“This lawsuit is brought to prevent this from ever happening again”
In the country where cop abuse happens all the time, and nothing ever stops or prevents it.
And we (as a whole) worship the police, especially thru idealized shows like Law & Order.
I’ve seen a bunch of rights violations on Law & Order.
How even? Are the cops supposed to search the ground first? Like seriously, regardless of the circumstances leading to the arrest, how to prevent that?
Or listen to her screaming about the ants biting her face.
Like she was in the bodycam video.
What a stupid fucking take. She said there were fire ants on her face. In that instance you move her. I’m not a cop, and I know this, and wouldn’t do this to someone, because I’m not a fucking moron.
I swear to god you guys who stick up for the cops don’t even think for five seconds before hungrily jamming pig cock down your throats for all to see.
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Since you are the only person that actually replies: Has nothing to do with the case at hand, as I said (or the person I reply to) generally speaking. Since thinking abstract is hard, here an example: There was an armed robbery, they got the person cornered, one officer gets ready to charge him in order to disarm. This works. Person now on the ground. Face is wherever it happened to land. How to avoid that? Is that possible?
My guy this lady was driving in a bus lane at a school, not armed robbery. What the fuck.
How can you think that I specifically talk about this case? And not an example for why this would not always be possible?
They could try not slamming people to the ground and hogtying them for the crime of… cutting in line at a school drop-off.
Did you even read the article? She accidentally drove the wrong way in a bus lane. Her son was still in the car. The police officer freaked out and instead of calmly talking to her, they called backup and the officer who came freaked out even worse and slammed her to the ground on an ant hill and then ignored her saying that ants were boring her face. You don’t see any point where this could have been avoided?
Mmmm, boot
Treat people like people, would be a nice start.
If you take someone into your custody via an arrest, you are then responsible for their wellbeing. This is common sense.
Imagine if someone is in the middle of a shallow river getting arrested. Would it be okay to hold their head underwater while you are restraining them? Of course not.
The officer is responsible for making sure that the suspect is not put into harms way during the course of having them in their custody. If they fail that very basic expectation, they should not be in law enforcement period.
Yes, cops are supposed to check the ground they are shoving someone’s face into to prevent injury to that person. Maybe not shove any nonviolent faces into the ground at all? But that is too much to ask, I guess.
I suppose looking at the ground is beyond the intelligence of most pigs…
Kindly go put your face on a fire ant nest, and then come back and tell us how the cop shouldn’t have moved her once she yelled about the fire ants.
The nests can sometimes be hard to spot, so I’m not voting one way or another on that. But basic human decency says, if you accidentally put someone on a fire ant nest, you move them asap once you notice.
My first thought after reading that sentence was “I have some bad news for her…”
Edit: fixed dad to bad.
Does she not know who her dad is? Or maybe you’re referring to the child’s father?
It was bad dad news.
Body worn cameras stop a lot of cop abuse (and also false accusations of abuse) since in the aftermath of some incident the footage often speaks for itself. As is the case here.
She was dropping her son off as school. Her son was still in the car. She drove into the bus lane accidentally. The officer’s response was that he was “scared she was going to run someone over” … while her son who goes to the school is in the car. You could verify that in a 5 second radio call to the front office.
We need to re-think policing in general if cops are allowed to enforce their worst fears instead of seeing what’s actually happening.
My read was that she was trying to bypass the line of cars dropping off kids, and he was trying to stop her so she wouldn’t run over a kid exiting a vehicle. If you’ve ever dropped off kids at school in the morning, you know this is a major nono. The problem is that, if you rush someone yelling “STOP” in that situation, you run the risk of making them panic and do something even more unexpected (like accidentally turn into the bus lane). It would have been better to flag her down calmly, and explain the problem. But this guy was so obsessed with enforcing The Rules that he got aggressive and created a much worse situation for everyone involved.
Without knowing the exact layout of the lanes, I couldn’t be sure, but I do think you’re correct. She did need to stop, but he only escalated the situation.
Considering she had PTSD from a previous police encounter, it sure seems like a regular crossing guard or traffic director without a gun on their hip would’ve prevented this from escalating in the first place.
shh we’re not allowed to victim blame here.
You can point out that someone fucked up and incited the initial incident while still acknowledging that the response was overblown. If someone breaks into my house and I kill them thats one thing, if I instead lock them in a shed and torture them for a month they are still a victim while also initially putting themselves into the situation. Ones a fuck around find out scenario the other is disproportionate insanity.
And if she struggles because of the ants and moves around, she gets beaten, shot with a heart attack machine, and/or shot with a gun, then charged with resisting arrest
or recklessly doped with ketamine
Or just plain old suffocated to death
“resisting arrest without violence”
Look it’s just really difficult to get paid time off as a cop.
I would say she has a strong case.
These ghouls claiming there werent ants there
She has the craziest adult acne then.
Clearly if she had just complied, those ants wouldn’t have bitten her.
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I’d bet they’d understand “lose your job and go to prison”, but somehow it’s a language we’re incapable of speaking.
anybody still waiting around for government and democracy to fix this shit is extremely naive. government is just a form of organization. we have all the tools to organize without the help of government.
Thats true but i do hope we approach our organization a tad bigger and a bit more sensitive then a cop punishing vigilante ring.
Because a group to punish cops is just cops punishing criminals with extra steps.
Systemic oppression is a problem but the police are a symptom rather than the source.
Police is a tool by those in power, one of the main objectives is to protect private properties because ownership of resources is what competition has always been about.
