• @MirthfulAlembic@lemmy.world
    1122 months ago

    Part of good writing is being able to have characters say things that match their personality. This is quintessential Cass.

  • @stembolts@programming.dev
    232 months ago

    Hello, I am the apostrophe police. Please register with the executioner for your execution first thing tomorrow morning.

    • @PyroNeurosis
      742 months ago

      As the Honorable Apostophe Judge in charge of this district, the apostrophes displayed in this meme are accurate: the first being the possessive of “nobody”, and the second being a contraction of “dick is”. The accused is thus declared not guilty.

      • @stembolts@programming.dev
        2 months ago

        We are the American apostrophe police, please register for your execution first thing tomorrow for correcting me.

    • scops
      92 months ago

      It’s been years since I played New Vegas, but I feel like you can get this dialog not long after you first pick up Cass as a companion. I believe the dick in question is that of the NCR, which has overextended itself in the Mojave and is struggling to secure its territory.

            • @PrettyFlyForAFatGuy@feddit.uk
              2 months ago

              You’re right. Obsidian had a very tight timeframe for developing this game and it was a buggy mess when it released. as is anything based on the creation Gamebryo (creation is skyrim onwards and is based on gamebryo) engine.

              Once it was polished up a bit though it was recognized for the genre defining game it is

              • @el_abuelo@lemmy.ml
                32 months ago

                I’ve never really understood the hyper around NV but admittedly my memory could be tainted by time.

                I loved Fallout 1 & 2 and when Fallout 3 dropped I was delighted to get 1st person modern graphics in the world I loved. Then NV came along and the novelty of the new perspective and graphics had worn off, and there were these 2 new groups I really didn’t enjoy. Take me back to simpler times of raiders and brotherhood. Then Fallout 4 came out and I was happy once more…back in the world I loved with fresher graphics.

                But nothing can replace 1 & 2 for me.

        • scops
          102 months ago

          I would definitely recommend giving it a try.

          A number of devs from Interplay (developers of the first two Fallout games before Bethesda acquired the license) moved to Obsidian and worked on New Vegas. Many long-time fans of the series consider it to be the best of the series after the transition to 3d first person, if not the best in the series, period.

          A lot of the negative reviews were tied to the very buggy state the game released in. I’ve heard rumors that Obsidian asked for more QA time but was forced by the publisher to rush it to release. Given that Obsidian had a bounty reward if they hit a certain Metacritic score and they missed it by one point, I’m inclined to believe that rumor.

          Personally, I think Fallout 4 has better gunplay, but New Vegas is much better at being an RPG with guns in it, rather than a shooter with RPG elements tacked on. It’s gotten a ton of polish since release, and there are years of community mods and patches to further smooth out the rough edges.

          • @onlinepersona@programming.dev
            32 months ago

            A lot of the negative reviews were tied to the very buggy state the game released in. I’ve heard rumors that Obsidian asked for more QA time but was forced by the publisher to rush it to release. Given that Obsidian had a bounty reward if they hit a certain Metacritic score and they missed it by one point, I’m inclined to believe that rumor.

            Thanks, that’s what stuck with me and I hadn’t checked since. I’ll give a go. Thanks.

            Anti Commercial-AI license

  • @Skullgrid@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I want some advice, I started a new playthrough, and the furthest I got before this one was going into caesar’s camp or something dressed as one of his legion, but when I returned to the friendly faction, I left the armour on by mistake and they turned on me, and I lost my save.

    I haven’t got a companion yet, but I’m about to fix ED-E. What happens if I try something similar, and try to dress up like a normally enemy faction and go to their base with a companion (ED-E or other)? I’m trying to do a speech/int run , how should I manage my companions so they only shoot when I start to get into combat, or I am sneaking around or walking around in costume?

    • @SweatyFireBalls@lemmy.world
      42 months ago

      As far as I remember, your companions will only attack if the npcs are hostile with the exception of boon. Boon will always shoot legion on sight. You can have some decision over their actions though by talking to them.

      As for the armor it does matter when and where you have it on. Again my memory may be foggy but factions can be peaceful or aggro depending on what you are wearing. You can even go into a camp with hostiles if you have their faction armor on.

      Take all of this with a grain of salt though, it’s been a long time and I did play with and without mods.