Seven aid workers were killed when their convoy was hit by an Israeli airstrike overnight, as it was leaving their Deir al-Balah warehouse, amid ongoing operations delivering aid supplies inside Gaza.

The food charity World Central Kitchen (WCK) said they had coordinated the convoy’s movements with the Israel Defense Forces.

In response to the strike, the IDF stated that it “is conducting a thorough review at the highest levels to understand the circumstances of this tragic incident.”

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday the aid workers were killed in an “unintended strike.”

The destroyed vehicles bear the hallmarks of a precision strike, which only the IDF has the capability to conduct in the region.

  • Flying Squid
    693 months ago

    By “unintended,” he means that he did not intend for people to realize it was a precision strike.

      333 months ago

      I figure he means they didn’t know this convoy had western passport holders. They thought they were just blowing up more Palestinian aid workers.

      • Flying Squid
        283 months ago

        I don’t even think he means that. As the article says, they notified the IDF of their movements.

          373 months ago

          Off the top of my head this is the fourth time they’ve hit a convoy that coordinated it’s movements. Not including blowing up the bakery that just had a delivery and firing at the crowd trying to get food. And that’s just what I’m aware of. This is also the most dangerous war for aid workers in the modern period.

    423 months ago

    I find it extremely hard to believe they didn’t know who was in that vehicle.

    The same day, they hit a group in Syria containing high-level Iranian generals. The US didn’t even know about it.

    393 months ago

    They targeted them intentionally. Their main motive is to teach WCK a lesson and set example for other humanitarian organizations to stay away from Gaza. Ultimately IDF is succeeded as WCK halting its operation. Now as always US daddy will come to their defence and prove Israel is innocent.

    123 months ago

    Geeze, this is the first time I’ve heard from these guys seince the escalation of the genocide. Have they been doing work through this crises?

    3 months ago

    Looks like I got banned (temporarily? still stupid) and had a bunch of comments removed from the news community on for posting links to the truth in the comments on this same article, oh well 🤷

    Those people got REALLY pissed that I gave them evidence Trump would make it worse

    Apparently a bunch of links is uncivil?

    Seems like I also can’t report the other (actually aggressive and insulting) participants in a community I’m banned from. Great design choice there lemmy!