I support pretty much any left pushing operation but my personal angle(dream) would be to further radicalize the youth into being more class conscious and to occupy the space we need to not just survive but thrive as decentralized network of solarpunk communities.
Cops aren’t supposed to punish criminals.
They’re supposed to catch them. Then a whole other branch of the justice system judges what sort of punishment is warranted and yet another branch of the justice system see to the actual punishing. If things went by the book.
Unfortunately the system doesn’t exactly work as it’s supposed to.
Fuck (the current and corrupt) cops.
I don’t think people are smart or sane enough for self governance. Just look how many trump supporters there are. To let them wild and expect to have some sane self organisational system that isn’t outright slavery of minorities…
Democracy is a screening test for anarchism, first step. If you fail it, there is no sense pursuing the latter. Only country apparently smart enough to arrive at the next step - direct democracy, is Switzerland.
What we all really mean is that the current borders in the age of internet grow weaker and weaker. People want to have their own countries with likeminded folks. It’s only a matter of time before internet tribalism materialises in reality as the web permeates our culture deeper and deeper.
USA will probably split sooner or later unless someone can unite people again.
If the problem is MAGA, just get rid of those people. I don’t think we should let a bunch of idiots ruin the utopia that is within reach.
This post has been flagged by the FBi for trying to hold police accountable.
ACAB but I don’t agree with vigilantism.
Even if you could get away with it, it’s only a matter of time before some vigilante decides that they too like the cops are the law and starts abusing people.
Peaceful protesting only works for so long.
Commander Data discusses terrorism with captain Picard.
Note the prediction for the “Irish Unification of 2024”
I imagine a bunch of people dress as green arrow running around yelling “YOU’VE FAILED THIS CITY” and I’m not entirely opposed to it.
Every time there’s a civilian review board it gets undermined by the police and politicians (who rely on the police unions to stay in power).
You’re probably not wrong
I believe the “police police” is called Internal Affairs.
how well are they doing at their job?
The cruelty is the point. Police are not to protect the people. FTP
You can’t reform or fix a collective of abusers and evil people. ACAB.
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Sorry, best I can do is 2 days paid leave.
2 days is a short time to send them home and get bored so they’d start beating their wives. Give them at least 2 weeks, they earned paid domestic abuse.
Ruben Espinoza, the police chief for the Santa Fe Independent School District
Why the fuck does a school district need a police chief?
Espinoza accused her of “being erratic and noncompliant”
FTFY: ‘Espinoza accused her of “being erratic and not respecting my authoritai”’
I’d be fucking erratic and noncompliant too with my FACE IN A FIRE ANT HILL
Espinoza said that Rogers was “treated with respect” and “professionalism” during her arrest and said there was not a visible ant pile.
She could have been allergic, you heap of trash with a badge.
Right, as someone who is, that’s terrifying. Meanwhile, Everytime anything like this happens every other cop says I wouldn’t do that., but somehow this keeps happening.
Man, the photo of her face. She was completely fucked up.
Yea that’s fucked what they did to her. I’ve had them bite me and it was just a few and on my legs, I can’t imagine the pain having them attack your face.
America is such a violent country. No one comes out unscathed from this madness. Police fears citizens, citizens fear police. Only the gangs and criminals are the winners.
And the average American defends this behavior. Sickening.
Average voter blah blah, that’s why we can’t have nice things. I hate elitism but it’s hard to ignore mundane reality.
This is why education is so important. It’s what separates us from wild beasts.
No, your complacency and unwillingness to press the status quo is the exact thing allowing for Palestinians to be murdered.
But you go ahead and try to feel like you’re doing good. It’s the American way, to look the other way.
Is the lemmy swarmed with bots already? I am not even American and it is wrong to accuse whole country of something. I don’t even do that to Russians or certainly not Chinese even though their governments are way more evil.
I suspect you have some agenda or maybe even are paid in rubles. Weird to see here I thought no geopolitical actors would bother.
Found the bot.
No u
Policing in the UK is based on the principle of public trust and approval. i.e Peelian principles. That doesn’t mean there aren’t terrible racist cops or thugs in the ranks because there are, but generally it means cops aren’t on power trips, recognise they are the public and there to serve the public, not just arrest people, and they also exercise discretion and common sense. Again, not perfect and there are rotten apples, but there is that ethos in policing.
I think that is lacking in US forces. They’re more like a civil military, separate from the public in mentality and adversarial. That said, I think US cops are also burdened with societal problems that shouldn’t be theirs to deal with - mentally ill, homeless, addiction, guns. I’ve seen enough “officer involved shootings” to realise most were justified in the moment. More than half are straight up felons getting into gun fights with cops. Others are gray though - e.g. a crazy homeless dude pulls a knife and charges a cop and of course they shoot the guy - which is justified - but why did society care so little that it came to this? Money spent on programs for addiction, homelessness and mentally ill would pay off in terms of less criminality and less shootings. As would changing policing to be more Peelian in nature.
0 respect for cops. Bitches from bourgeoisie state
Zero respect for Americans. You let this happen so long as you sit back and watch.
In general, fire ant don’t bite, they sting. Not that it changes what a piece of shit the cop is, but I wish the headline was accurate to what happened.
I thought they bite to hang on while they sting you. Not that you notice the bite so much in that case but it makes them harder to shake off.
which is also how people became so adamant that they bite and don’t sting. it’s a lot easier to see the bite.
They do both. They use their mandibles to bite and latch on, while they spin around their latch point and repeatedly sting in a circle. The twisting (from them spinning in circles while latched on) and repeated stinging is what creates the characteristic burning sensation that gives them their name.