• Captain Poofter@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Track is 🔥.

    I think it is a travesty our two party system has left voters with this the traumatic decision of supporting genocide or assisting a rise of authoritarianism. That is beyond fucked up. This is the quintessential Hobson’s Choice. It’s okay if people stay out of this vote, imo. It’s not 2016. There are other world issues besides american freedom. And people are not bad people for being unable to support either side. No one is winning come November, no matter what. We’re deciding who suffers.

    This is not what society was for. We did not invent agriculture and schools and crawl out of the hellish nomadic life of our animalistic ancestors for THIS. This is all bad. What do we do???

    I’m going to vote Biden. Lesser of two evils and all. NOT voting for either isn’t going to make me feel like i sidestepped any responsibility for travesties. But i can completely understand wanting to obtstain this time around.

    • Delusional@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      More like the decision of supporting genocide or supporting genocide and also an authoritarian regime led by morons.

    • Tiefling IRL
      11 months ago

      No one is winning, but staying out of the election means you’re ok risking the life of every woman, every trans person, every immigrant, and every person of color in the US. If Trump gets in, anyone who isn’t a white, cishet, Christian man is at risk of violence or death.

      I will be holding my nose to vote, I fucking hate Biden, but he’s the only realistic chance we have at stopping homegrown genocide. If Trump gets in, I’m immediately looking for a way out before the gestapo can get to me.

      That said, if we survive this election, we have to strategically topple the shit system that caused this scenario

      • Captain Poofter@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Voting biden doesn’t guarantee avoiding those things either, trump may still win. What it does guarantee if biden wins though is more financial aid for Israel. Just because someone refuses to pull the train lever and switch tracks to run over the person tied on the other tracks does not mean they don’t care about either persons lives. It’s an unfair request. I understand that you are personally closer to what’s happening in America, but I hope you can open your mind enough to see that there are other lives on the line as well and that yours isn’t any more important than theirs.

        • Tiefling IRL
          11 months ago

          You’re delusional if you don’t think Trump is going to carte blanche Israel. He literally said they have to get the job done. He’s shown more support for Israel than Biden has. I would not be surprised if he gives Bibi the go ahead to nuke Gaza.

          Voting for Biden doesn’t guarantee a Biden win, but not voting pushes the scale towards a Trump win. One of these two Zionist fossils is becoming president one way or the other, and both of them are going to send millions of taxpayer dollars to a genocidal maniac. The goal with voting is to minimize the amount of damage they can do.

        • AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Trump hasn’t won a single election yet, and continues to lose support through attrition by the day. He had as many votes in 2016 as he will ever have, and he lost by 3.5 million votes.

          2020 he lost by 8.1 million votes, not even the electoral college felt they could overturn that one.

          Unless some third party candidate comes out of left field, and manages to be as popular as Bernie, then a Trump trouncing is all but inevitable come November. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he loses the popular vote by a full 15 million votes this time. However if a third party candidate like that appears, Trump wins. Not Biden.

          They haven’t had the time to produce more Trump voters so attrition is all that their roles are seeing.

          That being said, they will kick you off the registered voting records for absolute BS. Ensure you are registered, register for mail in if you can. Make your voice heard. The right always does, and they are always the minority.

          Also that being said, the last 4 elections, both Presidential and Mid term, have all seen a dramatic rise in voter turnout. Hopefully that trend continues till we hit 99.999999% of the vote. I don’t believe it is actually possible to get that high, and 100% is certainly unattainable because there are people that refuse to vote no matter how easy it is for them to do so.

          • Asafum@feddit.nl
            11 months ago

            God I wish I had your optimism lol all I can see is enthusiasm for Trump and hatred of Biden from almost every single person left, right and center :(

    • Psychodelic@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I’m with you like 80%.

      I can’t, with a straight face, say, it’s okay if people stay out, but I can say I completely understand why they would.

      I can’t imagine hard it must be for uninformed people to figure out what’s true at this point. I was able to do it, imo, during the early days of youtube when there wasn’t nearly as much misinformation, or straight-up fascist propaganda like there is nowadays, flowing freely. Now, I legit don’t think I could do it starting at 18 with the clear understanding that I was being lied to and misinformed by supposed experts - really just pundits on corporate media networks.