For me the first thing that comes to mind is Tales from Earthsea. I don’t think it’s excellent or anything and has plenty of problems but people act like it killed their dog. While it has its problems that have been covered extensively, I think it has a beautiful atmosphere and art.
IMO it would have been better received if it wasn’t advertised as an Earthsea adaptation and was just its own thing.
Kung Pow is a cinematic triumph
Edit: there’s an animated cow so it counts
It may have a critical rating of 13% but it’s audience rating is 69%.
Yeah, but the audience is allowed to be high while watching.
I’m bleeding, making me the victor.
My nipples look like milk duds.
Face to foot style, how’d you like it?
squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak
Na na na na na neo, na na na na na na na sporin.
Obligatory Weeeeoooweeeeoooweeee
The real masterpiece is the movie that all of the footage is from, “Master of the Flying Guillotine”
Its far more entertaining and shockingly influential.
Master of the Flying Guillotine is one of my all time favorites along with the One Armed Boxer.
But Kung Pow used Savage Killers, also known as Tiger& Crane Fists
Tiger. Tiger, tiger. Bird. Birdy, birdy.
Rat Race is one of the funniest movies of all time, I didn’t care what the ratings say.
Oh wow, it got bad ratings? 100% agree with you. Love that movie.
That’s one of those movies that’s better than it has any right to be. Remake “It’s a mad mad mad mad world”, and now we have Smashmouth? Nah.
Same with “Hot Tub Time Machine”. Should be awful, is actually good.
Sometimes the reasons critics think movies are bad are actually features, not bugs.
Oooh cock doggies!
Titan AE is at 61% on RT, but I fucking love it.
For me, Titan AE was the first Mandela effect. I clearly remember teaser trailers years before its release with a totally different art style. It looked like really good anime. Then once it dropped it was this weird amalgamation of Disney’s Pocahontas and Fox The Simpsons. Still feels like a fever dream.
As I understand it, a couple hundred staff were laid off at the beginning of its final year of production. So a lot of the movie got outsourced instead of made by the people who started the film and did the trailers. Also, more than half the budget was spent before it went into full production. This may partially account for that bizarre discrepancy we had as kids looking at the trailer then seeing the full film.
That’s not the mandala effect of Titan AE. The Mandela effect from that movie is that we all remember that Creed song being in the film but it wasn’t.
Really? That’s a classic.
Aw man, I rewatched that for the first time in a long time a while ago and it did not hold up nearly as well as I was hoping. I was absolutely crushed.
I liked Thor Love and Thunder, something I’ve been clowned on for every time I say it lol. I get why a lot of people hate it but it was enjoyable to me.
The problem TL&T has is that it’s in the MCU. Had it been a solo movie with no relation to anything else it would be better received… as a comedy.
My general personal rule is “If I’m entertained then it’s good” hmrm I don’t care what anybody says.
Obviously nothing wrong with that but I personally think it’s important to distinguish between “It’s good because it’s a bunch of moving pixels and it’s not terrible, and I’m lazy and have nothing else to do” and “it’s so good I thought about it for weeks after watching it”
I would call the first example mediocre at best even if I technically enjoyed watching it that time.
well in both cases, it affected me positively right?
i want a smart thinking movie, after finishing it i still think of it days or weeks after. I got what I want.
i’m bored,i want a dumb fun flick, after watching it, gosh time flew by and i was surprised i didn’t notice the time fly by. also i was entertained. I got what i want.
i want something to make me laugh, i watch a move and laughed. i got what i want.
all of these are good to me, i dont care if its dumb or not an artsy fartsy movie, i dont care if it’s a masterpiece. the most important thing is i got what i want. and that to me is good.
This is how I feel about lots of Adam Sandler films.
The number of times I’ve watched a highly rated movie only to find it’s not good. cough oppenheimer cough
watching oppenheimer felt like watching a 3 hour compilation of trailers for oppenheimer. everything was so dramatic, there was no downtime, and they always had some kind of music playing. it felt like every scene wasn’t allowed to last more than 5 minutes
I really enjoyed Oppenheimer and I’d say it’s highly rated because it is good and lots of people enjoyed it, however nothing can please everyone and there’s nothing wrong with that. You not enjoying the popular thing doesn’t make it bad.
Nah, if I don’t like it then it isn’t good. /s
Loved RDJ in it though
Agree with you on that. Many of the “oscar bait” movies are not that great for just watching. For instance, “the Revenant” was not a great picture in my opinion.
What probably elevates them is watching for all the minutiae in the acting and really focussing on the actors instead of the greater picture. However, I think great moments have to be earned through screemwriting. A great example is “the Wire”. Lives caught short, loves truly lost, and a realisation you are just part of a greater machine. These are all earned moments of pure emotion that films often do not get because of their tight focus. I do not mean to encourage film makers to lengthen their movies, please for the love of god, your movies are lengthy enough.
Reviews after the 2010s or so get increasingly more untrustworthy, because studios realized that box office returns rely on these ratings now. So now paid reviews and bot ratings become much more important for a newly released movie.
Another prime example: the newer avatar has a higher rating than the first.
That’s why i like to depend on reddit for reviews because you can see different opinions of people and see how many agree with them , look at the down votes which bots and shills do tend to get etc. granted it may not be dependable soon the way bots are growing and i’m hoping lemmy will be big enough by then as its a lot more hard for bots to get in here and continue to exist than on reddit due to the filling an application and better moderation etc.
Not animated, but since you’ve hit the frontpage and everyone else seems to be ignoring that…
1994’s Street Fighter. It’s terrible, but Raul Julia hams his way out of the screen for you. It’s Street Fighter: The Pantomime, and it’s glorious.
