What sort of post or comment gets you downvoted the most? Especially if you don’t think it’s bad behavior in the first place, or don’t care. Does not have to be on Lemmy, but we are here… One of the good things about Lemmy IMO is that it’s small enough to see the posts that are unpopular. If you do “Top Day” on most channels, you cash reach the bottom, see what people here don’t like.
As far as comments, attempting to rebut the person who is telling me my post sucks, is what gets me into negative numbers most often. The OP is going to voite it down, of course, and nobody else cares, usually.

  • @snooggums@midwest.social
    684 months ago

    Either nuance in a topic people are very black and white about or not being able to figure out how people can read things as the opposite of what I wrote.

    Only happened a couple of times, no regrets.

    • Scrubbles
      324 months ago

      Asking people to see nuance here and the rest of the web is the worst. You’re either left or right. Urban or not. Up or down. There is no in between, partial solutions are useless. Drives me bonkers

      • Sabata11792
        124 months ago

        If you call both sides right/wrong when both sides are right/wrong, both sides downvote you.

        Mention a third option, middle ground, or reasonable compromise is a downvoting.

        Tell them to chill, you might have well stuck a hornets nest up you ass. There’s a reason you occasionally see people just admitting they were wrong or changing their mind get sent to the front page, its just rare.

      • @PatMustard@feddit.uk
        54 months ago

        I reckon it’s the issue of pseudo-anonymity combined with the lack of tone in a text post. If you’re talking IRL it’s much clearer that you’re making a joke or whatever, but all that gets lost in text. Also you generally know who you’re talking to IRL, whereas online you don’t know if that comment was written by a professor of ethics or a teenager who watched a single video on the topic and is parroting opinions they are now convinced are correct.

    • @stoy@lemmy.zip
      94 months ago

      Yep, I still make the misstake from time to yime and try and give a resonable take on a rant post when I feel like they are too unfair.

      Latst time was a few days ago when I responed to a person in a Linux community ranting about how Windows 11 sucks because he didn’t know how to use it properly and that it had the audacity to not include drivers for 20 year old equipment.

      I got massively downvoted and after I explained that I was an IT tech that didn’t run Linux on my main machine, I was weirdly called out and some idiot claimed that you can’t be an IT tech if you are not running Linux as your main computer OS.

      It was kinda funny, I was bashed contiously by the open community for a minor disagreement, while I believe that I stayed polite throughout the conversation

      • @Feathercrown@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Linux users drive me crazy. They clearly see that Windows users try to use Linux like it’s Windows and encounter problems. Why can’t they see that trying to use Windows like it’s Linux will have the same issues?

      • JackGreenEarth
        24 months ago

        You can be an IT technician with Windows on your main machine. Whether you should be is a different question.

        • @stoy@lemmy.zip
          44 months ago

          If my needs were better served by Linux on my main machine, then yeah, I’d go Linux, but since Windows better suit my needs at the moment I don’t.

          I did run Linux as my main OS for about two years, but then my needs changed and I went back to Windows.

    • @agent_flounder@lemmy.world
      44 months ago

      That first one is where I feel I’ve seen myself and others get downvoted more than anything else listed here. Maybe it is recency bias from that one thread the other day lol.

      • @Feathercrown@lemmy.world
        14 months ago

        I agree, but it’s also very easy for this mindset to lead people to equate two very different-in-magnitude evils as “the same”.

    • @LainTrain@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      24 months ago

      Honestly though in all actuality there are very few topics where nuance does exist like with guns for example: it’s a very nuanced issue and calls for bans without acknowledging the reality that for many in America relying on the justice and police systems is not always a good or even safe option when it comes to personal safety, but at the end of the day you either ban them or you don’t and any extra asterisks are minutiae, so people don’t really care about your personal reasons they just want to know what side you fall on in the conflict.

      So often nuance-enjoyers come off as effectively saying “what if we rape but only sometimes?” on the topic of whether rape should be a crime in society.

      • @snooggums@midwest.social
        64 months ago

        Every topic has nuance.

