’t be voting for biden? You’d rather call people bots instead of assume people are acting strategically and in good faith to help Palestinians?

    • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      371 month ago

      Republicans did that decades ago, and now have trump.

      I might argue that Republicans didn’t do that decades ago, and that’s how they got two Bushes, a McCain, and a Romney. It wasn’t until they abandoned the “electable” moderate Republican and embraced their ideological id that they got to their political messiah.

      The fact that trump has won 50% of his elections and looks to be 2/3 in a few months should make everyone reconsider the quality of candidates we’re running against him.

      I gotta say, I noticed the folks running in the GOP field and they all sucked hard. Trump was the raw meat candidate, but he wasn’t even the most fascist asshole on the ballot. DeSantis was the guy who got off waterboarding people at Gitmo for a living. Hailey couldn’t name a country she didn’t want to bomb. Hutchinson’s fundie base would have him rounding up the cast of RuPaul’s Drag Race and marching them to the gas chambers. Only Ramaswamy is the kind of sociopath business conservative more fixated on looting the country than mutilating its residents.

      Trump’s given them license to go full mask-off, but he’s not uniquely bad. He’s emblematic of a party that’s also frothed with bigotry, and just found a PC way of displaying it right up until a black man got into the White House.

      Not getting mad at the people honest about the situation while there’s still time to do literally anything to prevent trump.

      Biden won 2020 by 40,000 votes across three major swing states. He’s losing all three - PA, GA, and AZ - by two to three times that under current polling. The theory that we can just Tinkerbell him back into a second term is simple cope. Biden’s goose was cooked as soon as he fumbled the bag in his first 100 days.

      Blaming 20-something tech savvy voters on Lemmy for hating the man over his genocidal support of Israel won’t shift any of the critical swing-state 40-something blue collar voters angry at him over sun-setting all the COVID era public spending measures.

      • @Milk_Sheikh@lemm.ee
        71 month ago

        It’s the economy, stupid

        …and for most Americans the economy isn’t that great. Sure we ducked the recession that should have come, but while “line goes up” is great for Wall Street and the economy as a whole, the delayed impact means that improvement does little for the suburban and rural working class voters whose only exposure to the stock market is their 401(k). That’s decades away from paying anything out, while right now they’re feeling the pinch of stagnant wages and corporate driven inflation

    • @theonyltruemupf@feddit.de
      61 month ago

      I’m not sure how it works in the US but join the democratic party and vote for the presidential candidate you want to see. If it doesn’t work out and you don’t like the democratic candidate but said candidate is still better than the Republican, still vote Democrat.

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        61 month ago

        I’m not sure how it works in the US

        Yeah. If you think primaries matter, you don’t know how it works here…

        But one DNC lawyer’s argument actually tries to justify the party’s right to be biased on behalf of one primary candidate over another, according to an article from The Young Turks. In other words, they could have chosen their nominee over cigars in a backroom.


        Their legal defense for interfering with the 2016 primary was literally:

        Who cares? A primary isn’t a real election and doesn’t matter, we don’t have to listen to results.

        • @theonyltruemupf@feddit.de
          41 month ago

          Maybe the primaries system is fucked up, but protest votes in the presidential elections won’t change the system for the better either. Neither party wants to introduce a democratic, proportional voting system because both parties would lose power. I don’t know how to fix it, i just know that getting Trump elected won’t.

          • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
            1 month ago



            It is fucked.

            We have no say in who either of the two general candidates are, and they take billions from the same people/industries.

            That’s not an exaggeration, 2020 Biden spent a billion, and 2024 they’re predicting two billion.

            We have an illusion of choice and the same people win no matter which party wins the oval office.

            I don’t know how to fix it, i just know that getting Trump elected won’t.

            Neither will voting Biden, it doesn’t solve the problem, just kicks the can down the road and 4 years from now it’ll be the same thing. Either with trump again or someone even worse.

              • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
                230 days ago

                than slip and fall and fucking die.

                You forgot “risk” and leaving out that in this analogy “kicking the can” is surviving a little.longer by extending suffering.

                But it’s depressing how many people want to spend time convincing people to vote for an unrepent genocide supporter than trying to get the US president and upcoming candidate to stop supporting a genocide…

                This is like when people claimed to support civil rights and MLK. But spent all their time complaining about protests and saying if we all just shut up and accepted it life would be easier for you.

                I’m glad Biden won’t fundamentally change your life, and that your life is currently good enough for that to be acceptable.

                But you’re in the minority these days.

                So keep yelling at people who will suffer under either party to vote for someone that hates them and will actively work against them…

                If you want to prevent republicans from holding higher office tho, I suggest you join the adults and demand the DNC be better than just “not a Republican”.

                You get to prevent trump and help the needy!

    • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
      130 days ago

      The fact that trump has won 50% of his elections

      That would mean Biden has won 100% of his elections.

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        330 days ago

        General presidential?


        That’s what numbers mean.

        If you include primaries tho, his first try at president was 1988, 36 years ago. And he never stopped trying, just never was a good enough candidate till the only standard became “not trump”.