Between that, Tim Curry in The Three Musketeers, and Alan Rickman in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, I can’t decide which of them was best at saving a mediocre cocaine fuelled movie by playing a panto villain in the midst of undeserved po-faced seriousness.
Not animated, but since you’ve hit the frontpage and everyone else seems to be ignoring that…
Haha yeah. I initially thought about doing something about it but by the time I noticed, there was already a decent amount of discussion happening so I left it. And then it blew up like crazy while I was asleep.
Robin hood was a massive movie in my childhood. The kid across the road had the whole set of toys, didn’t even know they were just.unsold star wars figures
Anything fourth wave Marvel, people were done after infinity wars and just shit on anything since because it’s too much nerddom on their systems. I still loved she-hulk but people didn’t.
She-Hulk was fun for me, but not amazing or anything. Same with Hawkeye. Ms Marvel was just too Gen Z for my millennial ass. Loki was amazing and I’m interested in where Moon Knight is going. Wandavision managed to have almost no rewatch value and Mulitverse of Madness was all over the place. Overall, I feel like the current wave just lacks direction. It’s theoretically building to Kang as the new villain, but it doesn’t really feel like it’s actually going anywhere and they’re still introducing new lead characters, so there hasn’t been much teaming up or plot convergence. There’s been a lot of stuff with a lot of new and returning characters, but it doesn’t feel like we’re anywhere close to a new Avengers movie.
Secret Invasion had me close to hanging up my MCU fan hat. The Marvels is the first movie I didn’t catch in the theater, but then I watched it on streaming and it really reminded me why I love the franchise so much. It’s got its pacing issues and the first 30 minutes are clearly the swiss cheese left after some heavy revisions, but it’s just so fucking fun, and Iman Vellani is goddamn delightful.
X-Men '97 manages to hit all the good nostalgia notes from the old TV series while getting me excited for what comes next, and I’m going back and re-watching Agents of SHIELD now. I thought I remembered Season 1 being kinda humdrum before the Hydra twist, but it’s fun seeing all of Ward’s plot beats knowing what is coming.
This was Sucker Punch for me
I still can’t tell if Sucker Punch is an ingenious retelling of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest or an excuse to film scantily clad women while pretending you have something serious to say, but it’s certainly fun to watch.
Tbh, from all the shit Snyder has released since. It’s mostly just spectacle for spectacles sake, but I had fun watching it, and the story inside a story inside a story aspect was fun
From the top of my head:
Time Trap
The AmericanI love that movie. =\
My rule is that if the critic score is too high I won’t like it, and the audience score needs to be higher than the critic score and we have a banger on our hands
We’re back: a dinosaur story
The Pagemaster
Once upon a forest
Aladdin 2 and 3
Jetsons: The Movie
I’m probably overrating these because I saw them as a kid.
I never saw The Pagemaster as a kid and my wife introduced me to it at 32 years old. It holds up!
I had confusing feelings when I saw “We’re Back” in theatres.
Then confusing feelings about Tails
Then confusing feelings about Robin Hood and Maid Marian
…oh no
Hehe yeah, a little worried about watching rock-a-doodle now as an adult, it was great when I was a kid. We knew enough french to get the name pun (chant eclair = sing clearly) at the time and I guess that helped it feel a little more special for us. Not sure if the movie would still hold up from what I remember of it.
I enjoyed We’re Back, but it was weirdly dark, and I am positive it wouldn’t age well if I rewatched today.
I’m sure the plot is a mess but I dug what it was going for.
The Aladdin live action remake was shat on mercilessly by the internet, but I thought it was a fun, true to the spirit of the original while introducing a few new ideas to keep it interesting, and (imo very respectfully) stayed out of Rob William’s lane by not trying to recreate his genie. And Will Smith did a great job with his version.
I didn’t really follow the online conversations around the movie, but I did watch it and it’s not entirely that long ago since I watched the animated movie either. If I was to try to judge the movie without the context of the orighinal, I’d say it was fine, nothing about it was terrible but I also didn’t find anything about it particularly good or memorable. I think Will Smith did a fine job and I don’t think he’d be anywhere near the top of the list of what I would criticise about the movie in that case.
But I do think context matters, and in context I think it comes out looking pretty poor. Genie as written for the live action movie pales in comparison to the animated one. In terms of craft I think the live action one feels like a soulless board-room directed husk, and I really miss the feeling of a creative voice in the whole thing.
If you’re going to remake something, I it should be better, or enough of a reinterpretation to be considered distinctly different.
I am glad others liked it, but if I someone asked me which they should watch I would tell them the original animated movie because I think it is a better piece of entertainment, and that makes the modern one feel like an absolute waste of time, money, skills and effort that could have been spent so much better.
We LOVED this film, and even convinced our local cinema to have a sing along one night.
The first time we watched it we had to leave the cinema early due to a tornado warning. But we were so pleasantly surprised by what we saw (expected trash after those awful trailers) that we went again. And then again.
I love Van Wilder. The soundtrack is top-notch, it has superstar talent, and quite frankly, it’s basically Deadpool without the superhero stuff. Last I checked it was below 20% on RT.
It’s what? That’s an all-time great comedy that I still quote. I tell people that worrying is like a rocking chair unironically.
Write that down.
“write that down”
That is not a bong. That is for my schlong!
You just remind me I should check Tales from Earthsea.
By the way, congrats for this post, getting nice traction!
As it happens, I just discovered this nice chap: “Because liking things is more fun than not liking things.”