The only person laughing is usually the person who made the joke and it’s generally just irritating to everyone else who just wants to get on with their day. I might feel differently if we like, got the day off work for April Fools Day I guess
It’s… not a holiday? It’s just a thing people did and sometimes still do.
You sound bitter. Sorry someone tried to have fun around you.
Nah man, keep in mind what people have considered jokes in the past x years. The “its only a prank” crowd in the past years have been absolutely atrocious. In fact they have not been jokes or pranks at all.
They have been things to totally humiliate the people. I have a feeling this is the kind of joke or prank that happened.
Even if its not the case, its totally possible the joke caused multiple people to laugh AT OP instead of WITH everyone.
Yeah, all comedy is bad because I heard some bad jokes lately. Better trash the whole idea of jokes. Same energy.
I disagree.
If a prank goes out of its way to humiliate a person it’s not a joke. If that same person gets pranked every year in a way that is not fun for them they have a right to say I’m not a fan of this shit. They have a right to dislike it without a person responding “wow you’re no fun.”
This is unpopular opinions, and y’all getting on OP about how they are no fun because they don’t like “pranks” being pulled on them.
Read what I said again and try harder.
Those are bad pranks. Nobody is defending bad pranks.
Read the original post again and try harder. YOU are defending bad pranks by making your comparison.
What the post is describing ARE bad pranks. If everyone is irritated and no one is laughing other than the person doing the prank, IS a bad prank. Reading the post about bad pranks and jumping all the way to “Better trash the while idea of jokes. Same energy” seems to show how much you are missing and your apathy.
Nope. Your reading comprehension skills really suck. I’m not having this fight with you. You’re reading comprehension skills are so bad you’re not even arguing with me. I didn’t say ANY of those things. That’s all you.
Bro, there are good pranks, and there are bad pranks. You sound as if all pranks nowadays are bad. They aren’t. Start visiting different content feeds.
I completely agree there are good pranks. I am just disagreeing with people getting on OP for saying they don’t like it when they are pranked because their experience has been essentially humiliation.
Even though your humiliated someone tried to have fun with you, so you should smile anyway is how it comes off.
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Sending a singing telegram to someone who wouldn’t be okay with that kind of thing is still a bad prank.
Nah man, keep in mind what people have considered jokes in the past x years…
Such as? What April fools jokes are you talking about specifically?
I’m referencing and responding to the “sorry someone tried to have fun with you” comment.
If someone isn’t a fan of pranks or jokes it’s most likely the result of a bad prank/joke that was mean spirited. Jake Paul comes to mind.
If I have to work, I don’t consider it a holiday.
I honestly didn’t realize yesterday was April Fools Day until I read this post a few minutes ago. I worked all day, and I’m a little sick, so I read a book, ate dinner, chatted with my partner who never mentioned it, and I went to bed early.
I guess it just depends on where you live and who you’re around. I don’t work in a particularly serious workplace or anything, and I interact with people through the day, but I guess everyone was just like, “nah” on AFD this year. And because I wasn’t on social media or Lemmy etc much yesterday, I didn’t even notice.
Fine by me.
I absolutely loathe this day. Most of it is just dumb, silly and annoying. Especially when this dumb shit gets forced on you by companies whose marketing teams think they’re clever.
I also used to work at a radio/TV station where we covered pranks during april fools. That was a real eye-opener: there are waaaaay too many idiots out there who fall for jokes and take things at face value. Basically, they’re a cruel way to mess with vulnerable, gullible people.
Now, if someone wants to make a joke at their own expense, go for it. But don’t do it at the expense of others.
Bingo, on both accounts. April 1 is now a marketing tool for companies, and all of those are just annoying now (mostly because they’re so worried about the blowback they won’t do anything anyway)
And for the second, way too many people forget that jokes end with both parties laughing at the end. Maybe something missed something, or fell for something, but it should be small and lighthearted, not something where they actually feel embarrassment or anger afterwards. If only the joke teller is laughing, then it wasn’t funny.
