• @stanleytweedle@lemmy.world
    483 months ago

    As shitty and tragic as this is I have to smile at the thought that at some point these fucks will ‘patrol’ the wrong women and get righteously stomped.

  • @RippleEffect@lemm.ee
    442 months ago

    The solution is so simple to me. Please explain why we can’t just have gender neutral bathrooms with actually private stalls/changing rooms and just a shared handwashing area?

    • @ImADifferentBird
      522 months ago

      Because none of this is actually about bathroom privacy. It’s about an excuse to hate and fear the other.

      • Jojo, Lady of the West
        32 months ago

        Bathroom bills don’t even seem like they increase bathroom privacy. The only passable justification (which still relies on demonstrably false assumptions and in fact completely backfires in practice) is to “protect women” from “predators”.

        In reality, trans people are less likely to be predators than cis, and bathroom bills primarily serve to increase the number of cis people being accosted in bathrooms because they don’t look “normal” enough. So it’s still completely unjustifiably stupid. But it’s the only justification that even makes any sense at the outset even when you believe the fear mongering lies.

  • @betterdeadthanreddit@lemmy.world
    433 months ago

    So I guess now we need our own vigilantes to keep those other vigilantes in check. Should have purged the remnants of the Confederacy back in 1865, no amnesty for traitors.

      • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
        22 months ago

        It’s Christianity and always has been. You can’t have a minority be left in peace and distinct in a Christian country. Their book tells them that there is only one way to live, only one way to salvation, only one truth. When you have such a radical monotheistic view of humanity the unavoidable result will be to murder the Other. Any follower of Christ who claims to be tolerant is at best inconsistent at worse bidding their time.

    • @ImADifferentBird
      152 months ago

      This isn’t about Florida. This is about the Republicans becoming the Nazis, and needing minorities to demonize.

      This garbage is happening in other red states too; Florida is just ahead of the curve.

      • @some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
        92 months ago

        Fuck Florida. Fuck Tennessee. Fuck every red state harming people. Fuck the GOP. Fuck Israel. Fuck 'em. I’m not blind to this being a rightwing problem.

    • @Corkyskog@sh.itjust.works
      62 months ago

      I just made a comment how the protest solution is simple. Sledgehammer the urinals and then all bathrooms are genderless…

      Do that more than once and I almost guarantee the establishment says “fuck it, we’re not replacing those again”

  • Flying Squid
    2 months ago

    Oh good, any cis-woman who happens to look more on the masculine side will be in trouble now too.

    Edit: Added cis. Apologies for not doing that.

    • TheHarpyEagle
      142 months ago

      This is something I’m kind of scared of. I’m a cis woman, but I have facial hair for medical reasons. I keep it because it’s what nature gave me and I kinda like how it looks, and people generally don’t seem to care. I do fear, though, that I might be harassed for it someday.

      I thought of this with the whole Planet Fitness fiasco. Many, many women shave their faces, but the “can always tell” crowd is so sure that they know men from women.

      • Flying Squid
        62 months ago

        One of my wife’s cis co-workers has a mustache. She definitely would look like “a man in a dress” to these bigoted fucks. She probably already gets harassed all the time, which is awful because she’s really nice and loves working with the public (she’s a librarian).

      • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Yeah, I’m a trans woman and my girlfriend is cis but she has way more body hair than me because of our ethnicities. She’s probably safe because she has the body type of a Paleolithic fertility idol, but these people aren’t rational and that’s scary.

        Like I’m also scared for myself, but I’ve been living with that fear for myself for my entire adult life, so I’m used to it.

    • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
      42 months ago

      Oh they have been. And because masculine cis women outnumber trans women guess who’s going to be persecuted more by raw quantity

  • @werefreeatlast@lemmy.world
    202 months ago

    Excuse me sir, we are required to check for penises and vaginas at the door. Thanks for understandi…dang dog! Is that thing 12 inches?

      • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
        22 months ago

        One thing to keep in mind is armed allies keep the persecuted safe and ensure that the vigilantes stop before the moral panic moves to something they are

  • @shalafi@lemmy.world
    152 months ago

    Any wonder LGBT folks are one of the largest gun buying demographics in the past few years? Ain’t that something?

    • @expr@programming.dev
      382 months ago

      Trans woman*. You’re misgendering her. And it’s no different than any other woman going into the changing room. Not sure why you’d think otherwise.

      Associating trans people with pedophiles is a very tired refrain that has no basis in reality. It’s just bigotry, pure and simple.

        • AnIndefiniteArticle
          172 months ago

          Is seeing a grown woman’s penis in a changing room somehow worse than seeing a grown woman’s vagina (likely also a common sight in there)? I don’t see the problem here, bodies are bodies. If everyone is being respectful of boundaries and personal space… what is the issue?

        • AnIndefiniteArticle
          32 months ago

          Hey, I also want to say that it is perfectly valid and responsible to want to chaperone a 12 year old in your care in a place that they will be disrobing in front of strangers. My deviation in opinion from you is that I don’t think gender or sex are a factor here. In my opinion, ideally you could accompany your daughter into the changing room so long as you don’t cause problems for anyone else there.

          Gender segregation is problematic, wasteful, and unnecessary. It reinforces sexist biases. In my opinion the problem is that you should not be separated from your child in this instance. The discriminatory structure of segregation is separating you from your child and making you feel anxious, and that anxiety is nucleating around a person you have identified as “other”. You should be with your child when preparing to use the services of the Young Man’s Christian Association. It unfortunately has the toxic superstitions and calcified structures of a highly problematic abrahamic society.

          The Abrahamic Patriarchy strikes again. I’m sorry for the discomfort it is causing you. Will you help us overthrow the scourge of monotheism?

    • @DerisionConsulting@lemmy.ca
      132 months ago

      They are a trans woman (like Laverne Cox), not a trans dude (like Elliot Page).

      If you’re upset that she can go into the changing room because she has a penis, why are you upset that you are not allowed to go into the changing room, since I assume that you have a penis?

        • @funkless_eck@sh.itjust.works
          102 months ago

          I was always in the lady’s changing room ages 0-10 when my mother took me swimming. I was in the lady’s bathroom until I was about 7 probably, too. It’s normal for young kids to accompany their parents.

            • @DerisionConsulting@lemmy.ca
              42 months ago

              The word “get” is linked to desire (“get to go” vs “have to go” vs “allowed to go”) but maybe you didn’t mean it that way.

              The changing room does appear to only be for women currently, which is why the woman you’re upset about is using it.

              If you want the changing room to be divided by genitals, that’s something different.

    • @funkless_eck@sh.itjust.works
      112 months ago

      man when you hear about the rate of CSA/rape/pedophilia among pastors/priests/nuns/monks, prison guards, cops, judges, correctional facility workers, mental health workers, and politicians you’re gonna flip your wig.