  • @corus_kt@lemmy.world
    681 month ago

    As a foreigner I never understood the novote sentiment in the US. You aren’t voting for either candidate because you dislike them, so who would you actually vote for? AOC? RFK Jr? Bernie? Does your ideal candidate even exist in reality yet? All a no vote does is take away your own rights in your country, while the rest of the world moves on without you.

    For what it’s worth, both parties can be trash but one party actually can be shamed to doing the right thing once in a while.

    • @madcaesar@lemmy.world
      421 month ago

      Non voters are either children or morons.

      Rational adults realise that this is the system and you have to operate inside of it despite the compromises.

      Now, you want to start changing the system, start a grassroots campaign, get into politics to change the system, more power to you!

      But sitting on your ass crying about both sides while doing nothing, you are simply an immature moron.

    • TheHarpyEagle
      251 month ago

      I cannot blame people for feeling jaded or disillusioned. Would we vote for Bernie? We certainly would’ve if the DNC didn’t provably sabotage his campaign. And I cannot ignore that Biden is old and deeply unpopular among leftists, yet our party refuses to offer up a better choice because they’re counting on “the devil you know” to carry him through. Who could feel enthusiastic about that? I think the hope is that the DNC will learn some kind of lesson if he loses, though I know they won’t. The trend of “reduce harm now, actually improve things later” has been going on for a long time. When is “later”? What up and coming voice on the democratic side do we have to look forward to?

      I have to vote, because my number one priority is trans rights and there’s only one party that will do anything to protect that, but I don’t do it happily. I understand too that the “vote blue no matter who” crowd has similar pressing concerns that require harm reduction. But I dislike the characterization of anyone who feels apathetic about the upcoming election as idiots or Russian bots. When you’re only voting against a candidate, it’s hard to feel motivated.

      • @corus_kt@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Yeah I see your point. Personally I think voting rights are important, especially in world history, and seeing people throw that away - to risk the country’s future on making a statement - irks me a little. The most irresponsible way to make yourself heard, with the worst possible consequences. People in China and Russia don’t even get a choice ffs. Plus it feels like Americans have had a four year reminder to learn this lesson already.

        But I see how this feels shitty all around. I just hope people talk to one another and vote with their fellow countrymen in mind.

      1 month ago

      Who I would vote for would be, for example, the third-party candidate I’m actually voting for.

      The democrats can’t be “shamed” into doing the right thing. They might be able to be pressured into doing it, and establishing a credible threat that you’ll withhold your vote if they do something unconcionable is one way of exerting that pressure. They have exactly zero interest in the concerns of people whose votes are guaranteed.

      And if they are completely unresponsive regardless, then the only hope of having our concerns listened to is to unseat them, by means of a third party. No matter how unlikely or how long it takes, it’s still more likely than the possibility that Biden randomly starts caring about Palestinians out of the kindness of his heart.

      • @corus_kt@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        And why do you think dems would be pressured by 3rd party voters instead of just shifting their policies to the right to attract moderates? The third party voters seek a humanitarian leader who doesn’t exist and couldn’t possibly thrive in the current American politcal system. Seriously give me a name for this potential candidate.

        Why would the dems concern with people seeking a politician they could never provide? Shifting right has already won them an election with Biden, against the most charismatic Republican politician of the last decade. Either the dems win and nothing happens, or the republicans win and the dems shift right to attract moderates.

        • OBJECTION!
          51 month ago

          the most charismatic Republican politician of the last decade.

          Funny how Trump has become “The most charismatic Republican candidate of the last decade.” He was literally supported by Hillary in the “pied piper” strategy because he was supposed to be so easy to beat. I recall the conventional wisdom in 2015 was that the Republicans would have to shift to the center to appeal to Latino voters or they’d be finished because of demographics. Right up to election day, every major media outlet said he had no chance of winning, before he barely squeeked out a win, while losing the popular vote, of course. He’s at negative 12% in terms of net favorability. I guess he still counts as “most charismatic Republican candidate of the last decade” but only because that’s an incredibly low bar.

          Either the dems win and nothing happens, or the republicans win and the dems shift right to attract moderates.

          Well, the question is how far can they keep shifting right before they start bleeding more voters from the left than they’re attracting from the center? The democrats are right wing and would much rather shift to the center, but just because they managed to barely win against a historically unpopular president in the middle of a botched pandemic doesn’t mean it’s a reliable strategy.

          But if they think they can win without the left then they’re welcome to try. I’d just better not hear anybody blaming the left afterwards if they lose.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      31 month ago

      For what it’s worth, both parties can be trash but one party actually can be shamed to doing the right thing once in a while.

      People need to dig a hole and put their expectations of government in that hole for them to be low enough. Once they do that they’ll be less disillusioned and won’t think voting is a waste.

        • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
          30 days ago

          Yes, but if you tell folks that they’re gonna get a puppy if they vote and they get a sticker with a dog on it they’ll be like “Well that was a lie.”

          Governments move slow, and make stupid decisions all the time. The line between voting for something and getting that thing is convoluted, steep, and fraught with peril. It’s not going to happen overnight. Hell, it won’t happen in a decade, assuming it even happens at all.

