From under a max Miller video about waffles??

      593 months ago

      Im just kinda confused. The last overtly religious video I watched was when I was having an existential crisis 7 years ago, why on earth does yt see me watching a video about the history of waffles and think: “you know what this guy wants to see? Someone going on about how our Lord and saviour Elon musk is going to bring about the rapture.”

      • ekZepp
        563 months ago

        All it takes is one random click on some vague “theory channel”, or the the same subject like in this case “musk”

        • @FakeGreekGirl
          3 months ago

          My Google news feed has apparently decided I want to know more about that absolute fucking ghoul from Blackrock that has declared we’re not sacrificing enough of finite time on Eath to capitalism because I read one article about him and choked down the reflexive vomit, and has been giving me more and more articles about him all day.

          This is how bubbles are created, I’m sure.

          43 months ago

          Not even that - if you don’t have thumbnail previewing disabled, I’m sure that anything you hover over, intentionally or unintentionally, or even just bump the mouse onto while getting up, will probably affect your recommendations.

          Also, they may be trying to work ML shit into it and are just fucking it up in a subtly spectacular fashion.

          143 months ago

          Every time I visit my parents I go through their YouTube now and unsub from all the weird shit. I always get the same response from them “idk I didn’t sub to that” children man, they come in all ages. I ask her “then why do you randomly drop dog whistles that line up with what’s being currently spouted by the right?” 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗

        63 months ago

        Maybe you don’t want to watch it. But the algorithm is meant to maximize viewing time. And someone (several someone’s) with a similar profile and tastes to yours went on a viewing rampage in the past. So they are shooting their shot that you’d behave like your peers.

        This kind of videos are also engagement bait. So they are the algorithm darlings. Optimizing for engagement will always result in the most extremist and unhinged content being promoted. The mildly curious about spirituality to religious nutjob pipeline is very real.

        3 months ago

        Hmmm you sure you’re not watching other techbro stuff? Religion isn’t the only factor in play with Elon Musk the Saviour. That said, have a satanic algorithm cleanser here and a magical one here, pushing you towards “atheist mystic scholar” which is pretty much the diametrical opposite of TV evangelist fare. If you want hardcore scholar stuff within an Abrahamic context that also exists. With that under your belt and seen the algorithm should realise that rapture heroin will have no effect on you, presumably it’s pushing it because it gets a lot of engagement when it leads people down that path.

        The best antidote to techbro stuff should be things like tesla takedowns as well as actual science journalism.

      263 months ago

      I fucking love this button. Every now and then YouTube spams me stupid channels and this gets rid of them.

      Until you know.YouTube decides to recommend another stupid channel.

      Thank you Google.

        • Patapon Enjoyer
          3 months ago

          Not if you watch one videogame related thing then all you recommendations become about how the woke mob is ruining society with pronouns.

          I forgot to mention you need to make the main page redirect to your subscribed page

      33 months ago

      More than that, “not interested.” So it doesn’t recommend the channel or anything like that.

    413 months ago

    Report them, and say don’t recommend. It’s our civic duty to spam reports so they get taken down automatically. That will increase the amount it suggests to you but to stop that make playlist that can run overnight, fill it with good shit you’ve already watched so you don’t miss anything new and just let that run. It will hopefully clean that shit out a bit.

  • I Cast Fist
    383 months ago

    God how I love using newpipe or invidious to watch yt instead. Whenever I feel like finding stuff, the recommendations are always related to the video currently being watched, which can lead to interesting rabbit holes.

    303 months ago

    One even pseudo-related vid and they’ll spam you. Esp if you’re in a region where Jesus sells pretty well. I got a ton of that shit when I was in Kansas city for work.

    Plus YT is a business, and for the right price they’ll show whatever people pay them to show. Welcome to the cyberpunk dystopia

    • LinkOpensChest.wav
      23 months ago

      Oh yeah, when I first got Tik Tok, I got a steady diet of MAGA bullshit because of where I live.

      I’ve become fundamentally opposed to any algorithm that uses location based data for this reason. Unfortunately, there’s no escaping it, but I use Mojeek as my search engine with location off, and I use a VPN as much as I can.

      Sadly, most people just slide right into fascist echo chambers without even knowing it’s happening.

  • @puchaczyk
    273 months ago

    Fuck youtube. You watch one wrong video and half of your recomendations are fucked. And why in 2024 there’s no proper tag system yet? I guest keeping things opaque makes them more money.

      113 months ago

      They used to have a definitive tag system and got rid of it, just like annotations and video responses. sad. Of all things, tags were probably the best too. The new algorithmic garbage has sucked for years.

    • I was watching Gun Jesus and almost fucked my recommendations forever when it tried to toss up Garand Thumb as a recommendation.

      “Fortunately” he blew his dogwhistles way too hard in the video and I caught on that this wasn’t just dudes shooting at ballistic gel in interesting ways.

        43 months ago

        I love gun Jesus but man I have to be ever so vigilant to not autoplay the the recommendations. Almost every other youtube gun enthusiast is a raging asshole.

  • KillingTimeItself
    253 months ago

    these are AI generated videos meant to garner views and ad sense dollarinos. They do nothing except waste your time, and probably lie to you.

      • KillingTimeItself
        53 months ago

        they’re all pretty much ewaste on delivery. Thankfully there are a lot of good smaller channels, who actually produce content out there though.

  • Neato
    253 months ago

    Google wants to radicalize you into conspiracy bullshit because those rubes are easy to sell stuff and get to watch endless videos.

    123 months ago

    Ignoring the original post: I’m so happy to see another Tasting History fan in the wild!

    Max Miller seems so wholesome and gives me hope for this crazy world.

  • TacoButtPlug
    113 months ago

    I use an ad blocker and it pretty much just blocks the entire logarithm

    3 months ago

    This is why I don’t use anything with recommendation algorithm anymore.

    These recommendation algorithm are so aggressive in recommending anything related to your click (accidentally touched a ritz ad, now I will throw up if I see any more cracker ads), and also baits like these.

    Now I use newpipe/mastodon/lemmy, I can click on whatever I want, and not worrying about stupid recommendations.