        Every. Single. Topic.

        There is even nuance when talking about nazis. Like the fact that they rose to power by giving people economic solutions prior to speed running pure evil. That doesn’t anything that they did was good, because the nuance is in how they implemented those economic actions. The small details that made it work so they could rise to power at that point point time in that location.

        Nuance doesn’t mean good or evil, just complexity and more details than most people think about. Sometimes it isn’t super relevant, and can be used to distract from the high level details, but it is still there. Nuance with racial disparity is keeping in mind that a lot of racism is implemented in different ways regionally, while still being racism.

        So often nuance-enjoyers come off as effectively saying “what if we rape but only sometimes?” on the topic of whether rape should be a crime in society.

        That isn’t nuance. That is weaponized compromise.

        The fiddly details about consent and coercion in relation to rape would be about nuance.

  • Björn Tantau
    544 months ago

    Asking why you’re getting downvoted is usually the easiest way to get downvotes.

    But I often wish I would get a comment about downvotes. It’s easy enough to see why I’m getting downvoted when I post stupid shit, but sometimes I feel like even the most uncontroversial post or comment will get at least one downvote. I want to know when I’m wrong, so I can learn!

    Like, the other day there was a post getting downvoted to oblivion and nobody told OP anything. I commented my reason and OP actually seemed to be learning from that, edited the post and the downvotes stopped accumulating.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      124 months ago

      I’ve seen completely normal and innocuous statements heavily downvoted here. Some people seem to just downvote everything and other people seem to downvote anything that already has downvotes. But one thing is for certain, it’s treated as a like/dislike button, not as a meter for content that does or doesn’t contribute to the subject.

      • @Feathercrown@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I don’t think either of the popular behavior descriptions of “upvote if it contributes” or “upvote if you like it” really describe why most people upvote/downvote. My personal downvote criteria is more of a checklist:

        • Is it unnecessarily cruel?
        • Is it misinformation, or significantly misleading?
        • Is it something so tired and overused that I don’t think it should be posted?
        • Is it completely nonsensical?
        • Etc.

        If any of those are true, depending on the severity I’ll leave it be or downvote. I’d imagine most people are similar.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
          23 months ago

          Those are all reasons I downvote too, but I’d lump them all into the “doesn’t contribute to the conversation/community” category. I’ll also report something if it’s dangerous misinformation, or very hostile towards an individual.

    • @snooggums@midwest.social
      114 months ago

      I had a conversation with someone about one of my downvotes posts, which helped to understand yet another stupid derailing tactic that terrible people use to stifle conversation. I really appreciated their feedback, even if I didn’t see any way to avoid the misunderstanding.

  • ValiantDust
    464 months ago

    Anything slightly “feminist”. You know, like pointing out that women do the majority of unpaid care work. Or saying it’s not nice to objectify women. Or sometimes mentioning the word women will do it.

    • a lil bee 🐝
      294 months ago

      Lemmy has a much, much, much better crowd than reddit, but it definitely still got the “not all men”, “I only ever comment on stories about extremely rare false rape accusations” crowd.

      • @garbagebagel@lemmy.world
        104 months ago

        I remember on Reddit once I commented a very vague description of a very personal experience I had with SA. Not fucking joking, people were defending this person they knew literally nothing about, except for the fact that I had said “oh yeah, I’ve experienced SA”.

        I haven’t seen anything that bad on Lemmy yet so hopefully it stays chill.

        • a lil bee 🐝
          44 months ago

          I’m so sorry to hear that. Anyone with a shred of integrity approaching the issue will see that the statistics do not point to some pervasive false accusation culture, but rather a systemic issue of SA perpetuated primarily toward women for almost all of human history. It doesn’t mean that any other types of issues should be discarded, but reddit would have you think that every other rape accusation is false, and that all the true ones are against men.

          It’s just an obvious bias on their part that is continually perpetuated by men dominating the platform on the mainstream subs. Lemmy has been better in that regard, because I think folks here are a little better about checking their biases for better discussion.

