• BluesF@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      What are you talking about? Nazism is a fundamentally right-aligned ideology, how can you argue otherwise? You can invent definitions of what “left” or “right” means to suit you if you want, but why bother saying anything if you’re going to make up the meanings of words?

      Can you tell me what a “leftist” is? Or what they might want for the world? Can you tell me what a Nazi is? And then why you think there are parallels?

      I just don’t believe that anyone who understands what these words mean would think they are alike.

        • BluesF@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          If someone is behaving like a nazi they aren’t a left wing extremist. The OG Nazis called themselves socialists - but they were not socialists, were they? They were fascists.

          Can you show me any of these extremists who you think are both on the left and Nazis? And explain why you think they are both of those things?

          And to be clear - I am not calling all right wing extremists Nazis. All Nazis are right wing extremists, not all right wing extremists are Nazis. You seem to be content to throw the word around for anyone who you disagree with, but it is in fact a word that represents a specific political ideology which occupies a particular place on the spectrum.

            • BluesF@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              What is “behaving like a nazi” to you? Are these trans activists advocating the extermination of the Jews? No? Then they probably aren’t fucking Nazis are they.

              It’s hilarious that you’re accusing trans activists of “labelling anyone who disagrees with them” as teansphobes… While yourself labelling anyone you disagree with a nazi, with no regard to what the word actually means!

              Please, define what Nazi means to you, because otherwise this conversation is pointless.

              Edit to add: and seriously, to you “trans women are women” is the same level as “we should exterminate the Jews”? What the fuck dude?

                • BluesF@lemmy.world
                  7 months ago

                  I would define a Nazi as someone who follows or supports the socio-political ideology Nazism - to quote Wikipedia:

                  the far-right totalitarian socio-political ideology and practices associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Germany.

                  I would also include neo-Nazis who, again quoting Wiki:

                  seek to revive and reinstate Nazi ideology

                  I will grant you that some people use the word in a much weaker way (see “grammar nazi”), which I find frustrating but I have to acknowledge is a modern usage… but not the one I have been using in this conversation.