          If people knew that it takes over 30 years to maybe get something that the vast majority of people want they won’t give up on voting after a couple times, and will do what I do: Vote regularly and expect nothing.

  • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
    6230 days ago

    The situation is actually quite simple.

    If you want Palestine to survive, your best bet is to vote Biden.

    Literally every other option will only lower their chances. You can’t have everything you want, welcome to life.

    “Genocide Joe” doesn’t matter when the other option is Turbo Genocide Donny.

    So if there is anyone who tries to convince you to not vote Biden, they either want Palestine to die, or want to cause chaos in your country. Which is most likely a Russian bot.

    • NoLifeGaming
      530 days ago

      Hi I’m your local Russian bot, if genocide is gonna occur either way and biden hasn’t done anything about it past some political posturing then you might as well punish biden with the possibility of setting a precedence moving forward that supporting genocide won’t get you re elected.

    • @suction@lemmy.world
      430 days ago

      They actually don’t give a shit about Palestine because they’re Right-wingers posing as leftists.

      • OBJECTION!
        930 days ago

        This conspiracy theory is even less plausible than the, “Everyone who disagrees with me is a secret agent” one.

        I’ve seen right-wingers pretending to be leftists before and if you can’t get them to drop the act and start screaming racial slurs within 5 minutes, that’s on you.

  • Gabe Bell
    411 month ago

    I know I have no way of convincing anyone of this, but I am not a Russian bot (living in the UK and not being able to vote in the US election).

    But these are exactly the points of view I have been expressing over here about the Tory and Labour parties. Maybe not so much the “not voting at all” one but the other three? Yeah – that sounds a lot like me right now.

    (I think you should vote for someone you believe in, rather than voting for someone who is not someone else, if that makes sense)

    But definitely not a Russian bot :)

    • Skua
      651 month ago

      I think you should vote for someone you believe in, rather than voting for someone who is not someone else

      This would be the ideal situation, but for so long as we have first-past-the-post it’s a fundamentally ineffective way to vote. Thanks to Duverger’s law, unless one of the two big parties just so happens to coincide with your views then the best you can do is to vote against whichever of the big two you dislike most. “Big two” here depends on your constituency - it may not be Labour and the Conservatives locally, but it is true that virtually every constituency has at most two realistic options. Labour may not be very good, but if they’re in power it’s probably at minimum going to make this a better place for asylum seekers and trans people (or whoever the Tories would go after next), and Labour’s voting record on the environment really is far better than the Conservatives’ too.

      • @orcrist@lemm.ee
        11 month ago

        Your opinion is that it’s the best you can do. I disagree, because that ignores the medium run.

        It might be a good idea, but it’s not definitely “the best” because reality is more complicated. Politics doesn’t happen exactly once on one day.

        • @Donkter@lemmy.world
          101 month ago

          I agree, but I unfortunately think that’s actually the perspective of anyone who chooses not to vote. Politics doesn’t happen once on one day. But if you haven’t done anything in 4 years the most impactful you’ll be is voting for the lesser of two evils once on election day.

        • Skua
          81 month ago

          It’s the best you can with with your vote on voting day. It doesn’t stop you doing anything else on any other day.

      • archomrade [he/him]
        51 month ago

        Yes, definitely a Russian bot, and not someone who works from home and is active during normal waking hours in Minnesota.

        I don’t advocate anyone getting banned but i think it’s a bit naive to accuse someone who you disagree with as being a foreign agent.

        Go ahead and look through my comments, I’ll happily own up to any comment where I said ‘don’t vote for biden’. I think liberals who obsess over the lesser evil binary 6 months out from an election instead of pushing their candidate to be less shit are themselves just looking for an excuse not to critique their own willingness to accept genocidal complicity.

        Shout out to unruffled for tagging me. Glad to know I’m at least memorable.

          • archomrade [he/him]
            71 month ago

            Jesus bud, take a sec to breathe.

            So… where do you live?

            Minnesota is as specific as i’m willing to be with you, sorry if that’s disappointing. But even if I picked a town like ‘Osseo’ arbitrarily, how’d that satisfy this incessant nagging suspicion of yours more than ‘Minnesota’? That’s why I told you it was ‘unfalsifiable’. So go nuts, pick a standard you’d be willing to accept as satisfactory proof that i’m American. Before you ask me to provide it, though, ask yourself if you’d be willing to provide the same personal details to strangers on the internet - i’m willing to bet there is no proof I could provide you that most people would be willing to offer themselves.

            Weird how you do literally nothing but post “don’t vote biden”, isn’t it?

            Like I said, feel free to find any example of me saying that. The most i’ve said is that I understand not wanting to vote for him over his defense of Israel. Admittedly I got sent by the incessant ‘i’m still voting for him’ apologia i kept seeing in that community, so that’s basically all I did on here for a few days. You should know that your continued reaction over it is scratching something of an itch.

            It’s more likely you just think someone with that negative a view of Biden cannot possibly be real, and if that’s what you need to believe in order to ground yourself back to reality i’m happy to play pretend for you.