          • @Feathercrown@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            The problem is that this topic is very complex and very opinionated, and any opinion has very dangerous logical consequences if it’s even slightly wrong. So you get people arguing tiny semantics against people with traumatic personal experiences, which is not a good recipe.

      • ValiantDust
        4 months ago

        It’s better, but very far away from good. My comment and the other one mentioning the same thing are already the ones with the most downvotes in this thread. So thanks to the downvoters for proving my point, I guess.

      • @TheGalacticVoid@lemm.ee
        54 months ago

        I’m guilty of this because I genuinely don’t see why “not all men” is bad. As an example, I see a concerning amount of women who emotionally abuse their husbands or boyfriends publicly in subtle ways, but there isn’t a huge culture around avoiding all women. As a dude, saying that “not all men” is negative doesn’t seem that different from saying “I’m not racist, but…” or “I’m not sexist, but…” because the conversation never seems to be about men with red flags or the people in power who don’t do anything when SA is reported.

        What am I missing or not getting?

        • a lil bee 🐝
          44 months ago

          Let’s leave aside the labels (sexist, racist, etc) for a moment, because these conversations tend toward applying/avoiding those and it just loses a lot of nuance.

          Let’s metaphor this, because I think that helps. Is it possible for someone with millions of dollars to have a truly bad day? Of course it is. Is it possible for them to be hurt by someone with way less money than them? Obviously, yes. Positions of privilege never fully insulate anyone from hurt or harm, and those in worse positions can perpetuate harm. That’s fully understood and accepted.

          I don’t think anyone with integrity would say that women are in a position of power relative to men. Women have been systemically and systematically oppressed for virtually all of human history. A woman even being able to talk back to a man without severe physical consequences is an insanely recent development at scale in our world. There are still dozens of countries that are not letting women wear what they choose, marry who they choose, go to school. Men (as a group) have never been subjected to anything remotely close to anything like this, and in fact have perpetuated it for all time.

          Now, there are some whackos out there who hate all men because of that. They’re super, super rare, and they’re wrong. Most women are indeed wary about random men, especially if they have experienced assault or harassment, but that is a far cry from hating all men.

          To boil it down, there’s a huge historical and modern difference in the way the genders/sexes are treated, and that cannot be ignored just so we can try to achieve the utopian world of no distinction. We have work to do as a society, as genders, and as individuals to repair this gap together. Good men belong right next to us, doing that work. And every good man I’ve ever met has willingly done so. Instead of asking “why are you avoiding me?”, they give us space and support. Instead of asking “why not men?”, they do the work to support fellow men instead of asking women to do it for them. Instead of saying “not all men”, they actively engage in not being those men and are content in that.

          • @TheGalacticVoid@lemm.ee
            13 months ago

            While I don’t think what you said is wrong (though I have some semantic disagreements; I don’t think men are privileged but do think that women are disprivileged), I don’t think it’s that relevant. Power dynamics are far more complex than what you’re describing. While you can conclude that women on average have less power than men on average, that doesn’t mean there aren’t a huge amount of men subordinate to other men, women subordinate to other women, or men subordinate to women. In all of those cases, some higher figure is abusing their power, whether it’s by SA, violence, manipulation, or especially not holding someone else accountable.

            The way I see it is that by making blanket statements implying that men are the problem, you’re distracting yourself from the root problem while alienating a good chunk of people who would support your cause, including male SA victims. It (anecdotally) seems like the pool of vocal SA victims is in actuality limited to just women who have been assaulted by a man. That division seems unnecessary. It’s the same way of thinking that alienates women who have Autism or adults who have ADHD; people only talk about the biggest or most substantial sub-group rather than the group as a whole.

        • @Feathercrown@lemmy.world
          24 months ago

          I’m with you. I spent a LOT of time in r/TwoXChromosomes before moving to lemmy to try and understand that commmunity, and their arguments for why “not all men” is bad basically boiled down to “we’re tired of having to include that at the bottom of every post, just let us rant.” Which like, okay… but you’re spreading information and culture by making a public rant post. If you refer to “men”, that by default means “men in general”, not “some men”. So yes, you really should specify which ones you’re talking about every time. The exception is if you do specify a subset of men or even singular man, in which case, yes, “not all men” comments are unnecessary at worst.

