Did a quick search to see if nutrition and ingredients were listed - they weren’t. Saw a lot of “our products are super nutritious trust me bro” in their ads.
Actually makes me thankful of all the regulations our food suppliers have to follow in the US.
Actually makes me thankful of all the regulations our food suppliers have to follow in the US.
As a European: lol
Yeah - was about to do that
I think EU regulations for food and border-free movement between countries are the two most valuable EU advantages by far
I’m not sure what you’re loling about, only major difference between EU and USA nutrition labels are the percentage amount listings.
IIRC - USA is a lot more arbitrary and less interested in the customer safety (and open for bribery, sorry I mean lobbying) and USA also has a good amount of stuff for sale that’s not allowed in EU.
There’s quite a few articles and videos on the subject, but it’s been a long time since I read or watched any.
Is the EU better than the US in this respect? You bet.
Can the US do better? Sure.
But the US is definitely far better with food nutrition labels than many countries with unenforced laws.
They both require ingredient lists, though. This specific case could easily happen to either the EU or USA.
I’m laughing because the EU has far stricter food regulations than the US. The way Americans think about news like this is kinda similar to how we see the US from our perspective here.
The USA and EU both require a full list of ingredients, though.
Cool. But that wasn’t really what he was saying.
You said you view the USA’s regulatory standards as the USA views Nigeria’s but the USA enforces a full ingredient list so that’s kind of nonsensical. If a can of tomatoes went from the USA to EU there would likely be no issue. Even the more chemical sounding names like “Calcium Chloride” salt are commonplace in the EU, in fact I think it was developed there.
I think regulations are better in the EU but you chose a really shit example to use.
But it wasn’t just about ingredient lists but food standards and I literally did not use ANY example at all. Please stop the straw manning.
Actually makes me thankful of all the regulations our food suppliers have to follow in the US.
For now
I think they’re really going to lose a lot of business over this lawsuit. If they had just left that lady alone hardly anyone would have seen her review lol
Streisand effect hits hard
Amazing that we, as a species, are incapable of learning from history.
I mean there’s a reason there’s warning labels on everything about not doing the most obvious thing you should never do.
Not everyone reads the same stuff we do.
Which sucks. But that’s why.
I think it will eventually happen. But centuries away.
Makes me thankful that in the US the truth is a defense against libel.
Only if you can get through the years of litigation, harassment, stress, and have the money to weather it out. Truth and justice are more easily attainable for those who can afford it.
You don’t find this kind of criminal prosecution or civil actions in the US.
No, not criminal prosecutions for what should be a minor issue, but definitely civil suits. SLAPP suits have been a problem, where the plaintiff doesn’t necessarily expect to win. They just want to punish people by making their lives miserable through drawn out litigation. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UN8bJb8biZU
Compared to other countries our risk is pretty low. Does the risk of a SLAPP keep you from reviewing a restaurant? In Portugal people that have been scammed out of money on non-existent rentals are scared to me names because of the very real risk of criminal prosecution.
In Portugal, as far as I know uniquelly in the Western World, Libel is a Criminal matter.
It’s mainly used by politicians (who have the influence to get the local version of the Public Prosecution Office to prosecute it) to go after people who accuse them of something as means to shut up less powerful people up.
(Personally I think the reason it’s Criminal rather than Civil is exactly so that the powerful or well-connected can use Justice as a tool against others for free rather than the American system were it’s the Moneyed that get to use Justice as a tool against others)
Unsurprisingly there is lots of corruption over here. Also Justice is so slow that it de facto doesn’t work for most of the time, though in this kind of situation they make sure it goes all the way.
(I actually know somebody who was convicted of Libel for accusing a politician of Corruption … and more than a decade later that guy was in jail for Corruption - first one ever in Portugal - and I can tell you lots of people inside the Public Prosecution Office from his party tried to discretelly shelve the process until the deadlines expired and had to be threatenned with being exposed in the Pressed)
It’s part of the reason why this country is such a disgrace (and I say this as somebody who lived and worked in a couple of countries in Europe so have lots of references to compare it against).
Lots of local police departments in USA too frequently arrest people for bullshit charges when called out
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He’s only 39 with a 40 year old image 🤔
The woman being harassed by this company and the police is the only that’s 39. The article doesn’t mention the founder’s age, and he definitely looks older than 39 from a quick search.
He worked hard in utero. /#neverstophustling
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he would “rather die
This dude takes tomato sauce seriously.
Blood may be thicker than water but tomato sauce is thicker than blood.
Guess he won’t be eating his own tomato puree then
“I won’t allow some lady to tarnish my image!”
“I will do it my self!”
Sounds like corruption is playing a part in this
What are the odds the food owner has a good friend at the ol’ Nigerian Justice Department.
This whole thing is bullshit on top of bullshit.
This one deserved a internet “hug”. I swear to god corrupt people like this should have their lifes destroyed
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manufacturer had used the incorrect stock photo for the part
That’s apparently really common. It’s a lot of trouble to bring every transmission, door handle, gas tank, hood hinge, etc… into the studio for a reference image. They use a “basic” image a lot of the times.
I had the good fortune to be able to buy ebay car parts that are exclusively photographed on a dirty workbench, and they’ve always worked like a charm.
Used market is a bit easier to do that as both the seller and buyer understand that having a clear set with proper lighting isn’t necessary.
I hope that her defense also makes the argument that there is no damages because online reviews have zero value when the majority of them are fake paid reviews.
“This tomato sauce is a bit sweet for my taste.”
“Jesus Christ, man! I just said it was a bit too sweet.”
She actually said something along the lines of “your brother’s company is killing people the sauce is so sweet” in response to a comment or so I read in another article this morning.
It’s in this article:
Help me advise your brother to stop ki***ing people with his product, yesterday was my first time of using and it’s pure sugar.
I can just about hear someone saying, “Do you know who I am?” or “Do you know who my father is?”
This situation just screams of the diabeetus-loving tomato sauce company bribing the local police.
Let’s make a competing brand for Africa called BIG-DIKO. Make it the most nutritional and have natty black dudes pose for the cans.
“Zero filler, all substance - get swole, have a BIG-DIKO.”
Nah that’s ok. You should definitely do that on your own though! Let us know how it works out for you…
Sounds like something someone with high sugar intake would say. I think you might need some BIG-DIKO in your diet.
My doctor said I should avoid BIG-DIKO. Thanks for your concern though!
Your doctor is a quack. Enjoy some nutritious BIG-DIKO.