Oh look its just like we told all the apologists it would be.
Yes, Biden could have stopped this genocide any time. But he didn’t care until he saw that it was costing him votes. I guess the Russian trolls were onto something.
Butthurt blue MAGA downvote brigade has arrived. You’re 100% correct though.
The shitty part is that 86% of Congress wants to continue with the genocide. It’s incredible how little morality exists in DC when money is flowing into their coffers. Biden is doing what he must to play politics here, which is to say barely anything at all after almost half a year of Arabs being slaughtered. But we have a long ways to go before the US changes course in earnest to actually thwart the genocide, if it happens at all before November.
Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for being correct.
people don’t like uncomfortable truths
Hey, I’m Canadian! And I’m not really a troll, more of a hater.
hater of genocide.
Leftist have been spitting facts since 1848, the world just hasn’t bothered to listen. 👂
Yes, it’s almost like not kowtowing to fascists is a good strategy.
”Netanyahu,” he continued, “has been dealing with America the way a spoiled teenager deals with his parents: with perpetual rebellion, perpetual insults and perpetual scandals.”
While not inaccurate, I’d resent this association if I was still a teenager.
I think this is a little unfair to spoiled teenagers. They have never committed genocide.
I am no history buff, but it’s highly likely some spoiled teenager committed a genocide in history.
Alexander wasn’t all that great…
Why would the US still think of Israel as its ally?
Calling Israel a “spoiled child” sounds delusional at this point.
Mainly I’d say because of Iran. Bibi hated the nuclear deal because he needs Iran as a wedge to keep the US behind them.
Media is really going to try and spin abstaining from a nonbinding resolution as some courageous stand against Israel…
It’s a very gentle warning that patience is not limitless and that all the US has to do to ruin Israel’s day is nothing. Don’t veto. Don’t approve funding increase. Don’t expedite a shipment. These are all perks that Netenyahu has taken for granted.
Also, even this gentlest of warnings is still unprecedented. Normally the US gives Israel whatever they want, no questions asked.
Yeah, but that’s the problem.
And this isn’t good enough to make up for all the bullshit, especially banning UNRWA aid for something we know was Israeli propaganda.
Is this better than a veto?
But it can also be nowhere near close enough to what we should be doing.
I’m not going to pretend this is something to celebrate, especially since it’s likey the only reason there was no veto. Was the sustained complaints from voters.
Maybe, just maybe, if enough people keep complaining, Biden will temporarily pause funding the genocide until the day after election day. I don’t think we’ll get more than that, but I think there’s a chance for more than a single abstain vote
Maybe, just maybe, if enough people keep complaining…
This right there is my point. This abstention is unprecedented and has only come about because of the pressure American citizens are putting on the administration.
When this genocidal campaign started, the administration’s tone was all in with Israel because that’s what it has always been. They didn’t even bother to read the room. Then it turned out that a significant number of Americans, including three generations worth of voting age citizens, were not overwhelming in favor of genocide. Go figure. Now the administration is back tracking and taking a different tone. That is all because of those who raised their voice. Keep up the pressure.
EDIT: To be clear, I am not saying that we shouldn’t aim high. We absolutely should, but we should also acknowledge our victories.
Holy shit. Bibi may have actually fatally overplayed his hand. This is incredible.
Fucking tragic that it took a genocide to do it, though.
It’swhat they get for “Biten” the hand that’s been feeding them for months…
The better part of a century.