Now lighthearted things where both people end up laughing? Have at it, it’s one day of lighthearted joking - but anymore that’s rare.
This is true, but the same can be said about Christmas and Easter. At least April fools only has to be endured for one day; the Xmas bs starts in mid oct now
Don’t get me started on Christmas….
At our radio station, we start Christmas music on December 6th, right after the Dutch celebration of Sinterklaas. And like every other station out there, we play the same exact ten songs every hour until december 27th.
Most people probably aren’t really aware, but as a station you get sent a LOT of unsolicited music. Which also includes a ton of Christmas themed songs starting around June. Everyone wants to be the next Mariah Carey.
One year, our music programmers decide to get creative: “Everyone has the same playlist. Fuck that! We’ll play the Christmas songs nobody else plays!”
So they meticulously comb through that mountain of CD’s that we got throughout the year, digging up the proverbial diamonds in a pile of manure. And they put together a lovely playlist featuring unique, decent songs.
December 6th rolls around. 9 AM. It’s The Big Day. The new playlist goes live. By 9.15 the first calls come in. By 10 AM, the phone is red hot with calls. By 11 AM, someone phones in an honest-to-God death threat. The listeners aren’t having it; they want goddamn Mariah Carey or nothing at all. So by midday, the new playlist gets yanked and replaced by four-times-per-hour ‘All I want for Christmas is you’.
And since that year, we know better than to get creative around Christmas. Don’t fuck with Mariah Carey fans…
Raising awareness against gullibility sounds like a good thing to me.
For me, the thing i find most annoying about april fools are the days afterwards. I don’t know if a piece of recently uploaded media is actually real or satire until I check the date its uploaded.
Reasonable people will change the title of something when April Fool’s Day is over.
Its twice as irritating as an Australian because if you dont wait till the day is over to share things you just get bombarded by Americans telling you it isnt April 1st yet because they dont understand time zones.
April Fools! They do understand time zones and they got you!! Those wily Americans!
Since the internet is worldwide, I will accept online April Fool’s Day pranks on March 31st. But no earlier!
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Upvoted because I disagree. (That’s how it works here, right?)
Nobody fooled me IRL and it’s been a fun day on the internet.
… i should downwote you or not
I think we upvote the post if it is unpopular, but upvote the comments if we think they are contributing to discussion about the unpopular thing.
But the post was created on April the first - so is it meant to be taken seriously or not? Because that inverts the opinion and therefore my vote.
I actually enjoy it. Being a dad gives me a different perspective, I guess.
As a dad I have mixed feelings. My five year old has said the words “April fools” probably 600 times today
Ah, but the joy of pulling one on them…
Eh. It’s 1 day a year. Yeah kinda stupid but it’s not like it’s every week or something.
Anyway, have your upvote.
There is places where it’s an actual holiday?
It’s on literally every single calendar. What are you talking about?
Yeah, it would be a pretty shitty calender if it didn’t have april first. But that doesn’t make it a holiday …
This is a good documentary on the problem with April Fool’s Day
The app I use gives it away in the thumbnail of the link.
Yeah I’ve seen that documentary a couple of times also. It’s still a good watch though if you interested in the history.
Nice prank!
Most “pranks” are just a) terribly unfunny, b) actually bullying by another name, or c) both.
If we could just keep the rare good ones I’d be all for it, but alas!
Blame the king who wanted January 1st to be New Year’s instead of April 1st. Were it not for him we’d still be using the far more logical start date of April 1st and there wouldn’t be any pranks to make fun of people who think that the beginning of spring is a better start to the year than the dead middle of winter.
Curse you Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome! 😤😤😤
Serious question, why is April far more logical?
Yeah I don’t know about “logical”, I’d say it’s arbitrary either way. I think in Asia the calendar traditionally aligned that way, since spring is “beginnings”, but it seems every bit as logical to put the new year around the winter solstice.
I guess because that’s around the beginning of spring? New year, new growth?
That’s very north-hemispheric-centric of you.
You must not watch The Lockpicking Lawyer.