                • @Dasus@lemmy.world
                  130 days ago

                  Yes, avoid and deny.

                  You were so willing to discuss these things the other day, what happened?

                  I mean, it’s not like you literally ever talk about anything else so…

                  You asked me to link a post or comment by you. I did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        • Unruffled
          41 month ago

          TBH, I just noticed the typo in your name. If I’d thought for more than 5 seconds about it, I’d have kept it to myself instead of correcting it though. Apologies.

        • archomrade [he/him]
          31 month ago

          For what it’s worth, I ended up getting the boot for calling someone a ‘l!b’, though if I’m being honest I expected it sooner for cooking a little too hard

      • Skua
        41 month ago

        The UK is having a general election in a little over a month, and we have a similar electoral system and a similarly miserable political landscape. It’s fairly applicable here too.

        • @Dasus@lemmy.world
          101 month ago

          Well the part about “not voting will support the least democratic party” would work, if there is any significant support for those parties (which there is), but the choices are far from being as clear as in the US, especially because they’ve had several presidents who lost the popular vote but still got elected. Meaning that the smaller tje discrepancy, the easier it is for the corrupt electoral college to go against the popular vote.

          Refraining from voting can be used to reform a system, but if people don’t honestly see that voting Biden is the only reasonable action to take against Trump, then we’re frighteningly close to pretty literally repeating history. Hell, even if Trump loses and even if he goes to prison, the US pretty much on track to repeat the exact history of Germany 100 years ago.


          • Skua
            11 month ago

            Did you reply to the comment that you intended to here? I’m not sure I understand why you’ve said what you said. If that’s just me being thick then please clarify for me, I’m lost

            • @Dasus@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              The point is that not-voting can be a tool for reform, and can be a reasonable choice. CAN be. But it definitely is NOT in the US presidential election, where not voting is pretty much direct support for Trump, one of the most psychotic world leaders in the last decades.

              Without significant cooperation and a very specific situation though, refraining from voting should not be practiced, and currently a vast majority of the people advocating for it are Russian trolls trying to help Putler’s bitch Trump win the election.

              • Skua
                31 month ago

                Right, but I agree with you about that. I’m just saying the meme also applies well to the upcoming UK election.

          • Skua
            51 month ago

            Both are first past the post, which is creates a two-party system. There are a lot of other differences, yes, but for the purposes of the post it’s close enough where it counts

    • Zorque
      241 month ago

      Well as long as you have your pride as the world burns down around you :)

      • @pop@lemmy.ml
        111 month ago

        It’s already burning, and you’re actively participating in one, if you haven’t noticed. But hey, my teams going to keep it under controI, the people dying are not even white, so it’s cool.

        It’s optimal for US to come out as fascist and remove all doubts, so that rest of the world can move away from appeasing a military complex disguised as a country. The civilized world will deal with it.

        People actually believe that country that actively supports current and harbors past war criminals is the one that’s keeping the world from burning. No, you’re just like Russia and China with good PR.

        But you can’t make any more arguments without moving to hypothetical bullshit, deflection, personal attacks and whataboutism from brainwashing, so I won’t fault you.

        -Signed, Pick your flavor of bots (Russian/Chinese/NK/Iran/Cuba/Aliens) you like and feel better about yourself

      • Gabe Bell
        31 month ago

        If you vote for the green party then its less likely to burn down around you :)

    • @goferking0@lemmy.sdf.org
      1 month ago

      It’s easier for them to call you/anyone a bot than admit any of the viable options have many many issues

      Edit: people here don’t seem to like pointing out this fact

    • @pyre@lemmy.world
      51 month ago

      well that’s because labor did become much more similar to the tories with that cunt blair when thatcher was in office, didn’t it? the difference isn’t as small in the us, however disappointing it might be.

      democrats are center right but not straight up fascist as the republican party is today.

      at the very least they’re trailing behind the population when it comes to social justice. the republicans are completely against anyone except straight cis white males having any rights.

      they talk about trans people a lot but they already started taking women’s rights away. who’s safe? gays? black people? leftists? you can say both parties are disappointing but it’s a joke to say they are “the same.”

      also AOC talking about the election last time had a good argument for Biden despite her differences: forget who you support. but who do you think will be more responsive to arguments and protests? if it’s Biden, you might or might not pressure him to do some things. if it’s the other guy, you know he will not listen.

      the exception seems to be genocide unfortunately, but it won’t be better under the guy who triggered and facilitated all of this while he was in the office in the first place.

      and I’m sorry but you can’t expect the democrats to come to their senses on their own. if you think not voting for them will suddenly make them think they should appeal more to the left, historically you’ve been wrong; the only lesson they learn is that they should appeal more to the right because the right is winning despite being a minority. that’s how their deteriorating minds work.

  • @deltreed@lemmy.world
    321 month ago

    Nothing to do with rigged elections or propaganda. People are realizing that neither party represents the people. It’s a fact.

    • @Zink@programming.dev
      221 month ago

      Neither party representing the people is very very different then saying both parties are equally damaging.

