• 87 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 10th, 2024


  • reunited children [with] their families at the border

    Sure, in outdoor concentration camps:


    The declarations filed as part of this new legal challenge came from aid workers, attorneys and a doctor, as well as a child and two fathers who were at the camps this month. They allege children have gone days without eating, and at night, their cries can be heard throughout the camp.

  • Still, the top officials at State, including those who have met with Israel’s war cabinet, largely share Biden’s pro-Israel ideology, chief among them Secretary of State Antony Blinken. As Biden’s longtime aide, he pushed Biden’s pro-Israel viewpoints and continues to, to this day. The special envoy for humanitarian issues, David Satterfield, has longtime links to the Israel lobby and managed to avoid any Department of Justice prosecution for handing off confidential information to AIPAC in 2005. Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew served as an informal emissary to the American Jewish community when he was Obama’s chief of staff, and Democratic Majority for Israel applauded his new appointment. Counselor Derek Chollet also worked as a senior national-security official in the Obama administration, where he shepherded advanced weapons transfers to Israel that were unprecedented. Barbara Leaf, the assistant secretary for Near Eastern affairs, hails from the pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy. When she co-authored a 2020 essay about U.S. policy toward Israel, she didn’t mention Palestinians.

  • You aren’t seeing a social engineering attack. You’re seeing the same thing that you’ll find on Tik Tok, Instagram, and anywhere else young progressives can be found. People are angry with Biden and for good reason. Sorry, we’re not going to shut up about it. We understand that there is a lot at stake in this election. But nothing can justify looking the other way while genocide is being committed.

    I truly wish Biden would take your concerns seriously enough to stop alienating a huge portion of his base with his actions.