It’s better to make it locally, than to have it shipped by plane across the world.
The french flag is a bit surprising given it’s not made in France, but it’s flattering since that means Japanese like french stuff.
The french flag is a bit surprising given it’s not made in France
It’s because the origin is French, it’s like having an Italian flag on pasta.
it’s flattering since that means Japanese like french stuff
That’s the least you could say, French references are everywhere in Tokyo, food, fashion, building names; it is associated with fanciness.
digital price tags 😍
Those are pretty common in most European countries I’ve been to too, though often more monochrome. They just seem like less of a hastle than paper tags, if properly implemented.
We have also had them in Canada for at least a couple of years.
Yup, hardware store, Walmart, etc
Never seen them in the UK, but I want to
It’s e-ink, like Kobo reader etc. there’s a battery in the tag
Tu as la conversion en Euro ? Qu’on compare avec le boursin de Carrouf bien de che z nous ?
3.76€. In general food is much cheaper than in France, except for imported PDO (AOP) food and some common French fruits that are sold as luxury here. For example Comté is 5€30 for 100g, melon can be 30€ for one.