    • @rsuri@lemmy.world
      30 days ago

      That’s pretty misleading because it depends on what you mean by “the people”. And the more complicated, less-emotionally satisfying reality is that both candidates were essentially chosen by different groups of “the people” in contested primary elections in 2016 and 2020. The system is inefficient and in fact designed to uphold the status quo, but still allows people to change it. And trying to change it by voting is a far more effective strategy than not participating and hoping the extremely status-quo biased corporate media somehow gives you attention and takes your side as a result.

    • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
      261 month ago

      And that candidate will lose, republicans will win, and give free reign to Netyanyahoo.

      Good job mate. Important thing is you didn’t let small things like nuance or reality get in the way of riding the high horse.

      Dems have people like Sanders and AOC openly voicing their disgust over Israel’s genocide. Can’t see any GOP member saying that.

      • @AhismaMiasma@lemm.ee
        130 days ago

        Thank you for understanding. Despite what the critics say, I am sure current administration could also ride this horse. Have a good one, mate.

      • Basilisa
        151 month ago

        Dude supports abortion but doesn’t want the state to pay for abortions… So basically low income people are fucked and should give birth to a child they can’t afford to have. He should kill himself.

        libertarians care about liberty until you say that government shouldn’t privatize social services then suddenly they get super authoritarian

      • @AhismaMiasma@lemm.ee
        1 month ago

        Wow, ending qualified immunity?

        Didn’t think I’d ever see a candidate with that stance!

        Spez: I’ve finished reading all of Chase Oliver’s platform. As a card carrying libleft, this guy’s got my vote. Personal rights, tuition reform, easier adoption, firearms rights, drug decriminalization, streamlined immigration, and against the death penalty? Nearly perfect! Gimme strong support of nuclear and single payer healthcare and my family would be canvasing today.

        • @Zoboomafoo@slrpnk.net
          1 month ago

          I like a lot of his positions, but the isolationism, especially in regards to Ukraine is a no-go to me

          • @AhismaMiasma@lemm.ee
            31 month ago

            That’s a fair point, I don’t like him lumping support for Ukraine in with support for Israel.

            He does go on to state that he seeks peace without rewarding the “aggressing party”. Idk exactly what that means, so he gets a C- from me on foreign policy for the time being.

        • capital
          31 month ago

          Just write in your own name and you’ll match 100% of what you want and have the same chance at actually being elected.


    • @theonyltruemupf@feddit.de
      71 month ago

      Not casting your vote for Biden is equal to casting half a vote to Trump, who will ensure there is not question left whether it actually qualifies as genocide or not. It will be horrible. Please vote Biden. Lesser evil means less evil.

  • @LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
    2430 days ago

    When Martin Luther King Jr said the white moderate was the biggest stumbling block of progressive politics he meant shit like this That favors order over Justice.

    When it said that you cut a liberal in a fascist bleeds they mean you.

    I’m an American that lives in a very blue state. I will be voting third party this election because my state and my vote will end up going to the blue team anyway. What I know is that if a third party gets 5% of the vote they get funding in the next round. I don’t know about all you guys, but I am tired of constantly picking the lesser evil and having every election I participate in be the most important election of our lifetime (so far

    But sure Just say I’m a Russian bot. I’m sure that won’t distance people even further away from your politics.

    • @kinther@lemmy.world
      1430 days ago

      Donate and campaign for your local ranked choice voting groups https://fairvote.org/ - if you aren’t engaged in changing the system, you should be.

      Until we have change like this, I’m still voting for the person who sucks the least, because I know only one of the two mainstream candidates will win.

      • @LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
        1030 days ago

        I already am a part of a local organization for ranked choice voting. That’s great advice. People should definitely do this. It would make everything so much better! 👈😎

        From your last sentence, I’m assuming where you vote is in contention and since that’s the case, I think you’re right. I do want to say if you’re like me living in a non-swing state that is always going to go for the same party. Then have a little fun with a third party vote.

    • @violetraven
      830 days ago

      That’s because you have the privilege of living in a blue state and our votes going towards an electoral college rather than popular vote in most cases. I voted Green Party before seeing her in the Russian op photo. National doesn’t matter as much as local votes do

      • @LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
        30 days ago

        Exactly if you live in a non-swing state like me that is either solid red or blue and does not change then vote third party. If you live in a swing state then vote for the lesser of two evils.

        It’s really simple

        • @Soulg@sh.itjust.works
          230 days ago

          If you live in a red state vote blue so that there’s that tiny 1%chance that enough people are pissed off that blue wins by a few votes

          • @LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
            530 days ago

            I mean you could, but even if you’re successful, you end up in the same situation we are in now where we’re deciding between the lesser of two evils every election.

            If you follow my plan instead, over time, third parties will gain more support allowing us to pick something other than the lesser of two evils.

            Do you get what I’m saying?

    • @goldenlocks@lemmy.world
      730 days ago

      Just want to say this is the only sane take. I am donating and supporting the Green party in hopes of 5%, then we’ll see the Dems actually get off their ass and give some scraps to the struggling working class of this country.

