• BlueFairyPainter
    241 month ago

    If you’re afraid of falling, wear protectors and just deliberately fall a couple of times to test the level of protection and practice falling to build confidence.
    I’m bad at sports and use skating to exercise, so I suck and regularly fall ~3 times per hour, but it’s not a big deal at all and rarely hurts. And over time you really learn how to fall in a more controlled fashion, which is a useful skill to have by itself - it’s prevented me from getting injured when I tripped and fell on a hike.

    • @Anamana@feddit.de
      211 month ago

      practice falling

      I’m not a skater, but I do parkour and I really can’t stress this enough.

      If you know how to fall it takes away your fear, because you know how to act when it happens. And pro skaters are damn good at falling, even from a parkour perspective.

    • @Got_Bent@lemmy.world
      530 days ago

      I ice skated when I was a kid and learning to fall was the first thing they taught us.

      Funny thing - forty five years later, if you asked me how to do it, I would have no idea. The technique is completely lost to memory. Except when I actually fall. To this day, I have an unconscious instinct to fail so that i suffer scant little damage whenever I take a spill.

  • @skygirl@lemmy.world
    201 month ago

    This was me up until recently.

    My advice: get a board and just go try it.

    So much of basic skateboarding is just building confidence on flat ground. It’s hard to hurt yourself when you’re like 2 inches off the ground, at worst I’ve gotten some scraped knees and palms.

    This guy’s videos are down to earth if you want some quick motivation:


  • Turun
    151 month ago

    Start slow. A skateboard is like an inch off the ground, in the worst case you can always jump off. Practice jumping off when standing, when rolling slowly and just start to build up confidence like that.

  • 1ostA5tro6yne
    1230 days ago

    Terrific advice in this thread, definitely start on flat ground (hell i started off practicing ollies in the grass) and wear helmet/pads (some people might give you shit about these; those people are idiots), BUT:

    You absolutely will eat shit from time to time, and you have to accept this and be ready for it. I must have tumbled down the side of the bowl 50 times before I finally dropped in successfully, and it was worth every scrape and bruise.

    Someone else said “learn to fall.” I’ll go one further and say if you have the means to do so then take a judo or parkour class - they will teach you how to minimize injury when you hit the ground.

    Also, it’s not a terrible idea to walk an area before you skate it, and note large cracks/gaps in the sidewalk, scattered bits of gravel, etc. so it isn’t a suprise when/if you run over them.

  • LinkOpensChest.wav
    101 month ago

    Everyone else has already said it, but I’ll say that if I can do it, you can do it. I’m a huge chickenshit. You really do gradually build confidence just by doing what you can and gradually working up from there.

    Always wear a helmet, and invest in a decent setup (doesn’t have to be expensive)

  • @saigot@lemmy.ca
    930 days ago

    I am embarrassed at many of these comments I had to read before realizing this wasn’t about ice skating.

    • @Tiltinyall@beehaw.org
      429 days ago

      I was really big into skateboarding when I was young and I tried getting on ice one time. The terror of my potential proximity between my fingers and sharp blades sent me right to the bench.

  • @gmtom@lemmy.world
    930 days ago

    I started to learn to skate at like 27 and innthe first 2 years only badly sprained ankles twice, fractured a rib and snapped my arm bone in half. It’s not as bad as it sounds.

  • @FilterItOut@thelemmy.club
    830 days ago

    Skating’s rad. Longboarding is sweet. Rollerblading is tiiiiight, yo.

    Just get the protectors and you’ll be fine. Elbows, knees, helmet, wrist guard, and (depending on your age, if you’re older than 12 you’ll want) ankle reinforcement. If you really want to go all out, hip, back, and tailbone pads are cheap and still not constricting. Are you going to look goofy? Sure. Is everybody else just as goofy? They’re wearing clothes, aren’t they? Of course they’re goofy. Just make sure the helmet covers the parts of the head that are going to get hit, not just the top.

  • @frosch@sh.itjust.works
    81 month ago

    As almost everybody already said: Just try it. Get some protectors and a helmet - don’t give a single shit whether anybody would think that’s not cool or goofy or whatever. You love your body and want to protect it. That’s rad imo. Also: a helmet is more real estate for awesome stickers ;)

    Then remember two things: bend your knees and lean forward. Also, you will fall and get up again. That’s part of skateboarding. Try to learn how to correctly fall: loosen your body and try to always divert the impact by rolling and “pushing the ground”. Find out if you’re regular or goofy and just go for it.

    I highly recommend the beginner videos from braille Skateboarding on YouTube! They have a lot of tips for everything.

      • Dizzy Devil Ducky
        129 days ago

        I don’t plan on surviving in the apocalypse if I can help it, so knowing how to ride a bike won’t help. I’m hoping, in the event of an apocalypse, I’ll be in an area where nukes will be shot so I don’t have to attempt to survive.