        • @daltotron@lemmy.world
          13 months ago

          to kind of sum it up, I think “not all men” tends to be kind of a red flag in the same vein as “all lives matter”. Not quite as bad, and obviously it’s contextually different as “not all men” refers to feminism rather than race relations, but I think it kind of makes the point as a metaphor.

    • @phoneymouse@lemmy.world
      44 months ago

      I pointed out that it was silly how Barbie made Ryan Gosling more of a star at the Oscars than any woman and got downvoted for it.

    • warm
      124 months ago

      It’s very misused as the disagree button rather than the not relevant button.

  • @SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip
    314 months ago

    Saying something centrist instead of left-wing. I feel like I’m left of center in most places, but right of center here. Stuff like “we should try to just have a well regulated capitalist system instead of going full on socialist, because as bad as capitalism is, socialism has been shown to be worse,” would get me downvoted into oblivion.

  • @A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    AI isn’t stealing your art. Text to image stable diffusion literally can’t output a copy of your work.

    And if you post your art online for free, you have no expectation of anyone not using your work to the extent that fair use allows. AI looking at your work for training is the same as a human looking at your work for inspiration.

    • JackGreenEarth
      54 months ago

      I agree, for some reason majority opinion on this website hates AI.

      Here is an essay I did on AI, by the way:

      People have long said that new technology only creates more jobs. To those people, I would like to direct your attention to the cart-horse. Around a hundred years ago, before electric cars, people used to go around on horses, or in carts and wagons pulled by horses. Horses were an integral part of the transport system, and most horses were employed as such, even being bred specifically to cope with higher demand on people needing to go places. With the advent of the car, large swathes of the horse population became unnecessary, and the population dwindled to a new equilibrium as fewer horses were needed in transport, but fewer horses were also bred. Compared to the busy, hard life horses had to put up with only a few decades ago, most horses nowadays, although there a fewer of them, live a life of comparative luxury, living in fields most of the day where they are free to graze, are given good food by their owners that care about them, and are only occasionally ridden by humans, and even when they are, it is far more relaxed and more of an enjoyable activity than horse-riding was when it was the only way to get somewhere, and done on a daily basis.

      Humans often have this idea that they are special. That they are the only ones that can weave cloth – until it is automated. That they are the only ones who can make pottery – until it is automated. That human labour is the only way to get power – until power production is automated with the advent of electricity. That they are the only ones can be ‘creative’, who can write stories, make art, play music – until that is automated too. True, in all those cases, humans were still involved in the process to some extent, mostly for quality control and maintenance, but far fewer humans are needed to create the same amount of stuff – whether physical goods or more ‘idea-like’ stuff such as art – than before. In fact, recent progress has shown video games that were even tested and quality controlled by AI, as well as being programmed by AI and using AI generated assets, doing away with the need for humans entirely. This is analogous to the true scenario that I outlined in the first paragraph, and is not necessarily a bad thing.

      It is quite likely that, in an impossible to predict timespan (it may be 20 years, it may be much more), humans will have developed technology with the capacity to completely create all the things we need, and more – good food, comfortable shelter, entertainment, and so on. Some will argue that this cessation of the need for humans to work will results in economic collapse and mass hardships, but this is a small minded perspective, often viewed through a capitalistic lens. The horses didn’t have a population explosion and lack of resources due to their work being gone, on the contrary, their numbers dwindled – which is not a bad thing, as long as it is through natural means, which it was, it just means that every individual has more attention and resources – and their lives improved, since they no longer had to endure hard labour every day just to survive. It is certainly attainable for the same thing to happen to us. Population growth is already falling in developed countries, and only people who are unable to image a world without human labour see this as a bad thing. If less humans work every year, and more AIs do their jobs, it balances out, and is a way to ease into a world where there is very little to no human labour, and all our needs and most of our wants are produced by AI.