      • @LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
        530 days ago

        Thank you, comrade.

        I will be voting for Claudia Taylor Cruz or Dr. Cornell West myself, but in the event I can’t get one of those, Jill Stein (green party) would be my next pick. 👈😎

    • @Anomaline@lemmy.world
      630 days ago

      …you realize MLK was talking about people like you that would rather throw your hands up and do nothing than help, right?

      If Trump wins, minorities and LGBT folks are in danger. That’s on you. In the same way that white moderates are critiqued for sitting around and doing nothing in the civil rights era, people who are sitting around and doing nothing against the rise of fascism in that way because they don’t want to take the time to focus on who’s in danger are to blame. You are the modern white moderate.

      • @LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
        830 days ago

        I’m not doing nothing. I’m in a non-swing state that’ll go Blue no matter what I do. So I’m trying to organize people to vote third party so we can actually get a party that represents the people in. What are you doing??

        It wouldn’t be on me because I know how the electoral college works and I know that my vote will go to the Dems regardless because I’m in Maryland, it’ll be blue as f*** regardless of what I voted for. If you want to spend money, I will bet you any amount of money you would like. That Maryland will be blue and all of its votes will go to Biden. Honestly that second paragraph’s Is just protection man. If you are actually doing something or just confused than Good luck to you.

    • @DAMunzy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      530 days ago

      Welcome comrade bot. We are not quite legion but if we can get these Liberal airbags to stop voting for genocide politicians maybe we can actual have change. Lol remember Obama and “Change”.

      • @LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
        830 days ago

        I remember when he kept his campaign promise to close Guantanamo Bay and totally gave us universal health care and not some right-wing idea from the heritage foundation. He rebranded as Obamacare.

        Good to know there are people who pay attention to politics here. Thanks Comrade 👈😎🛠️

        • @DAMunzy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          530 days ago

          Let’s not forget the increased drone strikes, continuing two wars (yes, they were started by the worse party but he helped funnel 100s of billions into war), assault on privacy and civil liberties.

          • @LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
            430 days ago


            Did you ever see the cliff of him trying to tell the people Flint Michigan that their water wasn’t poisoned with lead and pretending the drink of glass of tap water in front of them. It wasn’t until I saw that that I realized that dude was just a puppet.

    • SatansMaggotyCumFart
      330 days ago

      Are you voting for Bobby Jr, Cornel or Jill?

      Because Bobby’s the only one who might get 5%. Would that be saying you are okay with his policies?

      What are you going to do in the next election cycle to make sure the nominees align closer to your values?

      • @LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
        230 days ago

        For me, it’ll probably come down to Dr. Cornel West or Claudia de lacruz. I would vote for Jill Stein if those two aren’t viable at time of voting. All three of these candidates are closer to my values than any of the party nominees I’ve seen in my lifetime.

        Rfk seems to have more in common with Republicans than anyone else and they’re my least favorite. I just generally find him kind of gross and grifty

        If the nominee doesn’t align with my values in the next election, I will continue to do the what I am now. pushing people to vote for third party politicians that do align with their values in non-swing State situations.

        • SatansMaggotyCumFart
          330 days ago

          Dr. Cornel West or Claudia de lacruz. I would vote for Jill Stein

          Are any of those polling over 1%?

          • @LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
            230 days ago

            That’s a silly question.

            That’s like if you were talking about building a dog house and I asked you “How much of it’s done already?” And when you said not that much I could say. Well it’s never going to get done then. See how that’s silly?

            • SatansMaggotyCumFart
              130 days ago

              No, I asked if any of them are polling over 5%.

              It’s a question with an answer, just maybe not an answer you would like.

              So do you want to answer the question or do you want to deflect from the answer?

              • @LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
                230 days ago

                Actually, you didn’t ask that you asked if any of them are polling over 1%.

                Re-read your own comment.

                I’m not going to waste my time with you anymore ✌🏾

  • @ssj2marx@lemmy.ml
    231 month ago

    RuSsIaN bOtS

    Russian bots have maybe an 0.1% effect on the election. You know what has a 90% effect on every single election? Corporate donations.

    Anyway it’s not our job to fall in line for Biden, it’s Biden’s job to appeal to voters, a job which he and his team have seemingly abdicated.

      • @ssj2marx@lemmy.ml
        101 month ago

        They’re a rhetorical device to illustrate a point, not the findings of a scientific survey.

        • @nyctre@lemmy.world
          81 month ago

          Yeah, next time just reply with “check out my domain name”, or “.ml” if you wanna be even more efficient. Most people will understand your point.

          But just to reply to your point so you can’t accuse me of not engaging with your bs or whatever : the russians are investing in propaganda for a “maybe 0.1%”? This And This And everything else just because of “maybe 0.1%”?

          Everyone knows that there’s multiple factors at play here, and even if trump wins this year, it won’t be only because of bots and propaganda. Like you said, the fact that you can accept donations for your campaign is a huge factor in who gets most visibility. And because most voters are uneducated, they’ll just vote for the most visible ones.

