ID: A screenshot of a post on lemmy accessed via, in light mode.

the text and secondary UI elements are too difficult to see, and i have no idea how to change the theme since i couldn’t find the setting in my Account Settings page on desktop. any ideas how to fix? thank you

  • @cwg1231
    116 days ago

    Theme selection seems to not persist properly. The theme resets when I close and reopen my tab. Is there a fix for this?

    • AdaMA
      116 days ago

      What happens if you then refresh the page?

      • @cwg1231
        14 days ago

        It remains on light theme.

        Edit: I am very silly and was forgetting to hit save. The fact that it was persisting in that tab when I navigated away, despite not having saved, gave me the mistaken impression that I didn’t need to save.