      As much as many people dislike the sentiment, this would not work in a capitalistic world where what someone gets is dependent on what they contribute to society, for self-evident reasons (those being that no one would need to contribute anything to society if it is all being done by robots), and therefore in a world where all necessary labour is done by AI, we would have to move to a system where everyone gets resources simply by dint of existing, rather than needing to contribute anything themselves. You can call this socialism if you want, it doesn’t really matter what you call it. This system would have the benefit of reducing stress caused by the feeling that you are obligated to do something, while not removing the ability to contribute something if you want – after all, it is necessary labour that has been abolished, not all labour, and just as horses are still used as a novelty and entertainment today, and many people value hand-made pottery, food, etc., over manufactured counterparts, there is likely to still be a desire for art, objects, and stories made by humans even in such a world where all necessary labour has been abolished.

      This also deals with the counterpoint made by many that people will struggle for a sense of meaning and purpose in a world where there is no necessary labour – first of all, people struggle for meaning and purpose even when they do work necessarily, and second of all, as mentioned above, they can still do unnecessary, but still valued labour, and get the same meaning and purpose from that.

      Some people, myself included, think that although the above scenario may work in theory, in practise it would be difficult to get the billionaires and billionaires’ puppets in government to agree to such a sensible system when the huge benefit to everyone may come at a small cost to themselves – even if the cost is just ego, even if they could still keep all their material resources. I admit, I don’t see a good solution to this problem myself, but, in conclusion, I hope we can think of one together, as this is a world many, including myself, would like to live in.

      • @nymwit@lemm.ee
        23 months ago

        The meta bit is that specifically here, it’s sort of a derail of the main topic. Some downvotes I’m sure are for that. As for why this essay might generally attract downvotes? I’ll follow your locomotive off the track.

        I mean, 1. It’s a frickin’ essay. 2. Comes off as a little cold and sorta “I know better than you do”, and 3. seems to completely miss the point of what I interpret as most folks dislike of AI in the current incarnations we are seeing (which isn’t a real sci-fi type general AI that gets society to the end point of your essay). I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone worrying about “what will I do to find purpose in a fully-automated-gay-space-luxury-communism?” (overemphasis mine of course). It’s now and the next so many years, not some far off future that (I interpret) folks seem to be worrying about. It’s income stability now, careers to go into now, disinformation now, degradation of the internet and media now. I think the zeitgeist here is that it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. I don’t think anyone on Lemmy really has high hopes for major players in current economic systems to use AI-as-it-exists-now to make anything better of the world in aggregate. It ain’t the tools, it’s those who wield them.

    • @Feathercrown@lemmy.world
      44 months ago

      I thought we saw instances recently of AI outputting verbatim snippets of its text input? It’s not impossible, I mean the well-known problem of overfitting is a simple example of how it can happen.

      • @A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world
        33 months ago

        That’s true, but I was only talking about art and stable diffusion. I know it’s more of a problem with LLMs but AFAIK every time someone finds a way to get it to quote something copyrighted verbatim, it’ll just cease to function. The most I’ve ever been able to get it to do are things they’ve already been pretty much agreed to be fair use, like summaries and criticisms.

        And yeah over fitting is a problem in some models, but the ones taking your money like Dall-E have systems in place to mitigate it. I think it’s only considered theft as much as when a comedian hears a joke way in the past and forgets that it was already used in someone else’s routine. It’s not really a problem until the entire routine is just someone else’s routine.

    • @Schlemmy@lemmy.ml
      114 months ago

      Oh yeah. I’m pretty new to all of this but just mentioning the fact that the CCP is doing raunchy stuff got me downvoted to hell. Even when those replies were provided with links to articles and facts I am being called racist.

      • @LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net
        104 months ago

        That’s just lemmy.ml. Most other users on Lemmy are not like that. I would strongly consider changing instances of you are not too invested in your current one.

          • @LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net
            13 months ago

            I’m not exactly sure what you mean by this but there are many different instances with many different rules. I’m sure you can find one that is close to your viewpoints.