          The thing is, most people around here accused of being bots aren’t really bots nor paid by russia. I don’t think anyone actually believes they are. But they’re people on which the propaganda worked.

    • @Facebones@reddthat.com
      71 month ago

      Why bother appealing to voters when blue MAGA will demonize and spread misinformation about anyone who dissents for free, all while “yEs, BuT tRuMp”-ing any and every criticism.

      At this point Biden could shoot a guy on 4th and democrats would screech “sure but you’re not seeing the forest for the trees, TRUMP SAID HE’D DO IT ON FIFTH!”

  • @Coasting0942@reddthat.com
    151 month ago

    Can’t believe it took this long for me to see this meme. Plenty of photos of internet soldiers, but haven’t seen it memes till now.

    151 month ago

    Hey, fellow Russian agents of lemmy, does anybody wanna form a union?

    These working conditions are shit. We have to deal with insufferable liberals repeating the same pro-genocide arguments over and over. Yeah yeah, if we try to strike they could send us all to the front, but tell me honestly - can you really say you fear death after interacting with “vote blue no matter who” people all day?

    Honestly, this whole thing seems like a waste of time. How are we supposed to convince Americans to oppose genocide, especially when the victims aren’t even white? Like, come on, they didn’t have a problem when their government was slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan, they’re not gonna suddenly turn into moral actors just because we say the right set of words. When in history have these people ever cared how many foreigners die because of their government’s actions?

    In conclusion we deserve a raise if we’re going to keep dealing with these people and if our bosses decide to shut the whole thing down in response, that’s probably for the best because frankly this whole “convince Americans to oppose genocide” thing seems like a complete waste of time.

    • @Zink@programming.dev
      31 month ago

      I’m an American who opposes genocide. What is the best use of my vote in November to reduce genocide in the world?

      • OBJECTION!
        41 month ago

        The best use of your vote in terms of stopping genocide would be to vote for someone who doesn’t support genocide.

        • @Zink@programming.dev
          71 month ago

          I’m looking at this imaginary November ballot and the choices are:

          1. status quo
          2. way MORE genocide, and
          3. “other” where I can write a note that nobody will read.

          I can advocate, vote for better people in primaries, and stuff like that, but I cannot change the choices on the ballot.

          • @bloodfart@lemmy.ml
            330 days ago

            Hey, just a heads up, those write ins and third party votes get counted and when parties are planning their platforms they look at how many third party votes they could pick up.

          • OBJECTION!
            21 month ago

            Good thing option 3 exists so you have an option to oppose genocide without changing what’s on the ballot.

            • @Zink@programming.dev
              41 month ago

              Is it morally correct to effectively give option 2 (MORE genocide) half a vote just so that I can voice my objections to the status quo? I’m not thrilled with the idea of asking other people to die so that I can avoid voting for an imperfect candidate.

              • OBJECTION!
                330 days ago

                No. I’m confused, what country do you live in that has half-votes? I’ve never heard of that.

                You should give 100% of your vote (votes?) to the non-genocide option. Do not give any percentage of your vote to either pro-genocide option. This isn’t that complicated.

                • @Zink@programming.dev
                  530 days ago

                  Yeah it just sounds so simple. Almost misleadingly so!

                  And I don’t believe you need the effective half vote thing explained to you.

                  I plan to use my vote to actually reduce and/or prevent genocide and other bad things as much as I can. Like real effects in the real world. If I vote for a third party candidate that stands on firmer moral ground (and who will never have to actually make those decisions), and that choice helps in any small way to get Trump elected, then there are many more people who will suffer and die. It is for those people that I can step outside the realm of idealism and vote for the lesser evil. Because like I saw in another comment, choosing the lesser evil does mean less evil in the world.

                  I don’t have to be happy about it or excited to do it. But when looking at the practical cause and effect of the voting choices, I only see one ethical option for myself.

  • @sibannac@lemmy.world
    1530 days ago

    I did voter drives in 2016 and 2020 The people I met say the same things. I am in now way saying that voter interference is not a thing. Encouraging voter apathy is a easy way to influence American elections.

  • @PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world
    131 month ago

    If you don’t have preferential voting, the only party worth voting for is the one pledging to introduce it. It would solve this bullshit overnight.

    Instead, people are fighting over which neoliberal to elect; the slightly more progressive one or the significantly more fascist one. Both of them are going to put the profits of wealthy donors ahead of human lives and neither is a true solution to mounting problems.

    Fuck, not only will this not stop the genocide (because Israel doesn’t actually need the weapons in the first place), you won’t even solve the bots and propaganda. Israel has an extremely sophisticated cyberware unit and they’ll just join the Russians trying to get Trump elected.

  • deaf_fish
    1230 days ago

    When we are all headed to gas chambers because Trump won, I hope leftist “no voters” and “3rd party voters” can take solace in the fact that they personally didn’t dirty their morals by voting for Biden. Because the last hours of our lives, I will be brutally taking the piss out of you all and loving every moment of it.

    • @hglman@lemmy.ml
      630 days ago

      I find it hard for you to justify the default position is the democratic party at this point. It’s you who failed to change.