            Personally I don’t think it’s important to be exactly in line with your instance but I do find a subset of Lemmy.ml users noxious enough that I try to minimize my interactions with their instance.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        64 months ago

        “Racist” is over used so much now that it’s losing its impact, which is horrible, since it needs to remain an ugly word.

  • @BallShapedMan@lemmy.world
    184 months ago

    When I reply to a comment with a laugh or what have you. I like them too know I laughed but since I’m not adding to the conversation I guess I’m getting voted down. I do it anyway.

  • SavvyWolf
    184 months ago

    Anything mentioning furry. Which is a shame, because I hoped the internet had outgrown such immaturity.

    Although, looking through my history, apparently anything that criticizes Windows or AI, which is odd considering the demographics here.

    • JackGreenEarth
      54 months ago

      That would be weird, I would think you’d be downvoted for, on the contrary, liking Windows. But the AI thing I have seen, even if I don’t understand it.

      I actually expressed my views on AI in another comment.

    • Draconic NEO
      44 months ago

      Haven’t had many experiences like here, most people seem either positive or indifferent (both furry stuff and femboy/gnc). It doesn’t come up as much here though so it’s possible I just missed it.

  • @stackPeek@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Can I be honest? Religion. Anything related to it, somehow will get someone downvote me. Even if I just mention “God” or something. I get that I should “separate the church from the state” or I should be secular here or whatevs, and I respect that. It’s not like every time I mention I force it down to everyone’s throat!

    Tbh I wanted to make a post that greet everyone on Lemmy that are doing Ramadhan fasting at first, but now I don’t even feel like doing that. There’s no point of posting it, I guess, if it got downvoted and no one wants to see it.

    I guess this means that Lemmy isn’t much different from Reddit…

    • Aviandelight
      64 months ago

      Well I would like to wish you and anyone else who’s celebrating a Happy Ramadan.

    • JackGreenEarth
      54 months ago

      I don’t hate you for being a Muslim, I feel sorry for you. You can’t choose what you believe, and your natural personality combined with your experiences and upbringing made you a Muslim. You are negatively impacted by Islam’s restrictions - such as Ramadan, for example.

      But I also feel sorry for all the non religious people religion harms, and more so.

    • @fastandcurious@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Tbh its such a complex topic that unless someone has studied it extensively/experienced it, they can’t really understand the extreme nuance behind it, and also the fact is true that people who claim themselves as ‘religious’ are mostly pieces of shit

      I see myself as a practicing person but frankly the people who drive me nuts are always the people who follow the same faith, and tbh I think this might have to do with conservatism and the refusal to listen to others/accept you were wrong rather than religion itself, people somehow refuse to believe they are wrong even if you show it from their own scripture

      Some blame is still on lemmy though, people somehow don’t seem to have any knowledge on this subject and make the most absurd claims and also somehow get upvoted to heaven, and I don’t bother correcting because its no good, ig this is just conservatism as well but of a different sort, unless u are an atheist, you are stupid/dumb

      Ramadan Mubarak if you are involved though! I have always found it very fun!

    • Lemmy really isn’t that different from reddit at all, its just got more Linux memes. All the problems that exist on reddit outside of the IPO exist on lemmy in a smaller fashion, and sometimes not so smaller.

  • @rdri@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Lately, basically saying that hamas did a big mistake and Gaza would be in a better situation now if they (hamas) were smarter human beings.

    • @weeeeum@lemmy.world
      33 months ago

      People get up in arms about it because

      1. Superiority complex

      2. Supporting Apple hurts all tech consumers

      To further elaborate on number 2, apple is very anti-consumer. They hike prices, overprice upgrades, lock down hardware, prevent repair etc. This spills over to android phones as everybody rushes to copy Apple. People get pretty pissed that their own devices are becoming enshittified due to Apple’s success. They then blame and attack apple consumers.

      It’s not justified at all, but I hope people understand it now. People are pro-consumer, Apple isn’t.