  • Stern
    1230 days ago


    What is being said: “Why the choices geriatric dickhead who wants to let Israel commit genocide and OTHER geriatric dickhead who wants to let Israel commit genocide? I’ll still vote for my geriatric dickhead but I’m really not happy about it.”

    Folks can’t force me to be happy about being required to vote for the lesser evil because the two party system is horseshit, and they should really stop trying. If they want me to be an enthusiastic voter maybe they should put forth candidates who don’t fill any part of “geriatric dickhead who wants to let Israel commit genocide”. There has to be one or two right?

    • @bloodfart@lemmy.ml
      1130 days ago

      You can always vote party for socialism and liberation instead. Their platform includes Palestinian statehood and an end to weapons shipments to israel.

      When the votes get tallied, each one that’s cast for a party with anti-genocide platforms serves as incontrovertible proof to the two major parties that there is real electoral support they could gain by dropping genocide from their own platforms.

      • @Olgratin_Magmatoe@lemmy.world
        30 days ago

        And in doing so you throw away your vote, potentially allowing Trump to win just like in 2016, and then we will quickly find that

        • the LGBTQ is thrown even harder under the bus, resulting in deaths
        • abortion becomes banned nationwide, either de facto banned or explicitly, also resulting in deaths
        • project 2025 gets going, further eroding what little democracy we have left
        • even more conservative justices get sworn into the SCOTUS, ensuring a conservative super majority for decades to come

        Under no circumstances can we allow these things.

        • @bloodfart@lemmy.ml
          430 days ago

          You’re never gonna convince me personally to vote for Biden. That ship sailed years ago.

          For anyone reading though, can you explain how it’s more important to elect the people who have failed over and over again to accomplish the four tasks you laid out than it is to record a vote that establishes what policy platforms one of the two major parties could adopt if they actually wanted one’s vote?

          • @Olgratin_Magmatoe@lemmy.world
            30 days ago

            You’re never gonna convince me personally to vote for Biden. That ship sailed years ago.

            I know, single issue voters are too closed minded. You’re not the one worth trying to convince.

            can you explain how it’s more important to elect the people who have failed over and over again

            Federal elections can generally only maintain the status quo due to the current election system we have. Actual change requires progressive candidates at the local level.

            • @bloodfart@lemmy.ml
              330 days ago

              Since you brought it up, I’m not a single issue voter. Biden has had his hands in or been treated as the architect of nearly all the problems America faces. Voting for Biden in my view is like asking the person who caused all the problems and is materially invested in their continued presence to fix them.

              I reject progressivism because its ambiguity allows for any kind of political idea to brand itself progressive (the Nazi party called itself progressive!), but if you value a change to the status quo wouldn’t it make sense to cast a ballot with as many votes for candidates endorsed by or representing parties whose policy platforms actually represent the change you’d like to see rather than the (your words here) status quo democrats?

              Wouldn’t that include voting for someone other than Biden in addition to all the other positions up for election in which you reject the status quo?

              • @Olgratin_Magmatoe@lemmy.world
                230 days ago

                as the architect of nearly all the problems America faces.

                There is no one person responsible for all of this.

                I reject progressivism because its ambiguity allows for any kind of political idea to brand itself progressive (the Nazi party called itself progressive!)

                You’re the one lumping nazis in with progressives. Any damage done to the name progressive is on your hands.

                but if you value a change to the status quo wouldn’t it make sense to cast a ballot with as many votes for candidates endorsed by or representing parties whose policy platforms actually represent the change you’d like to see rather than the (your words here) status quo democrats?

                In fantasy land sure, but this is a FPTP system.

                • @bloodfart@lemmy.ml
                  130 days ago

                  I gotta ask that if you prefer to use inline quotes as a format for your replies that you at the very least quote full sentences. I try to write in a clear and unambiguous way, but when my words are chopped up it’s easy to misconstrue the things I’m saying.

                  No one person can be blamed for the sorry state of the nation, but if you’re interested in an example of legislation which has done significant harm to Americans and funneled billions into the carceral state that Biden himself takes credit for and that third parties have reenforced, the ‘94 crime bill is one.

                  As I said before, I reject progressivism because of its ambiguity. What is considered progress now (progress for whom, measured how) may very well be abhorrent in the future. The history of progressivism as a political tendency bears this out. It’s used more often as a label than a cohesive platform and rare indeed are the progressive edifices which clearly explain what they’re progressing towards and how they’re judging their steps along that road.

                  For this reason what I said was not meant as a soul rending insult to people who call themselves progressive, but to offer an explanation why in my next sentence I didn’t specifically reference progressive candidates and used instead policy platforms to describe the candidates.

                  Now didn’t you just say that federal elections can only maintain the status quo and that change has to happen at a local election level? It seems like I just described the logical steps a person with your views would take when it comes to elections. Why are those ideas perfectly normal when you write them down but suddenly fantastical when I say them?

    • OptionalOP
      730 days ago

      If Gaza is the only political issue you can be bothered to care about then yeah. Sucks to be you. Maybe 2028?